Home Big Data From 0 to 1: Hive for Processing Big Data

From 0 to 1: Hive for Processing Big Data


End-to-End Hive : HQL, Partitioning, Bucketing, UDFs, Windowing, Optimization, Map Joins, Indexes.

We have given a detailed review of this course below for our readers but just wanted to highlight some points:

  • 3,790+ students enrolled
  • 353 Review available
  • 15.5 Hours on-demand videos
  • 137 Supplemental Resource
  • Access on Mobile and TV
  • Assignments
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Lifetime Access
  • 30 days Money back guarantee

Most attractive feature is 30 days Money Back Guarantee means there is no risk. If you didn’t like this online course, you can refund your money back within next 30 days.

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What You will Learn?

  • Write complex analytical queries on data in Hive and uncover insights
  • Leverage ideas of partitioning, bucketing to optimize queries in Hive
  • Customize hive with user defined functions in Java and Python
  • Understand what goes on under the hood of Hive with HDFS and MapReduce

Online Course Description:

Prerequisites: Hive requires knowledge of SQL. The course includes and SQL primer at the end. Please do that first if you don’t know SQL. You’ll need to know Java if you want to follow the sections on custom functions.

Taught by a 4 person team including 2 Stanford-educated, ex-Googlers  and 2 ex-Flipkart Lead Analysts. This team has decades of practical experience in working with large-scale data.

 Hive is like a new friend with an old face (SQL). This course is an end-to-end, practical guide to using Hive for Big Data processing. 

Let’s parse that 

A new friend with an old face: Hive helps you leverage the power of Distributed computing and Hadoop for Analytical processing. It’s interface is like an old friend : the very SQL like HiveQL. This course will fill in all the gaps between SQL and what you need to use Hive.

End-to-End: The course is an end-to-end guide for using Hive:  whether you are analyst who wants to process data  or an Engineer who needs to build custom functionality or optimize performance – everything you’ll need is right here. New to SQL? No need to look elsewhere. The course  has a primer on all the basic SQL constructs, .

Practical: Everything is taught using real-life examples, working queries and code .

What’s Covered: 

Analytical Processing: Joins, Subqueries, Views, Table Generating Functions, Explode, Lateral View, Windowing and more

Tuning Hive for better functionality: Partitioning, Bucketing, Join Optimizations, Map Side Joins, Indexes, Writing custom User Defined functions in Java. UDF, UDAF, GenericUDF, GenericUDTF,  Custom functions in Python,  Implementation of MapReduce for Select, Group by and Join

For SQL Newbies: SQL In Great Depth

Using discussion forums

Please use the discussion forums on this course to engage with other students and to help each other out. Unfortunately, much as we would like to, it is not possible for us at Loonycorn to respond to individual questions from students:-(

We’re super small and self-funded with only 2 people developing technical video content. Our mission is to make high-quality courses available at super low prices.

The only way to keep our prices this low is to *NOT offer additional technical support over email or in-person*. The truth is, direct support is hugely expensive and just does not scale.

We understand that this is not ideal and that a lot of students might benefit from this additional support. Hiring resources for additional support would make our offering much more expensive, thus defeating our original purpose.

It is a hard trade-off.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

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