TTC Course Provider Rating
- Holistic Coach Academy has an overall rating of 4.5 out of 5.0 based on 2,694 total reviews analyzed against 10 online courses.
- Write Your Review | HCA's Online Courses
Note: TTC rating is based on actual learner's reviews and feedback than just numerical values.
Holistic Coach Academy is a platform that offers integrative coaching to help you live your passion and purpose. This platform offers 9 coaching certification courses that are not only engaging and informative but affordable. These coaching certification courses include;
- Holistic health and wellness coach
- Career coach
- Holistic financial planning coach
- Home business coach
With that, it also offers 5 Women Empowerment Coach Certifications that can be taken by anyone either separately or you can enroll in all 5 certifications to obtain your Master Level Women Empowerment Coaching Certification.
These courses/certifications have been instructed by a highly-skilled instructor Louise Anne Maurice who has put a lot of effort into these courses.
Total Reviews
Positive Reviews
Courses Analyzed
TakeThisCourse Analysis Results for Holistic Coach Academy’s Online Courses:
To help online learners with real user experience, our experts did a comprehensive analysis of Holistic Coach Academy’s online courses using text mining techniques that generates following results:
- TTC analyzed a total of 2,694 reviews for 10 online courses.
- The analysis indicates that around 90% reviews were positive.
TTC Course Effectiveness Score:
We have further analyzed user opinions related to 4 effectiveness factors including Content, Engagement, Quality Practice and Career Benefit.
4.6 / 5.0 914 Reviews
4.7 / 5.0 1607 Reviews
4.6 / 5.0 462 Reviews
Career Benefit
4.5 / 5.0 427 Reviews
Based on the number of students, we believe that:
- Institute offers very organized and well-structured courses.
- The content is easy to understand and suitable for all types of learners.
- All of the courses are of high ratings and offer valuable content on coaching.
Below Stack Barchart further shows the positive, neutral and negative reviews we found during our detailed course analysis.
More about Holistic Coach Academy:
Instructor’s Overview:
Louise Ann Maurice is the director of Coaching Training and Coaching Courses Development for Holistic Coach Academy. With that, she is also a director of Empowerment Coach Academy, Get Results Coach Academy and Fearless Entrepreneur Academy. She actively uses her empowered coach approach to develop a purposeful, comprehensive, and streamlined curriculum that helps learners shorten their learning curve.
Louise’s mission is to train millions of coaches from all over the world who can then coach other millions of people and thus allow people to move beyond imposed limitations and reach the impossible. She has teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform that lets her proprietary coaching training program become more accessible to a global audience and that too at an affordable price. So far, she has 27 eLearning coaching courses and coaching certifications and has thousands of students enrolled.
What Learners are saying about Holistic Coach Academy’s Online Courses:
- I would like to thank the instructor for this well-presented course on health coaching. The instructor has put a lot of effort into this course and made it an attractive and easy-to-understand one. The course is interesting enough for any learner to complete it in a few days. (Zelda F, ★★★★★)
- A great course that has a lot of information and a good outline for holistic coaching. Can’t wait to enroll in another course by Holistic Coach Academy. (Shalaya N, ★★★★★)
- I am really enjoying learning from this course by Holistic Coach Academy. I have a degree in Psychology and have worked in this field for many years. But now that I have retired I thought why not get a new career and this course helped me a lot with that. (Bettina F, ★★★★★)
- This course by Holistic Coach Academy has taught me well how to approach potential clients. The course is great and offers resources that are quite valuable and clears up all of your confusion in the subject matter. This course can be considered an attempt to start a new career as a holistic coach. (Belinda, ★★★★★)
- I really love Louise Anne’s approach to coaching. She is a great instructor and her course is well-structured, easy to understand, and simply enjoyable. I have already started to see the benefits of taking this course. (Lana A, ★★★★★)
- I know a bit about psychology and thought why not enroll in this course and upgrade my knowledge. Glad to say this course had some content that was a big call out to myself and my own fears and blockages. (Anonymous User, ★★★★★)
- I am loving this course by Holistic Coach Academy and can’t wait to look back at my notes and coach myself through it. (Vanessa P, ★★★★★)
- I was able to learn so much just by starting the course. I am already a Master Certified Life Coach and taking this course was a way to improve my knowledge which it did. This course has helped me understand the importance of coaching niches and what to do especially when helping a woman achieve her desired goals. The course offers a great hands-on approach for women supporting women. (Margarita R, ★★★★★)
- This course by Holistic Coach Academy has a lot of information and instruction to offer and I really love that the course content is not dry but very interesting. This course has taught me how I can connect with myself. (Gina D, ★★★★★)
- I have taken many courses on coaching but none of them were as good as the ones offered by Louise Ann Maurice. The way she designs her courses is unique and her content is of high quality. I really felt like I was a client and she was my coach and that she was guiding me face-to-face. (Rashid F, ★★★★★)
- This course by Holistic Coach Academy is packed with so much useful information and can help anyone in their coaching business. (Kendra F, ★★★★★)
- I always wanted to become a coach and spent thousands on learning Life Coaching but no content or resource or learning material was as good as the one offered by Holistic Coach Academy. This course might be the answer for me to understand how to help others. (Shane L, ★★★★★)
- This is my first time enrolling in a coaching course and can say it is a great experience. This course taught me well that if I want to provide my clients with the best services then I need to think like them and be in their shoes. Overall the content is great and the instructor has done an impeccable job of explaining all the concepts. (Elizabeth S, ★★★★★)
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- 4,571+ already enrolled!
- 12 Hours of effort required!
- ★★★★☆ 4.2 (1,192 Ratings)
- 14,309+ already enrolled!
- 22 Hours of effort required!
- ★★★★★ 4.5 (3,000 Ratings)