Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Dumps

Tableau Certified Associate exam is second step in desktop certifications track. It demands 5+ months of tableau product experience. In this online exam, one requires to answer 36 questions related to tableau product in maximum of 120 minutes (2 hours). Passing score for desktop certified associate exam is 75%. As per tableau, CA exam has 2 years validity. Take our tableau desktop certified associate dumps to prepare well and pass in first attempt.

Standard (1 Exam)

  • Access to Practice Exam 1
  • 36 Questions Quiz of 120 minutes
  • Practical Scenario-based questions
  • Validate skills on Tableau 2020.1
  • Step by step solution to each question
  • Unlimited Attempts for 30 days
  • Secure Payment via Paypal

Premium+ (6 Exams)

$60 $44.99
  • Access to 3 Exams in Premium Product
  • Access to 3 Theory-based Exams
  • 36 Questions Exam of 120 minutes
  • Practical Scenario-based questions
  • Validate skills on Tableau 2020.1
  • Step by step solution to each question
  • Unlimited attempts for 30 days
  • Secure Payment by Paypal


Q 1: I have seen many sites are providing high quality practice exams for tableau desktop certified associate exam, so what makes you different from others that I should buy from you?

Yes that’s right there are many websites offering what we offer. But the difference here is that many websites fail to offer extended support to the users. We are unique in a way that when you buy our exam, we become your partner in this journey of yours. And we would try our very best to help you out in every possible manner so that you are fully prepared for the exam and succeed.

Q 2: I have gone through enough learning content that I feel prepared to take the exam. So is it necessary to spend money on any practice exams?

Well, it only depends on you. Practice exams are usually the most feasible way to evaluate yourself and find out whether or not you are ready to take the actual exam. And if you feel confident enough and don’t feel the need to take the practice exam then it is totally fine. But generally speaking, taking the practice exam test would give you a good idea about how to solve the actual exam and would increase your speed. So to be on safe side, it is best to take the practice exam.

Q 3: What are the chances of passing the real exam if I take your practice exams?

The chances are high because our free quizzes and complete certification exams are carefully created following the tableau provided curriculum and exam pattern. Suppose, if you take our practice exam and get a high score in it, then the chances of clearing the actual exam are quite bright. But still we would never give you a 100% guarantee that you will pass. It is because the tableau exams are widely spread across all the course line and thus your theoretical study and exposure with tools also counts in passing the real exam. If you wanted to try Tableau desktop Specialist Certification dumps first, follow the link at the end of this page.

Q 4: Suppose I am facing some problems in your practice exams, how much determined is your team to cater to all my educational needs relevant to the tableau desktop certified associate exam questions? 

Just like we said earlier, our customers are very valuable to us and as soon as they take our practice exam, we become their team and try to entertain every question they raise. So be at ease because our team will be with you throughout your journey. But know that it generally takes 24 hours to get an initial answer and solution in the next 48 hours.

Q 5: What if I decide to buy your associate membership but after some time I am not satisfied with the quality of your exam? Can I get a refund then?

We believe our users are most important to us and that is why if they are not satisfied with the quality of our practice exams and would want a refund then certainly we are not bound to ask any questions from them and refund their paid amount. But there is one requirement from our side that is, you must file the refund claim before the expiration of the membership.

Q 6: I want to buy the tableau certification exams but before that I need to know the quality of these exams.

You should know that all of our practice exams are developed by a team of tableau experts who have tableau certification and with rich tableau exposure. We are more than confident about the quality and quantity of our exam products and thousands of students who have taken our practice tests made it to the actual exam. Still if you have doubts then you can try our free quizzes and questions and answer solution videos to find out what we offer. In addition, we also give a money back guarantee which means that your money is safe with us.

Q 7: I don’t have PayPal since it does not work in my country. So how am I supposed to pay now?

This is not a big problem as there are many countries where PayPal might not work and if your country is one of them then no worries because as soon as you contact us, we are going to arrange a bank payment transfer directly with you. You can send us an email at

Q 8: I have seen some similar questions on other websites and they are available for free, so isn’t it better if I just take the free ones?

It is a sad fact that we don’t have any control over copy and piracy of our content. But what we can assure you is our extended support. So whenever or whatever the problem you have our team of Tableau experts are there for you 24/7. And this is what makes us different from others.

Q 9: I took the practice exams from your website and found it very useful. I have also studied well for the exam but in the end I failed the actual exam. So what should I do here?

We are very sorry to hear that but certainly there is no shortcut to success and we never gave a 100% guarantee that everyone who takes our exam will pass the actual exam. Since you have failed the exam so we strongly recommend you to not give up and start over again. First go through the exam prep guide very carefully. Then try to identify the weak areas and cover the deficiency with the help of the following resources.

  • Tableau provided free video.
  • Tableau provided help book.
  • Practice exam questions.

It is natural anyone can fail the exam for the first time even if he was well prepared but no one should lose hope and start again and keep trying until you succeed.

Q 10: What can the tableau certification dumps teach me?

Ans: These mocks aim to test your ability in using statistical tools and evaluate the various aspects of data visualization and how you create dashboards. In short, it helps you to examine your preparation in tableau desktop 10 concepts and focus on all such areas where you are weak.

Q 11: Are there any requirements to take the tableau practice test?

There are no requirements to take either of the certified or specialist exam. As the test will be on a computer screen so you don’t need a pencil or paper for such purpose.

Q 12: Will the tableau test be updated frequently?

Yes, we would love for our users to stick with us and that is why we update the practice tests (both certified and specialist) frequently to include the new material relevant to certified or specialist exam. It saves the user’s time as he doesn’t have to go elsewhere to look for latest information. Thus our practice tests are updated as per the latest testing version of tableau.

Q 13: Do you have tableau server practice exams?

Yes, we have two complete tableau server certified associate practice exams available here.

Finally, you can follow here for tableau desktop specialist practice exams.