Home Tableau Tableau Desktop – Super Easy Introduction

Tableau Desktop – Super Easy Introduction

  • Created by Milos Zikic
  • 5,045 + students enrolled
  • 328 Review available
  • 3 hours on-demand video
  • 17 downloadable resources
  • Access on Mobile and TV
  • Assignments
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Lifetime Access
  • 30 days Money back guarantee

What you’ll learn:

  • Understand how Tableau Desktop fits within the Tableau family of products
  • Combine data sources for use by Tableau
  • Connect to a variety of sources including flat files, databases and web services such as Google Analytics
  • Understand data types and roles
  • Use key operations in Tableau – filtering, sorting, grouping and creating sets
  • Work with extracts (file formats used by Tableau)
  • Build and format data visualizations
  • Work with maps and location based data
  • Create interactive dashboards by using parameters, calculations and actions
  • Publish dashboards and visualizations

You might also be interested in Tableau Certification Preparation.Take This Online Course The whole world is practically aware of the things that tableau is capable of doing. And learning tableau has become very important for those people who continuously have to deal with big data and interpret results from it. Because of tableau, the problem of handling of huge data and deduce results from it has become very easy hence we can say that tableau should be learned by all those people who have a direct or indirect relation with huge data. As we know that tableau have multiple types but here we are going to discuss about one of its types named tableau desktop. To get you started with tableau desktop, we have an interesting course named Tableau desktop-Super easy introduction, this course is an introduction about tableau desktop that will help you to understand the basics of tableau desktop and build a strong base from the very start. The course will help a learner to understand how tableau desktop fits in the whole tableau family and what is its role? How flat files, databases and web services such as Google analytics can be connected to tableau. What are the different types of data and what are their roles? How to publish dashboards and create visualizations and much more is being explained in this short course. The course may be short but it sure contains everything there is to know about tableau desktop.

Who should take this course?

This course should be taken by all those people who are related to tableau or handling of huge data. Tableau is something that requires proper guidance and efforts in order to master it and this course has everything there is that can help to master this field. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, this course is a must have. The course will help a learner, a professional, experienced, Inexperienced in short every kind of learner in a best possible way. So we can say that if any learner has even a slightest of interest in this field and wishes to take this filed as a career and doesn’t know where to start from, then this course is the first step for him. Take this course and you will develop strong understanding about tableau concepts that will help you to learn more about tableau in the easiest way.

Social Proof:

Let us discuss some of the feedback that our users haven given after completing the course. The feedback can help other users to decide if the course is helpful for them.

5 Star rating:

The course helped me a lot in understanding difficult concepts.

I was able to learn so many different concepts regarding tableau desktop with the help of this course.

I got so many great ideas from the course that I can apply to my work.

I am a professional and when I took the course I was able to gather so many ideas from the course that I applied to my existing work and the result was phenomenal.

It helped me with my general tableau and visualization skills.

The course is a perfect choice for getting a learner a sense of what tableau desktop and visualization skills are.

The overall structure of the course is excellent.

The whole course was amazing and the overall structure of the course is very appealing.

The course has taught me so many difficult techniques so easily.

This course has taught me so much and has deepened my knowledge about tableau desktop. Also the techniques that I got to learn from this course were otherwise impossible to learn without proper guidance.

Very helpful course that has a lot of practice tests to solve.

This course is a complete package for all those who have a need to master tableau skills. Every lecture in the course is helpful and the best thing about this course is the practice tests to solve. Once you complete the course and then start the practice test, it gets so exciting to solve them and so many concepts that were not cleared during the lectures are cleared through these. Indeed best course ever.

Made my work experience even better.

I already have experience with tableau but I took this course to update my knowledge and due to this course suddenly my work experience got even better. This course taught me so many new things that I had no idea about. Now I enjoy doing my work very much. It was a good decision for me to take this course.

i would for sure recommend this course to my peers.

I would recommend this course to all those learners who wishes to enhance their basics of tableau. The course will for sure help all the learners in every possible way. And I believe that once you take this course you will recommend it to others like me.

A very structured course with great delivery.

The course is made in a very organized manner. Every set of lectures has different topics covered that are totally independent of one another. You will find every lecture very useful and the way that it has been delivered by the instructor is amazing and gives confident to their learners that nothing is impossible.

Very experienced tutor. And gives good explanation of every term.

Judging by the way that the instructor has given the lectures, I’d say the tutor has a lot of experience in this field and he knew exactly what he was doing. He had delivered every piece of information with full confidence and his way of tutoring is amazing.

The data sets used in the course turned out to be very helpful in real life.

The course had data sets that were very helpful not only for learning purpose but they also turned out to be very helpful in real life problems. This made my work experience even better as I was able to solve all the real life problems easily with the help of this course.

There wasn’t even a single thing about the course that is needed to be changed.

I have taken many courses and every course had something that needed to be changes but not this course. Everything about this course is just perfect and helpful.

this course is one of those courses that actually show functionality.

This course is something that actually shows functionality. How you can turn tableau skills into actual functions is taught in this course.

The course has technical details that are very helpful.

This course has many techniques that if performed in real life are very helpful. When I started the course I took notes of all these unique techniques and then I applied it on real life problems and this turned out to be very useful for me and had made my work experience really amazing.

4 Star rating:

The instructor is extremely knowledgeable, engaging and super-responsive.

The instructor had a lot of knowledge and he knew exactly what he’s doing. He had a strong grip over the concepts and his way of teaching was excellent.

The instructions given in the course are very clear and can easily be applied in real life.

I found this course to be very interesting because what so ever the concepts explained in this course can be applied in real life very easily. That is why I really enjoyed learning from this course because I knew that whatever I get to learn from this course will help me improve my real life work performance.

Best for those who wishes to learn tableau very deeply.

If a learner wishes to learn tableau very deeply and want to learn all the terms and techniques there is about tableau then he should definitely take this course. This course is specially made for those type of learners who have a positive urge of learning these skills.

Helped me to take step by step understanding of tableau desktop.

I am not a fast learner and it always take time for me to understand things. I like to learn things step by step and this course is exactly according to my need. It has all the step by step information available that helped me a lot in understanding every piece of information available in this course.

The questions and quizzes given in the end are very helpful.

When you complete this course, you are going to find a number of different questions and quizzes. I would suggest every learner to solve these quizzes and questions very carefully and honestly. In this way they will turn out to be very helpful for all the learners.

A refreshing course that will refresh all your tableau desktop concepts.

I found this course very refreshing. It had so many concepts explained in a managed way that can refresh a professional’s concepts very easily. So I would recommend this course to even professionals as they also need to update their knowledge timely.

I had loads of fun in attempting assignments and tests.

I enjoyed learning from this course a lot. I am determined to become a professional tableau analyst and that is why I took this course so that it could help me in every possible way to become one. This course helped me a lot in becoming one. The most amazing part for me was the tests and assignments. I enjoyed a lot attempting those.

After this course, tableau got easier for me.

Before I took this course, tableau was an issue for me. There were so many concepts about tableau that were difficult for me. But after completing this course, I started enjoying tableau. Those concepts that were once difficult for me to understand got easier for me. An amazing course indeed.

3 Star rating:

The homework exercises were really good but a little open ended.

I was able to solve many exercises on my own but then there were some exercises that were pointless.

The start of the course was very difficult to understand but the rest was good and easy.

The starting videos of the course were very difficult to understand and I couldn’t understand anything but then the other part of the course was easy to understand. I wish the whole course would have been easy to understand.

2 and 1 star rating:

Some applications in the course have few explanation.

There are some applications in this course which are discussed in it but not enough explanation is given about them and how we can use it in real life is also a question mark.


Let us discuss some of the alternatives related to this course that can also be taken. We will give some brief explanation about these courses that will help students to understand better about what the course is.

Tableau 10 desktop training:

This is a perfect course that is suitable for all those who wish to learn tableau desktop skills. This course will help a learner to learn about tableau desktop in a step by step instructions. The course is suitable for all types of learners and it will help them to develop strong basics of tableau. It has multiple data sets, tons of lessons, different exercises and quizzes and much more to solve in order to get a complete understanding of tableau. The courses has a good rating of 4.4 and thousands of students have enrolled in this course and have benefited from it. So if you think that this course might be it for you then click on the below mentioned link to get it now. Also visit here for tableau certification training here.


We can conclude our topic with a surety that this short course is without any doubt a perfect key to learn tableau and become the best. The course has been designed in such a way that will help all types of learners and even professionals. The course helped a lot of learners to start a career in this field and many were able to develop interest in this field after taking this course. So click on the take this course button now and start learning tableau in an easy possible way.

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