Home EIT Digital 10 Best + Free EIT Food Courses 2024

10 Best + Free EIT Food Courses 2024


EIT is a food innovation institute. It is currently the leading food innovation system in Europe. It works to make the food system more sustainable, healthy, and trusted.

What are EIT Food Courses?

EIT food classes aims in teaching about the food system and how future trends will change how we produce and consume food. Through the EIT food courses, you can develop new skills, and you can even learn about your interests or advance your career with these short online courses. You can also checkout best HACCP courses.

  1. Food for Thought: The Relationship Between Food, Gut and Brain
  2. Introduction to Food Science
  3. Farm to Fork: Sustainable Food Production in a Changing Environment
  4. How Food is Made. Understanding Food Processing Technologies
  5. Improving Food Production with Agricultural Technology and Plant Biotechnology
  6. Circular Business Models for Sustainable Urban Food Systems
  7. Explore How Farmers Produce Food Sustainably
  8. From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste
  9. Revolutionising the Food Chain with Technology
  10. Superfoods: Myths and Truths

EIT Food Courses

Free EIT Food Courses:

In this article, we will be looking at 10 Best + Free EIT Food Courses.


Food for Thought: The Relationship Between Food, Gut and Brain

      • EIT Food | Universita Degli Studi Di Torino via FutureLearn
      • 5 Weeks (4 hours weekly) of effort required
      • 30,536+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (80 Ratings)

In this course, you will explore how the gut and brain are very closely linked. You’ll learn how the brain works and is influenced by diet and nutritional deficiencies. You’ll likewise find less referred to, front line subjects, for example, the gut-brain axis, the microbiome, and the connection among food and conceptive wellbeing.

At the end of the course, you will be explaining the role of our diet on brain function, and you will be reflecting on the role of psychological and neurobiological factors in our food choices. Moreover, with the information in this course, you will be looking into possible causes like biological, social, and psychological of unhealthy and pathological eating behaviors. You might also be interested in Best Tea Classes.

According to Lynda, this is one of the best courses that she has taken. She thinks that lectures and articles were pitched at a perfect level as they have a lot of meaningful knowledge about how our brain functions in relation to food and nutrition. She also says that the overall content was not too difficult to understand for ordinary people who want to gain a better understanding of how the brain, gut, and our diet and nutrition all work together (Lynda P, ★★★★★).


Introduction to Food Science

      • EIT Food | Queen’s University Belfast via FutureLearn
      • 4 Weeks (4 hours weekly) of effort required
      • 2,157+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (7 Ratings)

Food and health data is regularly oversimplified by the media, and proposals can be incorrectly detailed and conflicting with current suggestions. By comprehension and getting familiar with what’s in our food, we can make more intelligent, more practical, and better food decisions.

With the assistance of this course, you will have the option to exhibit information and comprehension of the term food uprightness, and investigate moral and maintainability issues encompassing food creation. Additionally, you will be able to identify the role of the consumer in ensuring food safety and becoming change agents in the transition towards a smart, inclusive, and trusted food system.

Dawn says that this course turned out to be more interesting than he thought it would be. He also thinks that this course has given him a lot of insight into what goes on both with regards to food production, the safeguards put in place, and how can he do his part in preventing food waste and taking care of the environment (Dawn C, ★★★★★).

Chris says that he enjoyed this course because it contains a lot of useful information, and encourages him to find out more and take more action(Chris B, ★★★★☆).

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Farm to Fork: Sustainable Food Production in a Changing Environment

      • EIT Food | Queen’s University Belfast | Universita Degli Studi Di Torino via FutureLearn
      • 4 Weeks (3 hours weekly) of effort required
      • 10,814+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (24 Ratings)

With this course, you will become acquainted with how food goes from farm to fork: investigate food security, supply chains, food creation, and farming. Additionally, you will represent the information and abilities needed to assess current and arising dangers to sanitation and relate these to possible dangers to human/creature wellbeing and worldwide food security featuring answers for the issues.

Find out how various regulations and protocols, including ISO 22000, are shaping the landscape of food safety in our insightful discussion.

Moreover, you will examine the ethical and bioethical constraints of the food chain: at the crossroads of objects, subjects, regulations, institutions, and governments. Furthermore, throughout this course, you will develop the ability to critically assess the range of emerging risks that may be introduced during food production.

Stephanie says that this course was in an easy format, and introduced concepts with great explanation. She also thinks that it was very well designed for a great learning experience (Stephanie S, ★★★★★).

Manar said that this course has covered various aspects of sustainability. He absolutely loves it. Moreover, he also says that this was a very light course in which the way it was design and the flow of the subjects (Manar A, ★★★★★).


How Food is Made. Understanding Food Processing Technologies

      • EIT Food | DIL eV via FutureLearn
      • 4 Weeks (3 hours weekly) of effort required
      • 3,786+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (23 Ratings)

Get to explore an off the principles of food processing. You will also gain an understanding of both traditional and modern industrial techniques. Further, the knowledge gained through this course will help you demonstrate the importance of food processing to society in terms of health, safety, quality, and sustainability.

You will be able to evaluate EU law and regulations, and you will have the opportunity to reflect on the challenges of feeding growing populations safely and sustainably. Last but not least, you will engage with the debate on how beneficial certain processing techniques are to human health.

According to Rosalind, this is a really good course. He also says that it is very relevant to everyday life and with plenty of variety, starting off with simple issues such as “What is food processing?”. Furthermore, he also thinks that this course is not just about nutrition but it also guides you towards how our food is kept safe including the journey from farm to fork, and how it retains quality. He also talks about the world’s population and how are people struggling to feed themselves. He also recommends all of the viewers to 100% enroll for this course. (Rosalind C, ★★★★★).


Improving Food Production with Agricultural Technology and Plant Biotechnology

      • EIT Food | University of Cambridge via FutureLearn
      • 3 Weeks (3 hours weekly) of effort required
      • 6,364+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (42 Ratings)

Is it accurate to say that you are propelled to join the up and coming age of researchers and tackle difficulties in food security? In this course, you will gain admittance to creative exploration arrangements that address probably the greatest issues in food, agribusiness, and plant biotechnology. You will turn out to be more acquainted with the excursion plants take, from crops in the field to food on your plate.

You will investigate the significance of logical examination in food security and find the new innovations that are changing horticulture. At the end of the course, you will know about the role of scientific research in addressing challenges in food security.

Gervais likes this course because it has really rich and well prepared content. He also says that the facilitation methods used were enjoyable (Gervais T, ★★★★★).

Demuel really appreciates the opportunity given to him to study this course for free. He also rated it with 5 stars. He says that this course is so great that someone needs to study agriculture. For him, he says, that this course opened up his eyes to know that plants can be modified and manipulate to get high breed (Demuel D, ★★★★★).


Circular Business Models for Sustainable Urban Food Systems

      • EIT Food | Universita Degli Studi Di Torino | University of Helsinki via FutureLearn
      • 4 Weeks (4 hours weekly) of effort required
      • 4,146+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (23 Ratings)

This course is a journey to discover how circular business models transform metropolitan food systems to tackle grand provocations through innovative solutions. In this course, you’ll find how to plan and build circular food systems for resilient, savvy, and supportable urban communities.

You’ll investigate the reactant job of urban communities. This will help you to encourage solid and comprehensive food arrangements, embracing frameworks thinking, institutional development, and participatory methodologies to satisfy the 2030 SDGs. At the end of the course, you will find yourself with the skills and practical tools to distribute awareness and educate people on Urban Food Circularity to foster Sustainable Food Systems.

Maike says that this course was just excellent, it introduced him to the areas that are important to a circular urban for system. He also enjoyed studying case studies. In this course, there were podcasts and videos to learn even more. He also recommends this course to others (Maike S, ★★★★★).

According to Rachel, this course is highly valuable as it covered a range of topics giving both breadth and depth. She also thinks that the information that she gained in this course will help her a lot in her job (Rachel P, ★★★★★).


Explore How Farmers Produce Food Sustainably

      • EIT Food | University of Reading via FutureLearn
      • 3 Weeks (3 hours weekly) of effort required
      • 5,087+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (15 Ratings)

In this course, you will be enriching your mind with the information of sustainable food production and the hurdles that farmers face to offer a sustainable food supply. In this course, you’ll procure a higher understanding of where our food comes from, how it’s created, and the related ecological, social, and supportability challenges for EU ranchers.

Just as horticulture and arable cultivating, you’ll investigate meat, dairy, and egg creation, as you inspect distinctive cultivating frameworks. You’ll likewise find out about the imaginative advances accessible to ranchers to help manageability so you can more readily comprehend cultivating difficulties. Moreover, you will see how farming identifies with your food purchases.

Richard thinks it provided him with a good review of the materials (Richard H, ★★★★★).

David says that this course is just excellent to do a bit of “learning in lockdown”. He also found the course’s content to be far wider than just sustainability, which can prove to be an extremely useful background course to agriculture generally. David also suggests that people who work with agricultural businesses should learn from this course (David M, ★★★★★).


From Waste to Value: How to Tackle Food Waste

      • EIT Food | University of Reading via FutureLearn
      • 3 Weeks (3 hours weekly) of effort required
      • 3,181+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (44 Ratings)

Through this course, you will be discovering the causes and impact of food waste. You will learn to tackle the food waste on a personal, community, and national level. In this course, you’ll investigate how you, as a consumer, can act and rouse others to decrease food waste adequately and reasonably.

You’ll realize what food waste is, and why it is important to control it, and acquire functional data on the best way to be an influencer both actually and strategically. You’ll find how the round economy gives a structure to finding answers for this issue, and get with organizations that are having an effect.

Jovito is very much satisfied with this course and he thinks that this a really good course as it is quite relevant and very insightful considering that food wastes account for 70% globally. He appreciated the fact this course talks about the issue that dissects ethical, social, economic, and environmental perspectives and challenges. Moreover, Jovito says that the transfer of notes with colleagues and instructors are also helpful and encouraging. He encourages social media innovations to support this fundamental issue so that everyone can be aware of this global issue (Jovito B, ★★★★★).


Revolutionising the Food Chain with Technology

      • EIT Food | Queen’s University Belfast via FutureLearn
      • 5 Weeks (4 hours weekly) of effort required
      • 1,144+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (5 Ratings)

This course is an adventure filled with exploration of technology and digitalization. You will see how these two factors can change the food system operates, reducing waste and environmental pressures. In this course, you’ll figure out how the food area can react to these difficulties by embracing imaginative tech.

You’ll find how information empowered advancements are turning out to be more available and moderate, driving an upset in how the food business works. Furthermore, you will distinguish how these advancements can make the evolved way of life and food frameworks more proficient and beneficial, permitting them to add to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Randal claim this course to be fantastic one. In her opinion the course subject material is very good. This course gives a very basic insight into how to top waste. She also thinks that this course opened her eyes to this basic issue (Randal O, ★★★★★).

Senerath found this course very interesting and that she learned a lot about new technologies. She thinks that she got a better insight into what is processing, packaging, and delivery of food (Senerath S, ★★★★☆).


Superfoods: Myths and Truths

      • EIT Food | Universita Degli Studi Di Torino via FutureLearn
      • 4 Weeks (3 hours weekly) of effort required
      • 13,789+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (93 Ratings)

You might be wondering what is a superfood or how do they effect on the body and society? This course will answer your questions. In this course you will find out about the meaning of a ‘superfood’. You will consider the natural, neuroscientific and social parts of superfoods.

Moreover, you will be building up your basic capacities, you will likewise assess the effect of the superfood wonder on society and the economy. At the end of the course, you will be familiar with the mechanisms through which superfoods can be beneficial for your health.

Mary really enjoyed this course on superfoods. She says that she really really impressed by the way this course was structured. She also says that the sections to read were also good in terms of length and content. She says that the 5 minutes videos were just so fun and amazing. The length of the videos makes it very easy for people to keep concentrating. She recommended this course to all of the people that would be interested in finding out more about the quality of the food they eat (Mary A, ★★★★★).

Final Thoughts:

So, these are the 10 Best + Free EIT Food Courses. As you can see a lot of people have taken these courses and they have left their wonderful reviews as well. So, enroll now. TakeThisCourse.net team is working hard to bring the best online courses for the learners world-wide from best organizations like EIT and more. Take care and keep learning.