OsakaU Online Course Highlights
- 6 weeks long
- 3-5 hours per week
- Learn for FREE, Ugpradable
- Self-Paced
- Taught by: Ayumi Shintani, Endowed Professor, Chair of Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- View Course Syllabus
Online Course Details:
Want to learn how to analyze real-world medical data, but unsure where to begin? This Applied Biostatistics course provides an introduction to important topics in medical statistical concepts and reasoning. Each topic will be introduced with examples from published clinical research papers; and all homework assignments will expose learner to hands-on data analysis using real-life datasets. This course also represents an introduction to basic epidemiological concepts covering study designs and sample size computation. Open-source, easy-to-use software will be used such as R Commander and PS sample size software.
What you’ll learn
- Important topics in medical statistical concepts and reasoning
- Epidemiological Study Designs
- Data analysis using R Commander