
10 Best NPTEL Online Mechanical Engineering Courses

Want to discover the pinnacle of knowledge? Use our guide to the Best NPTEL Online Mechanical Engineering courses offered by

Key Takeaways:

  • Offers a comprehensive list of the top 10 NPTEL online courses for mechanical engineering.
  • Topics include Engineering Mechanics, Introduction to Robotics, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, and more.
  • With each course, you get access to structured learning, theoretical tools, evaluations, and practical applications.
  • These courses are ideal for all those seeking in-depth knowledge and expertise in mechanical engineering through NPTEL courses.
Latest Updates: Enrollments are now open for more than 500 NPTEL Online Courses for January 2024 Semester. Follow here for the latest updates about NPTEL Enrollments & Exam Registration 2024 (Jan & July Semester).

What are the key topics covered in NPTEL Online Mechanical Engineering Courses, and how can individuals benefit from these courses?

This list of Best NPTEL Online Mechanical Engineering courses offers a wide range of topics. From Engineering Mechanics to Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Introduction to Robotics, you will learn everything important. The list is crafted with expertise by Each course leads to a structured learning experience and encompasses theoretical tools, evaluations, and practical applications. These NPTEl courses offer a pathway to learners who wish to gain expertise in mechanical engineering.

Introduction to Engineering Mechanics
  • Georgia Tech via Coursera
  • 15 hours of effort required
  • 242,376+ students enrolled
  • ★★★★★ (4,724 Ratings)
Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know
  • University of California via Coursera
  • 8 hours of effort required
  • 95,657+ already enrolled!
  • ★★★★★ (4,287 Ratings)

For a thorough grasp of engineering principles, it’s crucial to understand the basics of materials science. Dive into our guide for a comprehensive overview.

Digital Manufacturing & Design Technology Specialization
  • University of Buffalo & The State University of New York via Coursera
  • 4 Months of effort required
  • 32,186+ already enrolled!
  • ★★★★★ (3,601 ratings)

List of 10 Best NPTEL Online Courses for Mechanical Engineering:

Below are the names and details of the 10 Best NPTEL Online Mechanical Engineering Courses.

Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics

      • Prof. Anubhab Roy via NPTEL
      • Co-ordinated by: IIT Madras
      • 8 Weeks duration
      • Discipline: Mechanical Engineering

As we all know that static and dynamic systems are nowadays considered to be the heart of all engineering. These static systems range from bridges, load-bearing members of roofs to fasteners and bolts. From the list of Online Mechanical Engineering Courses, In this course, the instructor is going to help us understand the theoretical tools that can help us analyze the static and dynamic systems thoroughly. As the world is surrounded by fully engineered systems like machines, automobiles, buildings, and bridges. This course is going to present the basic principles of dynamics that will help develop proficiency in applying all these principles to formulate and solve unique dynamic problems.

Similarly, you will also get to study applications of dynamics concepts to modeling the engineered mechanics. The learning content of the course has been divided into different weeks. In each week, you will get a chance to learn something new. The first topic is the rigid bodies where students will get to know what these are and their purpose. Then, the Mechanical Engineering Courses instructor will talk about degrees of freedom and equations of equilibrium in detail. After that, you will understand what structural systems and modeling are. Then, zero force members and stability, friction, the principle of virtual work, and many other topics will be taught.

Computer Integrated Manufacturing

      • Prof. J. Ramkumar & Prof. Amandeep Singh via NPTEL
      • Co-ordinated by: IIT Kanpur
      • 12 Weeks duration
      • Discipline: Mechanical Engineering

The computer integrated way of manufacturing has turned out to be quite beneficial as it leads to speed, flexibility, and better control. This course aims to help you understand the different computer integrated manufacturing approaches. With that, the instructor will also talk about the CAD/CAM tools along with appropriate case studies. The course also contains some laboratory demonstrations so as to add a practitioner’s touch. With the help of this course, students will get a chance to develop a prowess to large plan, design, and develop a product and also a production system.

From the list of Nptel Mechanical Engineering Courses, This course starts with an introduction to Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). After that, you will understand what computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing are. Going further, you will learn about what computer numeral control is. After that, the Mechanical Engineering Courses instructor will talk about CIM interfaces which are CAD and CAM. Then, other topics like computer-aided maintenance, advanced CIM techniques, simulation of manufacturing systems, and many more are discussed as well.

Introduction to Robotics

      • Prof. Ashish Dutta via NPTEL
      • Co-ordinated by: IIT Kanpur
      • 12 Weeks duration
      • Discipline: Mechanical Engineering

If you wish to get complete know-how of what robotics is and all its fundamentals then this introduction to robotics course is what you need. Among Online Mechanical Engineering Courses. The course starts with a thorough introduction and then the Mechanical Engineering Courses instructor is going to talk a little about the evolution of robotics. After that, he will be talking about kinematics. Similarly, your next topic will be a homogenous transformation matrix where the instructor will give you a briefing on these matrices.

Going further, the instructor will talk about the robot architectures, kinematic parameters, DH algorithm, and more. There will be a variety of quizzes and assignments that you need to solve to evaluate yourself. Then in the next week, the Mechanical Engineering Courses instructor is going to talk about the DH algorithm and also give some examples that will help you understand what this algorithm is. After that, you will get an overview of electric actuators and operational needs. These and many other topics relevant to robotics is going to be taught in this course. You can also find out best Electronics courses.

Design Practice

      • Prof. Shantanu Bhattacharya via NPTEL
      • Co-ordinated by: IIT Kanpur
      • 8 Weeks duration
      • Discipline: Mechanical Engineering

From the list of Mechanical Engineering Courses, This is a type of course that has been designed for all beginners in postgraduate studies in design. With that, the course can also turn out to be helpful for different aspiring professionals in the industry who are willing to undertake careers in this field. The course starts with a brief introduction to design systems. Then the instructor will talk about what product development is. After that, the basic protocols of industrial design will be discussed in detail. Next, the instructor will talk about design thinking and innovation thoroughly.

Going further in this NPTEL Online Courses for Mechanical Engineering, you will get to know more about design practice where the instructor will first talk about design prototyping. Then generic phases of the design will be discussed. After that, he will be talking in detail about the configurational design aspects. Similarly, he will also talk about what concurrent engineering is. Then other topics like organizational elements in concurrent engineering, techniques for implementing concurrent engineering environment, understanding what average quality loss is and many others will be discussed.

Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics

      • Prof. Pranab K. Mondal via NPTEL
      • Co-ordinated by: IIT Guwahati
      • 12 Weeks duration
      • Discipline: Mechanical Engineering

Are you interested in knowing what fluid mechanics are and the experimental methods in fluid mechanics? In this course, you will get to focus on different techniques and challenges that are associated with the measurement of flow features. With that, the course also focuses on the statistical analysis of experimental data. The aim here is to help you gain an understanding of several experimental methods in fluid mechanics and also unveil hypotheses concerning the cause-and-effect relationships. The course starts with a thorough introduction to experimental methods. Right after that, the instructor will talk about the basic concepts and calibration.

Going further in Online Courses for Mechanical Engineering, you’ll get to know about dimensions, units, systems of dimensions, standards, a system of units, a unit conversion table, and more. Similarly, in the next lecture, you will get a basic concept of dynamic measurements. Then right after this topic, the instructor is going to talk about displacement and area measurements, pressure measurements, low-pressure measurements, flow measurements, and more. Furthermore, you will also get to know what micro PIV is. Then you will learn all about statistical analysis in a step-by-step guide and more topics similar to these will be taught in this course.

“Monotsukuri” Making Things in Japan Mechanical Engineering
  • Tokyo Institute of Technology via edX
  • 4 Weeks (2-5 hours per Week) of effort required!
  • Course Type (Self-paced)
Fundamental Skills in Engineering Design
  • University of Leeds via Coursera
  • 3 Weeks (02 Hours per Week) of effort Required!
  • Course Type (Instructor-led)
Python for Mechanical Engineers
  • Ram K via Udemy
  • 2,687+ already enrolled!
  • ★★★★★ (407 Ratings)

Introduction to Machining and Machining Fluids

        • Prof. Mamilla Ravi Sankar via NPTEL
        • Co-ordinated by: IIT Tirupati
        • 8 Weeks duration
        • Discipline: Mechanical Engineering

From the list of Online Mechanical Engineering Courses, Everyone knows that machining is one of the basic and important courses for any mechanical undergraduate student. And that is why we have come up with this course that can help you get a proper understanding of machining and machining fluids. With the help of this course, you will get a basic understanding of all the machining processes and their physics. All the learning content of this course is in a systematic order so that you can grasp all the concepts easily. The course starts with an introduction and straight to understanding the importance of machining. After that, the instructor will talk about the machining region mechanism in detail.

Going further in this Nptel Online Courses for Mechanical Engineering, the instructor will talk about what tool signatures and tool life are. After that, you will get to know what a cutting tool is. Similarly, you will also get a detailed explanation of tribology in machining is. Then, a proper understanding of what lubrication surface roughness in machining is. After that, you will also get to know all about the machinability and thermal aspects. Next comes a detailed lecture on machining fluids or cutting fluids and their additives. Similarly, you will also gain an understanding of what eco-friendly cutting fluids are. Therefore, everything you need to know about machining and machining fluids is just one click away.

Intelligent Machining

      • University of Buffalo & The State University of New York via Coursera
      • 11 hours of effort required
      • 20,147+ students enrolled
      • ★★★★★ (1,193 Ratings)

Fundamentals of Fluid Power

      • University of Minnesota via Coursera
      • 19 hours of effort required
      • 33,111+ students enrolled
      • ★★★★★ (938 Ratings)

Introduction to Mechanical Micro Machining

      • Prof. Ajay M Sidpara via NPTEL
      • Co-ordinated by: IIT Kharagpur
      • 12 Weeks duration
      • Discipline: Mechanical Engineering

It is because of the emergence of miniature and micro products, the demand for micro components has increased to a great extent having feature sizes from a few millimeters to tens of micrometers. And From Online Mechanical Engineering Courses here in this course, you will get to understand what mechanical micromachining is. The instructor will make you understand that mechanical micromachining is capable of polymers, machine metals, and ceramics and has a strong base in a wide array of practical applications.

The course starts with a detailed introduction to what mechanical micromachining is. After that, the instructor is going to talk about what scaling laws are. Then, you will understand the difference between macro and micromachining. Similarly, what is the components of machine tools and how they work will also be understood well. The next topic will be about errors in the machine tool. Then the instructor will help you understand everything there is about micro tools. In the next lecture, the topic will be the fabrication of micro tools by the EDM process. These and many more topics will be covered in this course.

Fundamentals of Nuclear Power Generation

      • Prof. Dipankar N. Basu via NPTEL
      • Co-ordinated by: IIT Guwahati
      • 12 Weeks duration
      • Discipline: Mechanical Engineering

The global concern for the preservation of the environment and the depleting stock of fossil fuels has predicted nuclear energy to be a relevant option. From Nptel Online Mechanical Engineering Courses In this course, you will understand how nuclear power is different from conventional thermal plants in detail. The instructor is going to help you understand all the fundamentals of nuclear power generation in a step-by-step guide. The course starts with an overview of atomic structure and you will get familiarized with different concepts gradually. After that, you will get to know all about the design of different reactors. Similarly, the course also contains a variety of important topics like nuclear waste management, safety issues pertinent to handling nuclear fuels, and the biological impact of radiation in detail

Going further in these Online courses for Mechanical Engineering, you will understand what binding energy and mass defect are. After that, the instructor will give a briefing on radioactivity and radioactive decay. Then, different types of nuclear transmutation will be discussed. Next, you will be taught what artificial radioactivity is. Similarly, many other topics are also a part of this course like nuclear fission, a chain reaction in reactors, reactor thermal hydraulics, and reactor control. Then you will learn about what thermal reactors and breeder reactors are. After that, you will learn about the biological effects of radiation in detail. And this is how you will get to understand the fundamentals of nuclear power generation at your ease and pace. Please checkout our best curation with free engineering courses with certificate.

Laws of thermodynamics

      • Prof. S.K Som & Prof. Suman Chakraborty via NPTEL
      • Co-ordinated by: IIT Kharagpur
      • 4 Weeks duration
      • Discipline: Mechanical Engineering

From Mechanical Engineering Courses This course aims to describe all about thermodynamics which is a branch of science that describes all the basic laws and principles that govern the process of transfer and transformation of energy. You will get to understand this transformation of energy along with changes in properties of substances are affected by these processes. The instructor will explain how the laws are formulated from observations in nature. Then he will talk about the basic principles and how they were established through logical deductions following the laws. Going further, you will get an overview of the science of thermodynamics and understand the relationship between the properties of substances. How they are used in determining the changes of properties in physical processes which are performed by the substances will also be taught.

When you start the Mechanical Engineering courses, you will get a thorough introduction to thermodynamics. Then the instructor will discuss in detail the first law of thermodynamics. After that, the second law of thermodynamics will also be discussed in detail. Next, you will understand what entropy and its transport are and many other topics will be taught as well.

Mechanical Measurement Systems

      • Prof. Ravi Kumar via NPTEL
      • Co-ordinated by: IIT Roorkee
      • 8 Weeks duration
      • Discipline: Mechanical Engineering

From the list of Online Mechanical Engineering Courses, This is a very informational course that aims to provide a simple understanding of the mechanical measurement systems and the statistical analysis of experimental data. The course has detailed learning content available that will help you understand different topics. These are the generalized configuration and functional elements of measuring systems, the static and dynamic characteristics of measuring instruments, and more. With that, the course also has other topics discussed like the instrumentation for displacement, velocity, strain, force, torque, pressure, flow, sound, power, and temperature measurement.

The course content has been divided into different weeks and in each week you will be able to learn something new. The instructor will also explain everything about the static characteristics of measuring instruments. Then, you’ll understand what uncertainty analysis is. After that Mechanical Engineering Courses, you’ll get to know what the first order system-ramp response is. Next comes a detailed explanation of what second-order system-ramp response is. Similarly, other topics like transducers, sound measurement, strain gauges, and many others like these will be taught in the course. You can also check out Automotive classes.

Ferrous Technology I

      • Pohang University of Science & Technology via Coursera
      • 5 hours of effort required
      • 7,805+ students enrolled
      • ★★★★★ (483 Ratings)

3D Model Creation with Autodesk Fusion 360

      • AutoDesk via Coursera
      • 15 hours of effort required
      • 18,984+ students enrolled
      • ★★★★★ (600 Ratings)


If you are a mechanical engineering student and need guidance in understanding different concepts, then this list of 10 best NPTEL online courses for Mechanical Engineering is what you need. So choose the best Mechanical Engineering courses now, stay home stay safe, and never stop learning.

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