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Highest Paying Leadership Roles and Desired Skills


Join us as we step into the world of high-stakes leadership and explore roles offering the highest rewards and skills required to excel.

Key Takeaways

  • A chance to learn Top Leadership Positions with high salaries.
  • Know all about the skills required to succeed in these roles.
  • Focus on the pinnacle of your career with strategic leadership.

What are the highest-paying leadership roles and their desired skills?

CEO, CFO, and COO are known to be the highest-paying leadership roles. These roles demand a mix of strategic thinking, communication excellence along an in-depth understanding of business operations. This will help individuals in navigating companies towards success and secure top earnings in the leadership hierarchy.

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. John F. Kennedy

Desired Skills for Leadership Roles:

Here, we’ve listed some essential skills that you must possess as a leader;

♦ Strategic Planning ♦ Critical Thinking ♦ Process Optimization
♦ Technical Support ♦ Interpersonal Skills ♦ Coaching & Supervision
♦ Performance Management ♦ Management skills ♦ People Management

Leadership Interesting Facts:

Below are some of the very interesting stats and facts about leadership.

  • Nearly 10,000 baby boomers tend to retire every day.
  • Around 79% of the employees quit their jobs due to lack of appreciation from their leaders.
  • Similarly, 69% of the millennials state there is lack of leadership development at workplace.
  • 15% of the women are working as board of director in the workplace.
  • To stand out in your field, don’t miss the opportunity to explore Women Leadership Certifications that can give your resume a competitive edge.
  • In the year 2019, 7% of corporations experienced leadership gap.
  • 5% of the companies tend to have integrated leadership development in their corporations.
  • 83% of the enterprises are of a viewpoint that leaders must be developed at all levels in a company.
  • Next, 14% of the CEOs possess leadership talent required to grow a business.

  • Mentor
    • Key Responsibilities
    • Average Annual Salary
  • Coach
    • Key Responsibilities
    • Average Annual Salary
  • Trainer
    • Key Responsibilities
    • Average Annual Salary
  • Influencer
    • Key Roles
    • Average Annual Salary
  • Manager
    • Key Responsibilities
    • Average Annual Salary
  • Strategist
    • Key Responsibilities
    • Average Annual Salary
  • Motivator
    • Key Responsibilities
    • Average Annual Salary
  • Organizer
    • Key Responsibilities
    • Average Annual Salary
  • Visionary
    • Key Responsibilities
    • Average Annual Salary
  • Final Thoughts

Job Title Annual Average salary
Mentor $27,402
Coach $56,668
Trainer $102,699
Influencer $101,781
Manager $92,394
Strategist $128,959
Motivator $88,500
Organizer $25.11 per hour
Visionary $52,823

Highest Paying Leadership Roles:

1). Mentor


A mentor is known to be a person who has sufficient experience in a company or within an industry and is acting as an advisor and guiding those who are less experienced. A mentor tends to lend his expertise, knowledge, and counsel with the aim to offer a wise perspective.

Key Responsibilities:

  • A mentor usually shares his own career path details and experiences.
  • He provides guidance to all those needed.
  • Similarly, he keeps the individuals motivated enough and offer emotional support when required.
  • He helps others exploring their career paths and set goals for themselves.

Considering advancing your leadership skills? Learn more about this leadership and management course here and see if it’s the right fit for your career goals.

Average Annual Salary:

  • The average annual salary of a mentor working in the US is $27,402.

2). Coach

coach A leadership coach what we know is someone who has to offer his skills and knowledge to individuals and help them improve their own skills and abilities. These kinds of coaches have to guide individuals and businesses as well by focusing on strengths, understanding, and team work. To be able to fulfill this particular role, one must possess skills like empathy, communication, and positivity.

Key Responsibilities:

  • A leadership coach has to provide guidance to individuals or businesses to fulfill the needs of clients.
  • He has to provide encouragement, and support to his team.
  • Similarly, he has to push clients wherever required.
  • He also has to provide his clients with resources which are associated with an action plan.

Average Annual Salary:

  • A leadership coach can easily make an average annual salary of $56,668.

saveFoundation of Everyday Leadership

      • University of Illinois via Coursera
      • 141,213 Students enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (4,957 Ratings)

3). Trainer

trainer A trainer can be an individual who shares his knowledge with the aim to help others to strengthen their own abilities. They function in a formal capacity and don’t tend to build strong relationship with others because they offer their expertise in smaller and more intense sessions.

Key Responsibilities:

  • He has to facilitate classes and guide individuals through modeling ways for not only improving their skills but abilities and knowledge as well.
  • They have to lead sessions and seminars and workshops as well that are not only interactive but also lead to improvement in a specific skill set or capability.
  • Similarly, this type of role demands strong communication and listening skills and creating such strategies that others can easily follow.

Average Annual Salary:

  • A leadership trainer can make an average annual salary of $102,699.

4). Influencer

Influencer Influencer is known to be an individual who has to guide the actions and opinions of others based on his experience, knowledge, and reputation. He usually has to wield his authority on different subjects and inspire action. Even though being an influencer can be a formal role, but all those individuals who have the ability to lead a group and regulate actions can become an influencer.

Key Responsibilities:

  • The focus of an influencer is on leading through value and commitments.
  • Leadership influencers tend to have well-defined strategies and goals and offer clear vision and objectives to the team.
  • Similarly, leadership influencer has to motivate, guide, inspire, and even aid people through agilance and vigility.

Average Annual Salary

  • If you wish to become a leadership influencer, then the average annual salary that you can expect to make is $101, 781.

Leadership is an Action

5). Manager

manager Managers are known to be leaders who have to guide small groups of individuals. They are tasked with organizing and motivating and guiding others to achieve their specific goals. The role of a manager can be formal but if you have worked in an environment where you have to organize or even lead a team and showed problem-solving and evaluation skills then this can also be counted in the role of a leadership manager.

Key Responsibilities:

  • As a leadership manager, it is your job to help your team members get acquainted with all the rules, procedures, and culture of the company by offering the right information.
  • Similarly, you need to lead small informal meetings.
  • You need to facilitate in the training of not only new but existing group members within an organization.

Average Annual Salary:

  • As a leadership manager, you can expect to make an average annual salary of $92,394.

6). Strategist

strategist A leadership strategist is the one who has to identify a problem and then sought a solution to that particular problem. He is the one who has to apply all his workings into a form that can achieve a specific goal. Strategists are known to be experts who not only have to identify but anticipate different problems and plan solutions before any issue arise.

Key Responsibilities:

  • They have to develop plans and step by step procedures and also create logical steps to guide a team towards achieving their desired goal.
  • It is their job to take action and discover new methods for solving a specific problem.
  • Similarly, they must implement advanced critical thinking skills.

Average Annual Salary:

  • Strategists can easily make an average salary of $128,959 per year.

saveLeadership Theory: The Basics

      • Coventry University via FutureLearn
      • 6,097+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (26 Ratings)

saveBuilding Your Leadership Skills

      • HEC Paris via Coursera
      • 97,635+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (2,168 Ratings)

7). Motivator

motivator A motivator; as the name depicts is an individual who must persuade his team into doing their jobs efficiently. They usually use verbal praise and other positive reinforcement methods for helping out their team members into working together towards a common goal. Check out the practical leadership skills here.

Key Responsibilities:

  • A leadership motivator has to motivate others and make sure that his team is focused enough to complete a given project on time.
  • He shows good time management skills and make sure that the team works in group and succeed.
  • Similarly, motivators have to share their experiences and skills with all those who are yearning for success.

Average Annual Salary:

  • Working as a leadership motivator can help you make an average annual salary of $88,500.

8). Organizer

organiser An organizer is an individual who has to think and plan strategically to organize individuals, events, and programs. He must show problem-solving skills and critical thinking to lead his team into working efficiently. An organizer has to make sure that everything is going smoothly and as per the name suggests, in an organized manner.

Key Responsibilities:

  • An organizer has to assemble a group of such individuals that can delegate responsibilities effectively.
  • He has to make sure that all the small tasks are completed in an order so that the larger objective is accomplished ultimately.
  • Similarly, he has to arrange documents in a logical order.
  • Moreover, an organizer has to arrange ideas and reveal information clearly as well.

Average Annual Salary:

  • Organizers can make an average salary of around $25.11 per hour.

9). Visionary

visionary A visionary is considered to be any individual who has the ability to see the potential in his team, group or individuals. He is the one who uses his influence, knowledge, and strong communications skills to help the group achieve their desired goal.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Visionaries are often known to be highly creative individuals and have to utilize their strengths to make sure the project comes to fruition.
  • He has to lead events like fundraiser and organize parties for co-workers.
  • Similarly, a visionary leader has to exhibit string communication skills and must be highly persistent.

Average Annual Salary:

  • If you wish to work as a visionary leader then you can expect to make an average salary of $52,823 per annum.

Final Thoughts

We believe the above details are enough for any reader to understand the different leadership roles, how they are important, what their key roles are, and lastly how much one can make by choosing any of these roles. Thus this article is for all those who are interested in this field and wish to know all about the highest paying leadership job roles and desired skills.