Home Blog Top 3 Scrum Master Certifications in 2023

Top 3 Scrum Master Certifications in 2023


In the world of software development, everyone is competing to become prominent and set their career on a straight path. And scrum certifications are the best way for any person to achieve a high rank at an organization. Although, many companies prefer scrum masters Certifications the question here is which scrum certifications are the best and which one to choose. So that is why takethiscourse.net presents you with a list of top Scrum master Certifications for the year 2023 which all the companies demand and earning any one of these will lead you towards a successful career path. You can also find CSM Practice Test and PSM Certification Dumps Exam Questions that is close to real exam conducted by all the top 3 leading Scrum Master Certifications Organizations.

Top 3 Scrum Certifications:

As you know there are many credentials out there but among them, three leading organizations for the Scrum Master certification are quite famous which are

  • Scrum.Org.
  • Scrum Alliance.Org.
  • Scruminc.Com.

Now let us take a look at what each of these leading organizations have for us.


Scrum.Org offers certifications for both Scrum masters and Product owners which are:

  • Professional Scrum Master I.
  • Professional Scrum Master II.
  • Professional Scrum Master III.

Scum.Org takes a different approach from their competitors and recommends to first take a course to learn all the necessary content to pass the exam. Remember this is just a recommendation and not a compulsion. But many courses also include the cost of the test in it that you have to take. So not only you get to learn from the course but also take the test as well. Also, if you take the test within 10 days of finishing the entire course and suppose you fail, then the retest would be free and you won’t have to pay a single dime. And if you’re looking for study material to prepare for the PSM exam or the PSM practice tests, then click here.

Scrum Alliance:

The Scrum Alliance like its competitors offers different scrum master certifications which are:

  • Certified Scrum Master (CSM).
  • Advanced Certified Scrum Master (ACSM).
  • Certified Scrum Professional (CSP).

All these certifications by Scrum Alliance require that a person must take a 16-hour course which is normally a 2-day training by a certified trainer. As soon as you are done with the course and have mastered all the material, the instructor is going to register you with the Scrum Alliance.Org. After this procedure, you will get an invite to take the test and this is how you become a certified. Becoming a scrum master through Scrum Alliance demands that first you earn the CSM certification. Once you’ve become a Certified Scrum Master, the next step is the ACSM and then the CSP.

Passing the CSM exam demands thorough understanding of all the knowledge areas of scrum. So get your hands on best CSM exam questions by clicking here.


The ScrumInc.com is a training company and has certifications to offer to only Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Scrum Trainer. Though it may be hard to find learning material or practice exams for the ScrumInc.com but it is guaranteed this is all based on the same principles. In other words, you can easily use other scrum practice exams to prepare for the exams by ScrumInc.com. So there’s nothing to be worried as to how you will prepare for the exam.

Some other Courses for Scrum Master Certifications

# Course Name Instructor Name Duration

Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management

Yael Grushka-Cockayne

  • 4 weeks
  • Study 2 hours Weekly

Ultimate Guide to PSM I

 Angelo Tofalo
  • 3.5 hours on-demand video
  • Course eBook with 250+ pages
  • 7 articles

Mastering Agile Scrum Project Management

LearnSmart LLC
  • 14.5 hours on-demand video
  • 564 downloadable resources

PMI-ACP Certification Training – 21 PDU Course

TIA Education
  • 9 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resources


These above mentioned are the top Scrum Master certifications for the year 2020 which everyone related to this field can choose to advance their career. Though the three institutes have different certifications and credentials to offer yet they all are based on the same principles. So get in the race of becoming one of the best scrum masters today and never stop learning.