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Everything you need to know about PSM certification


What is PSM certification?

The Professional Scrum Master(PSM Certification) as everyone knows is a type of certification introduced and managed by Scrum.org. This is an entry-level certification for the scrum master and consists of three levels. Level I, II, and III.

Passing each of these levels show the competency and understanding of the individual regarding scrum. To pass the PSM certification, a person has to work hard and prepare in the best possible manner. For this very reason, some seek help through online courses, some look for Scrum Master Exam Preparation. Some might also try to get their hands on free learning material as well.

Before putting in efforts to prepare for the exam, do you think that you know everything about the PSM certification? If not then we at takethiscourse.net are here to help. Today we are here to share everything there is to know about the PSM certification so that a person is fully aware of what this certification is and what it has to offer. Access essential study materials with our 2024 Scrum Master Exam Resources.

Different roles and responsibilities of a PSM certified in a team:

Since PSM certification is highly in demand, many people make up their minds to enter this field without knowing what is demanded here. Though it is good to show interest in this field yet this is just not enough to become an excellent PSM certified.

A person must first understand the roles and responsibilities that he is accounted for as a PSM certified in a team. So let us do that for you:

  • A professional scrum master has multiple potential roles and responsibilities to fulfill which are as follows.
  • He has to coach the organization which specifically includes the scrum team.
  • To train the team to become efficient enough to reduce the time to deliver plus increase the quality of deliverables.
  • To help the Dev Team to become more effective and self-organized.
  • To bring transparency and trust among one another.
  • To make sure that there are no obstacles or hurdles in the path that can prevent the scrum team to perform well.
  • To make the Dev team perform effectively by rooting for a more appropriated framework.

Procedure to apply for the certification:

To be able to become a PSM certified, a candidate has to take the exam. If you are appearing in the PSM I exam then the passing percentage is 85. The passing percentage is the same for the other two levels as well. Also, there are no such criteria to take compulsory training before appearing in the exam as in the case of scrumAlliance’s CSM certification.

So now comes the procedure to apply for the exam. The first step is to visit the Scrum.org website where you are going to enter all the general or required details. After that, you will be given a personal password that will never expire and will connect you to a page where you will take the exam. You will have 14 days to take the exam after the password is issued.

What is the fee for this exam?

Like every exam has a fee, this one does as well which is $200 per attempt to Scrum.org. Upon failing the exam, a person has to again pay the fee so it is best to only appear in the exam when you are fully confident.

Some Best Courses for Scrum Master Certifications:

# Course Name Instructor Name Duration

Fundamentals of Project Planning and Management

Yael Grushka-Cockayne

  • 4 weeks
  • Study 2 hours Weekly

Scrum Certification Prep +Scrum Master+ Agile Scrum Training

Paul Ashun
  • 2 hours on-demand video
  • 21 mins on-demand audio
  • 13 articles
  • 5 downloadable resources

Mastering Agile Scrum Project Management

LearnSmart LLC
  • 14.5 hours on-demand video
  • 564 downloadable resources

PMI-ACP Certification Training – 21 PDU Course

TIA Education
  • 9 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resources

How to prepare for the exam?

Knowing the fact that the fee to take the exam is quite high, it is best to first prepare yourself in the best possible manner to avoid failure. And to prepare in the best manner, one should take help from different PSM certification questions that are not only according to the latest format but also for free. You can find out Reasons why PSM Certification is so popular at our platfrom.

So why not prepare for the exam in the best possible manner and for free? Therefore you can visit the website today and find yourself the best PSM certification dumps and never stop learning.