Home Blog PSM 1 Certification Exam Subject Areas

PSM 1 Certification Exam Subject Areas


As we have previously mentioned many times in our discussions that the PSM certification has three levels. And to be able to pass all the three levels require different planning and understanding of subject areas. We believe that it is very important to get yourself familiarized with each subject area or topic so that you can prepare according to it. In our experience, a very prominent reason for failing the PSM 1 certification exam is having insufficient knowledge of what type of questions will be asked in the exam and what subject areas will be covered.

Many learners while not knowing the subject areas of the exam only focus on solving whatever the sample questions or practice tests come their way. This creates inconsistencies in your preparation plan. So today our topic of discussion is the PSM 1 certification exam subject areas.

We believe that after realizing how many subject areas there are and what is covered in each area, a learner can then prepare according to it and would give equal attention to each subject area.

Key Subject Areas in PSM 1 Certification:

The below mentioned are the subject areas in which specific topics are covered.

The Scrum Framework:

The scrum framework encloses in it all the scrum roles, artifacts, different rules and events that bind them together. All these roles and rules that make up for the scrum framework are as per the scrum guide. So it is very important to have a good understanding of the Scrum framework. Stay up-to-date and ace your exam with our Updated Scrum Guide PSM 1 Questions.

Scum theory and Framework:

This area covers the understanding of scrum theory and its principles. What are the values of the scrum and what is the empirical theory of its existence? What type of approaches are used to optimize predictability and control risk are all covered in this subject area. Check out how to Maximize your Chances of Passing PSM 1 Certification? To get a better grasp of the Scrum certification levels, you might find this comparison of PSM 1 and PSM 2 helpful.

Cross-functional, self-managing teams:

If we talk about a traditional development group or a scrum team then there is a great difference between the two. The scrum team works on the principle of having a cross-functional and a self-managing team. Which will lead to more creativity, productivity and flexibility? This theory enables the scrum team to never rely on any other individual outside the team and accomplish their goals on their own.

Coaching and facilitation:

This subject area focuses on the overall behavior of the scrum masters. The team leaders or the project managers in a traditional environment work quite differently as compared to the scrum masters.

In short, the scrum masters are known to be the servant-leaders who work with one aim in their minds that is to help and facilitate their team by all means. Their goal is to not only facilitate its team but also the organization in applying all scrum. In this way, the whole team and organization become capable of discovering techniques that are best for their work. You can find out Reasons why PSM Certification is so popular at our platform.

Some Best Courses for Scrum Master Certifications:

# Course Name Instructor Name Duration

Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management

Yael Grushka-Cockayne

  • 4 weeks
  • Study 2 hours Weekly

Scrum Certification Prep +Scrum Master+ Agile Scrum Training

Paul Ashun
  • 2 hours on-demand video
  • 21 mins on-demand audio
  • 13 articles
  • 5 downloadable resources

Mastering Agile Scrum Project Management

LearnSmart LLC
  • 14.5 hours on-demand video
  • 564 downloadable resources

PMI-ACP Certification Training – 21 PDU Course

TIA Education
  • 9 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resources
So these were the exam subject areas and the questions asked in the exam will be related to these concepts. So it is very important to not just know these subject areas but to also prepare for the exam according to it.