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Working Overseas: Why Relocating for Work is Great for Your Career


While global travel is frequently touted as an excellent means of broadening an individual’s perspective, it is rarely discussed as beneficial to one’s professional ambitions.

Here’s a comprehensive look at why relocating for work is great for your career;

The Benefits Of Relocating For Work

Many studies support the importance of international travel to an individual’s career. For instance, a report released by Harvard Business Review reveals that emerging employees with foreign exposure are frequently superior critical thinkers and demonstrate greater originality.

With so many corporations working and operating across different states and countries – demonstrating that you have a broad perspective and expertise in international business might just be the help you need to land a job with a transnational corporation.

However, while many companies operate within different countries and offer relocation programmes for their employees – their relocation programs aren’t particularly smooth due to a lack of streamlined relocation systems.

Luckily, firms like ARC make it easier with their global mobility solutions business, where they create great strategies for a smooth and successful transfer of staff across borders. With that said, below are some of the benefits of working abroad.

Enhance Your Professional Abilities

Among the most important advantages of working overseas is the spectacular development of your professional abilities. Like they say, comfort breeds complacency – hence, by working overseas, you’ll be able to curb complacency in your career since you’ll be challenged to study, grow, and develop in areas you would never have been able to back in your home country.

The change in location will force you to learn foreign productivity techniques in a bid to fit in with the work culture of whatever country you’re relocating to. You may also be forced to learn how to use new work tools and softwares depending on how differently your new company operates from your old one.

For instance, if your old company required you to use Microsoft Word as your primary writing tool, your new company may require you to learn how to use Google Docs. Perhaps the best part about working abroad is that you can carry every one of these new talents back to your home country with you and apply them to a larger range of employment opportunities

You get to come back home with an array of talents – which, in turn, can help you stand out among your peers.

A Chance To Earn A Higher Salary And Advance Your Career Faster

Working in another country can also assist you in increasing your overall income and at the same time, help you get promoted faster. If you relocate for work, you’ll have the option to bargain a larger wage than you would in your home country, especially if you’re moving to a country or city with a higher cost of living than what you’re used to. 

For instance, if you’re earning $50,000 per year in Utah working in finance, a move to Dubai could earn you close to twice that amount. That’s primarily because your abilities have a limited availability in other nations – hence, employers in other states and countries are typically prepared to spend more for them. 

It’s also worth noting that while relocating for work can help you earn more – it can also help you fast-track your ascent into senior roles. According to Robert Half, a highly specialized staffing agency; nearly six out of ten chief finance officers in the finance sector genuinely believe that a worker’s odds for promotion drastically improve if they have global work exposure.

In fact, this notion is further backed up by Paul Polman, the former CEO of transnational Anglo-Dutch corporation Unilever. He contends that today’s corporate executives and employees must be more and more international to keep up with the current changes in the business world.

Improve Your Cultural Tolerance

Working overseas has the added benefit of exposing you to a new culture. This is useful not just on a subjective basis, but it may also help you advance professionally when working with customers – that’s because it exposes you to fresh business techniques and approaches.

Furthermore, developing your cultural sensitivity will not only help you cope with foreigners while you’re around them, but it will also help you grow your awareness and understanding of others since you’ll have a better knowledge of how various people have different viewpoints, ideas, and sentiments. In some cases, you might even learn a new language.

You get to explore a range of cultures and traditions, which will aid you in serving a global audience later in your career. 

You Get To Take Advantage Of The Travel Opportunities That Come With Working Abroad

Another significant advantage of working overseas is the opportunity to explore different countries. Traveling to a foreign country gives you the chance to explore their society, structures, and landmarks when you’re not working.

It is a fantastic opportunity to broaden your horizons and learn more about various societies. You may, for instance, visit a museum, a park, an art gallery, or a historical location that you would not otherwise have seen if you hadn’t traveled there.

You may also utilize your vacation time from your overseas job to travel to different regions of the world and learn about other cultures – allowing you to see some of the world’s most breathtaking sights.

It Gives You Career Flexibility 

Lastly, working overseas can offer you career flexibility – that’s because, while working abroad, you’re exposed to different career options that may not have existed in your home country.

For instance, if you worked as a developer back in a country that had limited involvement in the Blockchain space – you’ll be able to switch to a career in the Blockchain industry by simply moving to a country that is actively involved in the Blockchain industry.

In conclusion, relocating overseas for work can be a great career move, however, you need to evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of switching countries before making a decision to relocate.