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How to do Peer Assessment Effectively for an Online Course?


In order for the concept of peer assessment to succeed, it is important that the students and individuals fully understand the concept of peer learning. Peer learning is actually a way through which the students can learn from and with each other in both formal and informal ways. When looking forward to going for peer learning, it is important that it is checked who peers are. The peers are in an exceedingly similar situation as one another. It is important that the peers do not have power over each other through their position or duties for the success of peer learning. In this article, we have some of the ways that How to effectively Peer Assessment in Online Courses.

Peer learning and Peer Assessment

Peer learning is closely joined with peer assessment. During the method of assessing, reviewing, and giving feedback on each other’s work, students also are learning from and with one another. This can be an assessment for learning in peer assessment, it is not an assessment of learning.

There are different types of peer assessment that exist. Such as there is grading a peer’s research report, giving qualitative feedback on a classmate’s presentation, or assessing a fellow trainee’s professional task performance.

Another one of the benefits of peer assessment is that this process can be carried out anonymously too. In peer assessment, the person who assess and the person who gets assessed can be unknown to each other. This can help to reduce the stress or any discomfort level of the students.

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Why Use Peer Assessment?

Peer assessment has a lot of benefits. Peer assessment works in a way that empowers students to take responsibility for and manage their own learning. Furthermore, it plays a huge role in helping the students to learn how to assess and give others constructive feedback to develop lifelong assessment skills. Assessment skills are very beneficial when stepped into practical life. Moreover, the use of peer assessment methods works in a way that enhances students’ learning. The process of learning happens through knowledge diffusion and the exchange of ideas. Last but not least, the concept of peer assessment has proven to motivate students to engage with course material more deeply.

Now the real question that arises is how to effectively Peer Assessment in Online Courses? In this article, we have some of the ways that can be used for Peer Assessment in Online Courses.

How to Effectively Peer Assessment in Online Courses?

Set Expectations and Clarify Goals

Students are often worried about peer assessment, especially when peer grading is involved. A lot of the time students, get anxious about giving and receiving feedback. To avoid all this anxiousness, it is important to clarify the expectations and aims of the activity for all involved to create trust at the start and obtain student numbers. Students may be asked to read one in every of the academic research studies on review cited during the process of peer assessment.

Provide Training for Students

Student Training

When it comes to novice students, it’s important to provide them with the training activities to show them the way to assess their peers’ work. The trainers can also give them constructive feedback. This is to help them not just to extend the flexibility of scholars to conduct peer assessments, but improve students’ self-confidence within the process. In large classes, TAs should be trained first so that they can provide training to students.

Promote Collaborative Assessments

Collaborative assessment is the method that lets the students work in groups and evaluate each other’s progress. Promoting collaborative assessments needs an open-ended environment with focused tasks for students to solve. Through this collaboration, the students can get the chance to practice formal and informal peer assessments.

Model Assessment and Feedback

It is good to display the act of assessing and giving feedback for your students by guiding them through the method of assessing some example assignments. It helps to produce samples of assessed work. This wok can also be used to show varying levels of performance or symbolize common challenges that you simply want students to target. This activity can simply be followed through online modules or as in-school activities.

Emphasize written Feedback

It is good to use rubrics and scoring criteria while rating peers’ documents. This can help to enhance students writing skills in certain circumstances. A lot of different studies show that students consistently profit more from contributing written feedback to peers than the other activities that are a part of the assessment process

Foster Elaborated Feedback

Novice peer reviewers tend to specialize in surface-level feedback and revisions. They work through focusing on the grammar or error corrections instead of meaning level changes. By providing specific guidance, instruction and guided feedback prompt can help to boost the standard of the feedback. This later on results in learning benefits. Studies also show that the students profit most from getting feedback, this helps them to recognize strengths and weaknesses. Feedbacks also offer suggestions and methods for improvement.

Allow Opportunities to Apply Feedback

The feedback provided is useful when learners act on that. The trainers can work by designing some activities to provide some opportunities for college students to create revisions to their work. So that they can speculate on how the feedback they received influenced the revisions. It may be helpful to the students who consider the feedback and revision process. This will answer the questions as to why did the students accept or reject suggestions? Or how did they adjust their work after getting feedback? It can also lead to knowing how did they judge the work of their peers develop the way they saw their own work?

Provide enough time and Spacing for the Process

To promote a deeper level of engagement, it is good to start the peer assessment method early within the term, so there is adequate time for college kids to reflect on the feedback. Experts’ studies have tended to show that reviews early within the process have focused on large, content-based changes. Whereas, the revisions done close to the date result in polishing edits centered on grammar, word replacement, and spelling.

Final Thoughts

So, this is how to effectively Peer Assessment in Online Courses. We hope you find this helpful. Stay safe and keep learning.