Now we have launched part 2 in this series of Scrum Master Certification Exam Sample Questions. We’ll explore sample questions related to Scrum Roles with multiple options as per the format of ScrumAlliance CSM and PSM certification exams and provide a complete step-by-step solution at the end with the correct answer. You might also be interested in scrum team building skill development.
That will help our readers to understand the Scrum Roles related concepts and improve their knowledge for Scrum Framework.
Lets dive further to Scrum Master Certification Exam Sample Questions on Scrum Roles.
Question 1:
What does the Product Owner do during a Sprint?
Choose the correct option:
Correct Answer: B
Solution Details:
During a Sprint, developers are focused on the sprint goals and working to deliver the increment. The Product Owner is available to clarify requirements or any work-related queries. The product owner has nothing to do with other items.
The developers manages most of their work and Scrum Master facilitates them to remove any impediments. The Product Owner can only help to answer queries and clarify requirements.
Question 2:
Which role is responsible for turning the Product Backlog into incremental pieces of functionality?
Choose the correct option:
Correct Answer: C
Solution Details:
As per updated version of Scrum Guide 2020, Developers actually chooses Product Backlog Items for the Sprint and deliver an increment at the end of each Sprint.
Question 3:
If a team member is consistently late for the Daily Scrum, what is usually the first thing a Team should do?
Choose the correct option:
Correct Answer: C
Solution Details:
The scrum framework introduces the concept of Self-Organizing & Self-Managing teams (as per Scrum Guide 2020 Update). Out of the 5, two scrum framework values are related to the problem discussed above.
Respect: Scrum Team members respect each other to be capable, independent people.
Commitment: People personally commit to achieving the goals of the Scrum Team.
So, in the situation described above, the first thing a team should do is to meet with the team member to re-iterate the scrum values and find out a solution internally.
Question 4:
Which is not a Product Owner Responsibility?
Choose the correct option:
Correct Answer: A
Solution Details:
Key responsibilities of the Product Owner are to gather requirements and maintain product Backlog, interacting with stakeholders, and inspecting the work delivered in each Sprint Review Meeting.
Product Owner may participate in the daily scrum but organizing and running daily scrum is not his/her responsibility. Scrum Master is the one who actually organizes and facilitates scrum events including daily scrum.
You can find more Scrum Roles related CSM exam questions for Scrum Master Certifications.
Question 5:
Who provides estimates in Scrum?
Choose the correct option:
Correct Answer: B
Solution Details:
The developers provides estimates for PBI (Product Backlog Items) i.e. User stories using different estimation techniques. Planning Poker is a consensus-based technique for estimating, mostly used to estimate effort or relative size of user stories in Scrum.
No one (Scrum Master or Product Owner) dictates during the estimation activity.
Question 6:
The CEO asks a team member (a developer) to do some work outside the goals of the current Sprint in progress. What should the team member do?
Choose the correct option:
Correct Answer: C
Solution Details:
The Developer must not take tasks from anyone outside the Scrum Team. So in case, a scenario such as this comes across, the team member should inform the Product Owner, who could then work with the CEO to update the requirement in the Product Backlog.
So this all about Scrum Roles. Stays in touch for the next part in this series for Scrum Master Certification Sample Questions related to Scrum Events.
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