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10 Practical Benefits of Learning First Aid


In a recent study, researchers found out that seven out of 10 adults admitted to lacking knowledge on the proper application of first aid. Further surveys into this topic also found out that only 5% of people were willing to take action during emergency situations.

Reasons can vary as to why this has become the norm. Some common explanations include being too busy, unwillingness to learn, and lack of funds to pay for courses.

Whether through misinformation or fear of holding someone’s life in your hands, these numbers present a grim view of what could likely happen to you during an accident. While it’s only natural to trust professionals when a life-or-death situation occurs, it’s important to realize that you can arm yourself with this knowledge as well.

First aid courses were designed to give people practical experience when dealing with sudden emergencies. They can be spread across a few hours during weekends and culminate with an awarding of certificates to show mastery of the lessons.

Moreover, learning how to perform first aid can be an empowering and life-changing experience. One that ends with you coming out the better for it.

To lay to rest any apprehensions you may still have, read on to discover the multitude of reasons learning first aid can help you:

  1. Saves Lives

Although it goes without saying, saving lives will always be the best reason for educating yourself on first aid. Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time.

Home is where you can feel the safest, but it’s also the place where accidents are most likely to occur. People ailing from certain conditions might experience sudden attacks. By having this knowledge, you help keep friends and loved ones protected.

Some common injuries that can occur at home include:

  • Bleeding
  • Burns
  • Allergic Reactions
  • Broken Bones
  • Choking
  • Drowning
  • Frostbite

Finding a legitimate first aid course provider will be the first step on your journey. Learning from a reliable source will give you the knowledge on how to respond to different medical emergencies. They will also clear away any misinformation that you may have internalized through the media.

Whether friends, family, or total strangers, having the power to save lives is no small feat. Remember, that person involved in an accident is someone’s child, friend, or family member as well. Going through the trouble of learning and getting certified means having one more person you can rely on in emergencies.

  1. Helps Ease Mental Strain

Accidents are scary things. They strike when you least expect them and can leave lifelong scars. Although it can seem like someone has fully recovered physically from an accident, the mental scars can take a lifetime to heal.

During emergencies, a patient’s stress level can adversely affect the application of first aid. People suffering from heart conditions may worsen, and children may injure themselves further when they panic.

Learning how to respond to these types of situations with authority can help ease both mind and body to those that are suffering. Consequently, people can also sense when you are uneasy. Creating a calm atmosphere with your presence can be the greatest asset when applying treatment.

Benefits can include:

  • Lowering the injured person’s blood pressure, which can affect wound healing.
  • Getting a clearer view of events that lead to an injury.
  • Better focus on locations of pain and specific symptoms they are feeling.
  • Patients can help by informing you of emergency medicine they carry or any medications that they may have ingested.

It’s no wonder why many survivors of traumatic events liken emergency care providers to angels. Understanding patient psychology is a part of learning. This, coupled with a calm demeanor, will be an indispensable trait acquired through proper medical training.

  1. Prevents Injuries from Worsening

Stabilizing a patient before emergency services arrive decreases the chances of possible permanent damage. It also benefits paramedics as this makes gathering info about the patient smoother.

Sports injuries are common examples of damage that have the risk of worsening. Some movements, like walking or bending while playing, can exacerbate muscles that are on the verge of tearing. A trained eye can easily spot players who risk injury but continue to play anyway. Immediate treatment can help athletes from nerve damage or tearing muscles.

Things like these make investing the time to learn all the more valuable. Sometimes, people need to be reminded of their limits. It can take the familiar voice of a friend to remind them of the importance of rest.

  1. Reduces Patient Recovery Time

A patient’s recovery time can be reduced with first aid. Performing first aid is the first step in dealing with an injury, and its effects can echo well past the point of danger.

Long hospital stays are never advisable unless completely unavoidable. Doctors wish their patients a speedy recovery due to a number of reasons.

First, patients who have longer hospital stays can find readjusting to life at home more difficult. It’s always best to quickly re-acclimate to living life without constant supervision.

Second, patients may start to get used to painkillers and other medications to deal with complications. Prolonged dependence on these types of medications has been linked to addiction, kidney damage, and stomach bleeding.

Whenever accidents or injuries are involved, the aspect of aftercare can slip your mind. Spending money to learn first aid can end up saving you from a mountain of hospital bills.

  1. Helps You Stay Calm During Emergencies

Keeping patients calm may be important, but keeping yourself calm is even more preferable. As accidents can happen when we least expect them, your response to the situation may be the only thing you can keep control of.

Aside from life-threatening injuries, accidents can present you with a barrage of stress-inducing conditions. Time-sensitive treatments and keeping patients calm while waiting for emergency medical teams to arrive can make minutes feel like hours. Throw in reactions from bystanders, and you’ll wish you were a master of meditation. You can also checkout Reflexology classes.

This is where your training kicks in. There, you are taught to maintain your composure no matter what. It’s universally known that having a cool head helps your concentration, enhances performance, and keeps you grounded as well.

Knowledge is power, and having previous experience from training will level you when everyone else is shaken. Moreover, having a focused mind can be beneficial to have in everyday scenarios as well. Skills learned from training save lives and are useful to have in life.

  1. Makes You Confident

People who obtained their first aid training certificate reported increased feelings of confidence in themselves. Going through the training has also reportedly enhanced feelings of camaraderie and open communication with other people.

Most training is done in groups, and it can be a quick way to make new friends. Everyone starts out as a beginner and experiences the same challenges. This is a reason some companies consider first aid training seminars to be excellent team-building exercises.

Weekly sessions are also excellent opportunities to connect with people and learn from them. Having this experience will help you communicate better in all your interactions.

These skills are naturally people-oriented, and that idea is heavily featured by instructors. The power to help others and be more than a bystander are some of the more common reasons why people sign up.

  1. Helps You Spot Possible Dangers

As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cures, and this principle is applied thoroughly in learning first aid. A practical benefit to learning is honing your eyes to see possible sources of danger.

A part of your training includes common sources of accidents and how to prevent them. You are armed with the knowledge of addressing these concerns before anything should happen. It’s better that you won’t have to open a first aid kit in the first place.

Common accidents and their causes that occur at home include:

  • Poisoning – Household chemicals, medicines, and cosmetic products are the most common things ingested by children.
  • Slips and Falls – Unsecured carpets, scattered toys, and unleveled floors can cause people at home to lose their balance.
  • Drowning – Private pools or even bathtubs can be hazardous for children and adults.
  • Burns – Stoves, curling irons, and matches are common offenders.
  • Electrocution – Electric outlets and faulty wiring are the number one causes of electrocution
  • Cuts – Most of these injuries are reported to occur in the kitchen.
  • Choking – Eating small toys is a common incident with children, while having difficulty in chewing is more common with the elderly.

Help in emergency situation

The list can go on and on, but part of undergoing the training is helping you keep all these in mind without losing your head. While you can never fully control the future, being able to address safety hazards at home or at work is completely within your reach.

  1. Educates You On What To Have In A First Aid Kit

Everyone knows that first aid kits are the tools used to help you perform life-saving treatment during emergencies. But have you ever stopped and checked to see what a first aid kit contains?

A first aid kit is defined as a collection of supplies used in treating a variety of injuries, such as bumps, bruises, cuts, etc. They are usually stored in packs or bags. Places to consider having a kit are in your home, car, and where you work.

While the standard first aid kit contains items like tape, patches, and bandages, the specific needs of a place play a big role in deciding what goes into a kit. Things like the number of people who are usually present in the vicinity, and how far away the closest medical facility is, are taken into consideration when planning.

Some things you can expect a first aid kit to have can include:

  • Medicine
  • Scissors
  • CPR Masks
  • Medical Gloves
  • Tweezers
  • Emergency Blankets
  • Antibiotic Ointment

Yearly checks are also crucial to the effectiveness of your kit. It helps you take notice of possible expiration dates and any damage to the contents. Make sure to survey your home and take note of things that might need certain supplies to address.

  1. Can Look Good in Your Resume

Certificates from training can be an excellent addition to your resume. First aid training certificates are highly sought after.

Holding a certificate can be a way to show employers that you are someone who takes responsibility. While companies may offer their own seminars, having the initiative to learn is a notable trait they will keep in mind. Businesses seek people who have experienced training due to the number of benefits they bring into an organization. If you’re interested in Medical Technologist Jobs Key Skills, then click here.

Whether working at a construction site or in the office, having you there will feel like an assurance to the rest of your coworkers.

  1. Helps You Live a Better and More Confident Life

Finally, learning first aid may help increase your standard of living. While you hope that nothing could ever happen to your loved ones, the reality is that one never knows. Some people are crushed with the weight of this anxiety, but you don’t have to.

By learning first aid, you prepare yourself to tackle any situation that comes your way. You are more aware of the risks and can take action to prevent them.

Going on a camping trip, vacationing abroad, and trying out different sports, are all worthwhile activities. They are made even better by doing them with your loved ones and a peaceful mind.


Learning new things can take time, money, and effort. It doesn’t always immediately click, and you might be inclined to leave. But when it comes to the safety of our family and friends, no price is too great. Taking the time to learn can only benefit you

The thing you can be proud of is the fact that you help your fellow man. Not many can say the same. It’s also a good thing that getting a certification can boost you up in your career. Having a certificate can communicate good qualities to your employers.