Home Universities Superfoods: Myths and Truths

Superfoods: Myths and Truths

Course Highlights
  • EIT Food via FutureLearn
  • 19,742+ already enrolled!
  • ★★★★★ 4.6 (154 Ratings)

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If you wish to learn about the real definition of “Superfoods”, or to learn what foods are called “Superfoods” and their impacts on the body and health, you should enroll in this course sooner than later. In this course, you will learn about the neuroscientific, biological, and social impacts of superfoods. Also, how it is deeply related to the society and economy. Furthermore, you can have the opportunity to learn about the major factors to consider while differentiating between a superfood and others. Also, you’ll comprehend the knowledge related to various nutritional properties that certain superfoods contain.

Moreover, this course will teach you about how you can interchange diverse diet routines which would include superfoods to boost your health and immunity. The major aspect regarding the superfoods which will be discussed in this course is to make you understand the core mechanism of working of superfoods in our body. If you do not possess any prior experience in medical sciences, you can still enroll in this course. This course covers a wide spectrum of audiences including individuals having zero knowledge as well as dietitians and doctors.

TTC Course Analysis:

Following are the results of comprehensive analysis of “Superfoods: Myths and Truths” online course by our team of experts.

TTC Rating
149 Reviews

TakeThisCourse Sentiment Analysis Results:

In order to facilitate our learners with real user experience, we performed sentiment analysis and text mining techniques that generates following results:

  • TTC analyzed a total of 149 reviews for this online course.
  • The analysis indicates that around 85% reviews were positive while around 15% of reviews had negative sentiment.
  • Basic Statistics’s online course received a total score of 4.3 out of 5, based on user opinions related to 4 effectiveness factors including content, engagement, quality practice and career benefit.

Superfoods Myths and Truths

TTC Course Effectiveness:

Online Course Effectiveness Score
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit
4.9 / 5.0
62 Reviews
4.8 / 5.0
54 Reviews
5.0 / 5.0
15 Reviews
5.0 / 5.0
09 Reviews

Based on learner reviews we believe;

  • The delivery of lectures followed the easy-to-follow approach to facilitate the participants understanding better, especially for those who are new to this particular area of study.
  • This course provides the knowledge that can change the mindset of most people who think that superfoods are expensive to include in our diet. Based on this fact, this course has been designed with the intention to make the learners understand the truth about this subject.
  • The course was succinct in nature as it provided great updated information on the subject. These timely updates of factual information offer great learning opportunities.
  • The instructors were very engaging and they were able to captivate the attention of the students effectively

Superfoods: Myths and Truths

Pros & Cons:


  • Updated facts
  • Great presentations
  • Easy-to-understand
  • Experienced instructors
  • Information enriched


  • Short length course

What Learners Are Saying About this Course:

This section contains feedback that has been given by online learners about this course. Note that we have divided these reviews based on our main points mentioned below;


  • This course carried content that was designed to spread awareness about what food we are eating and what other food we should be eating instead to keep our bodies healthy. (Glynis K, ★★★★★)
  • This course is information enriched and provides great insights into the subject. The educators can have my sincere appreciation for designing this course. Their hard work is reflected in the course content as they were able to deliver newer ideas like never before. (Alevtina E, ★★★★★)
  • I must acknowledge the fact that this course has compiled information in the form of videos and documents with high quality and standards. I did not expect this course to be that deep in terms of information and knowledge. (Victoria B, ★★★☆☆)
  • I think that the course is designed with great professionalism as it includes deep knowledge. It covers most of the study areas of this subject. I personally liked this course very much and am willing to learn more from other courses like this in the future. (Ashish J, ★★★★★)
  • This course had both features of being interesting as well as knowledgeable. The content of the course offered great insights with valuable facts and information. The resource material provided for the study assisted the participants a lot in grasping most parts of the knowledge. Also, discussions with other learners were a major plus of this course as it provided a super learning environment. (Susan L,★★★★★)
  • The course content was well-structured and contained detailed explanations. This course is a perfect fit for novices and up to intermediate-level learners. (Christine L, ★★★★★)


  • It was as a whole an interesting course comprising loads of useful knowledge which have great practical applicability. Also, the course was super enjoyable and helped me keep my attention intact. (Aine N, ★★★★★)
  • This course was amazingly interesting as the speakers were impeccable during their lectures. The information which flowed towards the audience had a direction and the speakers presented with a particular intention of making the learners understand. This made the course even more engaging. I think after taking the course, I am able to alter my perceptions about the truths of superfoods and the myths that lingered on with me for so long. (Reda H, ★★★★★)
  • This course was super engaging which injected an urge within me to explore more about it and expand my horizon of learning. This course is a perfect fit for those who are willing to get an introductory course about superfoods so that they could develop a strong fundamental understanding and then move toward more advanced courses. Also, this course offers a great opportunity to engage with other learners with diverse mindsets across the world. (Mary F, ★★★★★)

Learner’s Career Benefit:

  • This course provided me with great assistance in my academics. As my degree relates closely to the subject that is discussed here in this course, so it helped me a lot. (Nomathando P, ★★★★★)

Learner’s Suggestions/Recommendations:

  • The length of the course should be increased so that more value could be added to the course to make it a complete package.
  • The content in some videos could be improved including topics related to harvesting and storage of fruits.
  • More visual illustrations were part of the course, it would have improved the quality of the course to a great extent.
  • Some more reviews on the foods relating to the specific nutritional values should be added so that a better understanding could be developed about it.
  • Although the presentation style was alluring but at times the accent became a troublesome aspect of the course. This issue should be addressed.

Discover the benefits of enrolling in courses in food technology certification to advance your knowledge in this dynamic field.

Is this Course worth taking?

This course is worth spending your time on as it provides some valuable learning opportunities about superfoods and also gives you insights into how you can add superfoods to your diet to boost your health. Also, the content was well-designed and delivered through excellent video lectures and supporting reading materials. The course also widens your perspectives about the realities and myths regarding superfoods. Most importantly the instructor is very engaging and keeps your attention captivated throughout. The discussions with other learners can aid you in learning many innovative concepts and generate some commendable ideas of your own.

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