Nowadays, when it comes to data tools one can easily get overwhelmed by the choices. And that is why many people lean on the internet to find out the best tools there are to use. Even with these best tools, we would eventually choose one for us right? Today, in this article, we are going to make a comparison between two of the most effective data tools which are tableau and SAS visual analytics. By reading the detailed comparison of SAS Visual Analytics Vs Tableau, anyone can easily decide which one is suitable for him/her.

But first, let us take a look at SAS visual analytics vs Tableau separately.

What is Tableau?

Tableau is a widely used data visualization tool that allows different organizations or enterprises to make effective data-driven business decisions. What it does is blend information from multiple sources and then delivers actionable, real-time insights. With the help of tableau, you can explore data through intuitive means like drag-and-drop filtering and natural language queries. Similarly, tableau offers ample customization and control over data visualization by enabling the creation of dashboards and stories conveying business narratives. Check out the Tableau Desktop Specialist Dumps that you might be interested in.

Tableau is loved by everyone in the data science world and it has an active community of more than 220,000 users from all over the world.

What is SAS visual analytics?

SAS visual analytics on the other hand is a business tool that offers quick answers to complex questions which are drawn from datasets no matter their size. With the help of SAS visual analytics, users of all technical skills level get guided exploration, smart visualization, and interactive dashboards. Similarly, SAS visual analytics offers a versatile and scalable design that can help us make better business decisions that are based on transparency. It is built on a cohesive in-memory architecture that promotes intelligent action driven by insight.

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In a nutshell, the main focus of tableau is to provide all such data visualization tools that can integrate with any kind of software and provide advanced analytics through the tableau desktop. Whereas, the focus of SAS is to provide advanced analytics tools and create a product that can support enhanced data visualization through SAS visual analytics.

But know that both the tools come from a very different places of strength and the below comparison will help you understand which one is better in which category. So decide for yourself which one is better for you based on this below comparison.

Based on ease of use:

If we talk about the ease of use then tableau has some advantages over SAS visual analytics. Even though both the organization are providing training to learn to use their tool but when compared to Tableau, SAS is not offering much to get started. In other words, tableau offers excellent on-demand training and that too for free. Even tableau training is readily found from third-party sources and at an affordable rate as compared to SAS visual analytics.

Based on sharing results:

Sharing is known to be the most important activity in visualization tools. And in this case, both Tableau and SAS visual analytics work well. Whether you want to share with 10 or 1000 colleagues, sharing is not a problem.

Both tableau and SAS visual analytics offer web-based options to share information and also provide excellent security administration which protects the information at all times. One thing to mention here is the security options are much more in-depth with SAS visual analytics as compared to the tableau. But then again, the majority of the organizations are still pleased with tableau’s security enhancements lately.

Based on integration:

Both the tools can integrate easily with multiple data sources. With that, new options in this space are added regularly in tableau and SAS visual analytics. Whatever the tool you use from the two, it would be very hard to find any significant connecting issue. But yes, SAS visual analytics is not capable enough to connect to Google Analytics which gives tableau a lead here.

Based on pricing:

When it comes to pricing, making a comparison between the two can be difficult because both do not price in the same way. SAS’s pricing is based on the data size and processing needs. On the other hand, tableau’s pricing is based on the number of users and creators as well.

Tableau pricing starts at under $1000. It is $840 for 1 report developer and $144 for 1 report viewer.

Based on live support:

As per as providing live support is concerned, both Tableau and SAS offer 24/7 live support. With that, it offers substantial help documentation for free. Even though SAS offers support yet the extensive documentation can be overwhelming.

Tableau offers social media help and a tableau forum which is readily available at all times.

Based on additional features:

  • Both tableau and SAS allow reports to be viewed through mobile apps.
  • With that, both tools offer email notification options for real-time alerts to different problems.
  • Similarly, VA can process very large datasets on all the visualizations you create.
  • With that, it allows data wrangling and some exploratory data analysis as well.


As a whole, SAS visual analytics and tableau offer many features. But overall tableau offers the most features which are efficient as well. Thus we can say it all depends on what your requirement is but know that both tools provide answers to all your business needs.

TTC Team

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TTC Team

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