This course is equipped with everything you need to pass the A+ certification core 1 (220 – 1001) exam and that too from a well-experienced instructor. The course has been designed to help you prepare for the CompTIA A+ core 1 (220 – 1001) exam which is an internationally-recognized, fundamental IT training certification. Here you will understand the laptop hardware components in detail. Then you will understand what cables and connectors, CPUs, motherboards, power supplies, RAM, hard drives, and so much more.
Following are the results of comprehensive analysis of “TOTAL CompTIA A+ Certification (220-1001)” online course by our team of experts.
TTC Rating 9,996 Reviews
TakeThisCourse Sentiment Analysis Results:
In order to facilitate our learners with real user experience, we performed sentiment analysis and text mining techniques that generates following results:
TTC analyzed a total of 9,996 reviews for this online course.
The analysis indicates that around 94.4% reviews were positive while around 5.6% of reviews had negative sentiment.
Total Seminars online course received a total score of 4.7 out of 5, based on user opinions related to 4 effectiveness factors including content, engagement, quality practice and career benefit.
TTC Sentiment Analysis based on Learner Reviews
TTC Course Effectiveness:
TTC Online Course Effectiveness Score
Career Benefit
4.7 / 5.0 ★★★★★ 3,323 Reviews
4.8 / 5.0 ★★★★★ 6,157 Reviews
4.5 / 5.0 ★★★★★ 1,274 Reviews
4.6 / 5.0 ★★★★★ 876 Reviews
What Will You Learn in This Course?
Taking this course will help you understand;
How you can pass the CompTIA A+ certification core 1 (220 – 1001) exam.
Then, you will learn to repair and configure mobile devices.
You will develop the skills required to become a great IT and computer tech.
Similarly, you will learn all about hardware including monitors, CPUs, motherboards, hard drives, RAM, etc.
Then, you will learn to build everything from a basic workstation to a gaming system.
Next, the instructor explains what the cloud is and how virtualization works.
Thus this and so much more can be learned from this course.
This section contains feedback from users who have taken this course. By reading actual comments from actual users, you can get a clear and true picture of what this course has to offer.
Positive Feedback:
What I liked the most about this course was the way the instructor Mike explained every topic. He made things so much easier, simple, and straightforward to understand. Everything made sense to me and I was able to follow right along. (Aida Diaz, ★★★★★).
I think this course is a great way to start preparing for the CompTIA A+ exam. The lectures were great and easy to digest. After completing this course, I think I can take my Core 1 exam soon. So, big thanks to Mike for this course. (Kainoa L, ★★★★★).
The only thing that kept me going was Mike’s constant enthusiasm and corny humor. From the start to the end, all the topics were explained in an engaging manner. (John N, ★★★★★).
This course was exactly what I have been looking for a while now. Mike is great at explaining all the things. He made the material easy to understand and didn’t bombard us with all the unnecessary details. Instead, the course only had relevant material. (Austin C, ★★★★★).
I really appreciate the effort that has been put into this course. The graphic representations were very helpful and I am happy to say this course has helped me make sense of many parts of my job. (Tashane D, ★★★★★).
I really appreciate this course and the course content was very relevant and can easily prepare you for the certification exam. As a visual learner, I learned so much from this course. The course has great stuff to offer. (AJ, ★★★★☆).
I have been playing with computers since I was little and I can say this course has shown me so many things that I didn’t know before. I can’t wait to apply everything I have learned from this course. (John RP, ★★★★★).
The course content is quite dense and it wouldn’t be wrong to say the instructor has made the course very easy to follow and provides learners with entertaining and practical applications for its use. But with this course, I suggest everyone should also consult additional CompTIA A+ resources. (Charlie B, ★★★★★).
This course is a perfect way to prepare for the exam. The content is clearly explained and even the foreign concepts were understandable for a beginner like me. I have gained a certain amount of confidence to appear in the exam so wish me luck. (Mitchell C, ★★★★★).
The information that this course has to offer is really easy and absorbable. The teaching style of the instructor is on point. And I can say anyone who is interested in CompTIA can learn from this course. (Frank S, ★★★★★).
A very thorough, engaging yet challenging course it was. I am not preparing for the exam and only took this course to improve my understanding of computer-related topics which I believe is achieved. (Clinton T, ★★★★★).
After completing this course I can say anyone can rely on this course to prepare for the CompTIA A+ exam and thus I am recommending it to everyone interested. (Kayla P, ★★★★★).
This was a great course that allowed me to pass my A+ core 1 test with great marks. Mike’s personality and way of teaching is impeccable that made me complete the course. In short, I had a great time learning from Mike. Looking forward to enroll in other courses as well. (Paul B, ★★★★★).
This was a fabulous course that not only had comprehensive explanations but it turned out to be very relevant and worth learning. The course is for sure worth every penny. (Sarah M, ★★★★★).
This course has been a beneficial source for me to prepare for the A+ exam. The lessons were very easy to follow but yes you would definitely have to put in enough time to pick up the concepts. (Donald C, ★★★★★).
Negative Feedback:
The course is good overall however it wouldn’t be wrong to say a lot of information relevant to the networking section was not covered in this course which I believe is very important to prepare for the exam. (Tristan M, ★★☆☆☆).
When I took this course I thought it would be more like a test preparation but it turned out to be quite opposite of it. The course doesn’t focus on how to study for the exam but rather explains what will be in the exam. (Carlos S, ★★☆☆☆).