Home Blog How To Prepare Your Child For a UK Private School Entrance Exam

How To Prepare Your Child For a UK Private School Entrance Exam


Preparing your child for a private school entrance exam can be an intimidating process. It is important to take the time to research the requirements and create a plan that works best for you and your child. With the right resources, dedication, and support from family and friends, you can help give your child the edge they need to succeed on their exam! In this blog post, we will discuss six key steps to ensure that your child is prepared for success on their private school entrance exams.

1. Research the entrance exam requirements

Preparing for entrance exams can seem like an overwhelming and daunting task, but the reward for doing quite a bit of research is ultimately worth it. Researching entrance exam requirements is the first step in understanding what an individual has to do to apply themselves and meet those certain requirements. These entrance exams vary from school to school, so it’s important to look up the entrance exam requirements for each college or university that an individual may want to apply to. Knowledge is power, and once a student is armed with that knowledge, they can completely equip themselves for preparing for entrance exams. 

2. Develop a study plan and set goals for your child

Creating a study plan and setting goals for your child is an important step to helping them prepare for entrance exams. It doesn’t have to be complicated and can begin by simply speaking with your child to understand their interests and ability and deciding what they should focus on. Aim to carve out regular study times each day, as well as provide incentives, such as rewards like going outside or taking part in an activity. It’s also important to encourage your child by modifying their goals so that they can become manageable milestones, which helps promote positive reinforcement. Finally, it’s beneficial to celebrate successes along the way – this will help motivate them to work towards their end goal with confidence!

3. Identify areas of strength and weakness in your child’s academic skills

When it comes to assessing their academic skills, it is important for parents to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their child before entrance exams. Knowing your child’s strengths in particular can be a great tool to help motivate them and focus efforts on preparing for entrance exams. Additionally, understanding an individual’s weaknesses provides an opportunity to discuss possible strategies that may be useful in helping them maximize performance and expand knowledge acquisition during entrance exam preparation. With the right resources and guidance, any parent can develop an effective plan that ultimately allows children to perform their best on entrance exams.

4. Create an environment conducive to studying at home

Preparing for entrance exams can be a stressful time, so creating an environment conducive to studying at home is key. Find a spot that is comfortable and free of distractions. Make sure there is plenty of natural light, but also consider factors such as temperature and noise levels. Setting out the material you need beforehand, like notebooks and pens, can save time once you are ready to begin studying. If possible, have designated times to study or work in blocks of time with short breaks in between sessions. Knowing how to manage your time properly and create a nice working space can make the entrance exam preparation process much more pleasant.

5. Utilize resources such as practice tests, tutors, or online courses to help prepare for the test

One way to prepare for entrance exams is to utilize resources such as practice tests, tutors, or online courses. Not only can you become familiar with the test structure and types of questions asked, but by accessing these resources, you can also identify areas of opportunity and apply them during study sessions. Doing practice tests gives an idea of how long it takes to complete each question and strategies such as time management can be used efficiently. Tutors are very helpful in understanding not just the content related to the entrance exam, but can also provide valuable insights into what type of questions would likely be asked in the entrance exam. Lastly, taking up online courses provides a systematic approach towards learning which inherently helps the student to become more comfortable with the entrance exam structure. All these collective efforts will surely increase your entrance exam scores. 

6. Consider sending your child to a prep school

The preparatory school is a great step to take to prepare your child for entrance exams into prestigious private schools. There are a number of prep schools across the UK. The Hampshire Prep School in London, The Blue Coat School in Birmingham and Gracefield Preparatory School in Bristol are just a few examples of excellent prep schools. The atmosphere of these schools allows students to focus on achieving excellence and reaching their full potential in academics as well as character building. The competitive curriculums are designed to maximize learning and help equip your child with the necessary skills needed to succeed, not only in the entrance exams but long term. Not only will they receive personalized instruction but they will also benefit from the added guidance and support that preparatory schools offer, which gives their upcoming entrance exam preparation a greater chance of success.  

Overall, preparing for entrance exams can be a daunting task. However, with the right resources and guidance from parents or guardians, students can maximize their performance on these tests. By leveraging strategies such as understanding individual strengths and weaknesses to create an environment conducive to studying at home, utilizing practice tests and online courses to hone in on areas of opportunity and even sending your child to a prep school- there are many ways that you can help ensure success when it comes time for the exam itself. With proper preparation, any student has the potential to succeed!