Home Collections 10 Best + Free Ivy League Arts & Humanities Courses with Certificates

10 Best + Free Ivy League Arts & Humanities Courses with Certificates


Do you wish to enrich your knowledge of arts and humanities? Take a look at these free courses from Ivy League Universities where you will explore history, philosophy, and literature.

Key Takeaways

  • Access to courses offering deep dive into the rich world of arts and humanities.
  • Certificates are available to validate your skills.
  • A chance to learn from distinguished scholars from Ivy League Schools.

What will I gain from taking free Ivy League arts and humanities courses?

With access to these courses, you can enhance your understanding of cultural, historical, and philosophical topics. These courses will broaden your perspective and foster critical thinking skills.

In order to help our readers in taking a knowledgeable learning decision, TakeThisCourse.net has introduced a metric to measure the effectiveness of an online course. Learn more about how we measure an online course effectiveness.

Ivy League Arts & Humanities Courses Evaluation & Selection Criteria

We selected each course based on content depth, instructor qualifications, and their ability to provide learners with critical insights into the subject.

Free Ivy League Arts & Humanities Courses


Greek and Roman Mythology

      • University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
      • 25 hours of effort required
      • 184,838+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (1,823 Ratings)

greek and roman

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

The focus of this course is on the myths of ancient Greece and Rome and explore the nature of myth and the function it plays for individuals, societies, and nations. With that, the instructor will also talk about the way Greek and Romans tend to understand their own myths. Similarly, you will also get to understand whether myths are subtle codes that hide in it some kind of universal truth and more.

This is a very engaging course that is a great source of information. With the help of this course, I was able to understand mythology through various tools. The instructor has explained well how to analyze myths according to the Ancient and modern eyes (Sonia R, ★★★★★).


Effective Altruism

      • Princeton University via Coursera
      • 12 hours of effort required
      • 46,748+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (518 Ratings)

Effective Altruism

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

From Free Ivy League courses, In this course, the instructor will explain how effective altruism is built on the simple yet unsettling idea that living a fully ethical life involves doing the most good one can. With that, you will get to examine this idea’s philosophical underpinnings. Next, you will get to understand how effective altruism can be put into practice in your own life. You might also be interested in Concept Art Courses.

What I loved the most about this course was that it was very applicable and hands-on. The instructor has presented the philosophical theories in a very elaborative manner. the real-life examples were also very interesting and the lectures on ethical careers were great too (Maria SA, ★★★★★).


Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization

      • University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
      • 8 hours of effort required
      • 99,819+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (2,165 Ratings)

Introduction to ancient Egypt

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

In this course, the instructor will explain in detail all about the history and chronology. You will get a complete introduction to ancient Egypt and its civilization. Then the instructor will talk about the Pharaoh and Kingship in detail. Similarly, you will also know all about gods and goddesses. Next, there will be a detailed discussion on the pyramids and the sphinx and mummies and mummification. Curious about the future of academia? Discover top academic programs at Princeton for 2024 and be part of a tradition of excellence. For those seeking prestigious qualifications, explore the top courses with Yale certifications available this year.

This was an excellent course that gave me a lot of confidence in teaching Ancient Egypt to middle school students. The course was very informative and helped me become a better teacher and that is why I really enjoyed learning from it (Brent H, ★★★★★).


Introduction to Classical Music

      • Yale University via Coursera
      • 66 hours of effort required
      • 198,445+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (3,310 Ratings)

introduction to classical music

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This course is the perfect introduction to classical music where you will get to understand all about music in a simple yet enjoyable manner. From Bach Fugues to Mozart symphonies to Puccini operas, you will get to know the wonders of classical music in detail. Similarly, you will also get to understand what music is and how it works. After that, there will be a detailed discussion about music back in the day. Thus, this and much more about music will be learned in this course. To view Best Online HR Courses, click here.

Mastering the art of calligraphy is made accessible through our comprehensive course offerings.

I can say this course has a lot of useful information to offer. It is well-organized and contains so many music illustrations. I have really enjoyed learning from this course and would freely recommend this to those interested (Emilia R, ★★★★★).


Ancient Philosophy: Plato & His Predecessors

      • University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
      • 13 hours of effort required
      • 93,904+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (1,289 Ratings)

ancient Philosophy

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This course aims to trace the origins of philosophy in the Western tradition in detail. The instructor begins by talking about the Presocratic natural philosophers who were quite active in Ionia in the 6th century BCE. Then you will understand what virtue is and how it can be taught to others. Similarly, you will get to understand in detail how knowledge can be acquired and more. For those exploring different aspects of artistic education, explore artistic training options on our platform.

This is without any doubt the best course on ancient philosophy. The instructor has given a great introduction to ancient philosophy and shared invaluable legacy of the Greek miracle. I can say this course is very useful for every philosophy student who wish to acquire in depth general knowledge of the roots of this civilization (Nicolas LC, ★★★★★).


Roman Architecture

      • Yale University via Coursera
      • 40 hours of effort required
      • 50,095+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (500 Ratings)

Roman Architecture

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

In this “Roman Architecture” course, you will get to discover the power of architecture to shape politics, society, and your culture as well. The instructor will first give an introduction to Roman Architecture. Then you will understand the evolution of Roman Architecture from Iron Age through Late Republic having emphasis on city planning and wall building. Other topics like technology and revolution in Roman Architecture and more will be discussed in detail. Follow here for online Storyboarding courses.

This is a great course that kept me engaged with the lectures throughout. I was able to learn a lot about the basics of Roman Architecture. After completing this course, I can now trace over the steps taken with the instructor (Carol S, ★★★★★).


Journey of the Universe: A Story for Our Times Specialization

      • Yale University via Coursera
      • 5 months of effort required
      • 4,150+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (345 Ratings)

Journey of the Universe

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Are you interested in discovering your role as human in the earth community? Or interested in exploring the unfolding of the universe? In this specialization, you will get to do all that from the comfort of your home. Here the instructor will demonstrate an understanding of the unfolding of the universe, earth and humans. Then you will understand what cosmological events play part to our existence. Similarly, you will also understand the history and development of cosmological thought and more. You can also checkout Sci-Fi Concept Art in Photoshop and Maya Course.

This specialization has a variety of courses that aims to help us understand all about our role as humans in this earth. All the courses were quite engaging and can help start a career in this field (Anonymous learner, ★★★★★).


American Education Reform: History, Policy, Practice

      • University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
      • 15 months of effort required
      • 9,563+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (91 Ratings)

American education reform

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

In this course, you will get a chance to engaging with the main actors, key decisions, and major turning points in the history. You will get to understand how social forces drive reform in detail. After that, you will learn about the critical tensions which are embedded in the U.S education policy and practice and applied to schools nationally and globally. If you’re seeking Elite Ivy League Education Options, check out our comprehensive post to find the right courses for you.

Being a learner who is very much passionate about education, I really wanted to take this course. And taking this course helped me understand the education policy, basic education, and the international education. The course was indeed very interesting and the best thing about it was the resources were super helpful (Khem RS, ★★★★★).


Philosophy of Science

      • University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
      • 12 hours of effort required
      • 10,270+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (122 Ratings)

Philosophy of science

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

In this course, you will get to understand how scientists are able to generate knowledge through observations, experiments, and simulations. The course contains different topics like scientific objectivity and failures of scientific objectivity. Then the instructor will talk about the self-correcting nature of the scientific community. Similarly, you will get a chance to understand the positive and negative influences that values can have on science and much more in this course. You can also find out more online Courses with certificates at takethiscourse.net Platform.

I have the learning content of this course to be very interesting and relevant. The balance between readings and lectures was to the point. And I would say that the discussion sessions were also thought provoking (Eliza M, ★★★★★.


Age of Cathedrals

      • University of Pennsylvania via Coursera
      • 18 hours of effort required
      • 28,338+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (383 Ratings)

Age of Cathedrals

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This is a very interesting course in which you will first get an introduction to some of the most astonishing architectural monuments the world has ever got to know that is, the Gothic cathedrals. Then you will get to understand art, literature, and economics in the most effective possible manner. Similarly, the instructor will talk about intellectual life and new social arrangements that arose in the shadow of cathedrals. The aim of this course is to give learners a better appreciation of the High Middle Ages.

This is an exceptionally well-explained course that doesn’t limit to architectural design and construction techniques. The instructor has done an amazing job in explaining all the historical, political, and spiritual events of the age of Cathedrals (Luciana DI, ★★★★★).
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Final Thought

If you are interested in Arts and Humanities then know that this list of 10 Best + Free Ivy League Arts & Humanities Courses with Certificates contains the best online courses you can ever enroll in. So, read the details of these 10 Best + Free Ivy League Arts & Humanities Courses with Certificates now and never stop learning.