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EDRAAK – Arabic MOOC Platform


Edraak is known to be a non-profit Massive Open Online Courses platform which is a venture of the Queen Rania Foundation (QRF). EDRAAK selects the very best academics and teachers from all around the world. Together they create a rich, high-quality content right to your fingertips. EDRAAK has a community of over two million learners from across the Arab world. These people interact with one another, share their knowledge and gain a unique learning experience through EDRAAK.

What does EDRAAK have to offer?

EDRAAK offers several programs to offer to the students. The purpose of offering a variety of programs is to enable learners to choose the one that is convenient for them. So here are the different programs offered.

  • Continuous Learning.
  • K-12 Education.
  • Different Specialization Programs.


Continuous learning:

Continuous learning provides several free online courses to learners. The courses are available in different subjects for Arabic Speaking learners. There are 12 categories and the total number of courses available is 144. Each category further has several courses to offer.

Category of continuous learning courses:

As mentioned earlier, there are 12 categories of courses available and each course further has several courses to offer. The following are the names of the categories and the number of courses available in each category.

  • There are 19 courses related to Personal Development.
  • There are 22 courses available regarding Technology.
  • The number of courses related to Education and Teaching is 10.
  • The number of courses in Language and Literature is 11.
  • There are a total of 21 courses in the Science category.
  • There are 16 courses in the Business and Entrepreneurship category.
  • There are 6 Arts and Media courses available to offer.
  • Health and Nutrition category has 17 courses available to offer.
  • Employment Skills category has 6 courses to offer.
  • Design and Architecture have 7 courses available to offer.
  • There are 6 courses available related to Economics.
  • Lastly, there are 3 courses available to offer in the Humanities category.


This section contains several open educational resources that are available in the Arabic language. These resources are available for school-aged learners and teachers.


This is a fun-filled section that helps students to learn in different new ways. The purpose of this exercise is to help students from grades 1 to 12 and kindergarten as well to excel in their class. To select your grade click here.


EDRAAK provides teachers with the facility of virtual classrooms that will not only improve their teaching skills but also the student’s skills. A teacher can learn a lot of new techniques and tips to improve his learning methods. This will help both the teacher and the student to become better. To get started, a teacher has to create an account by clicking here.


EDRAAK also lets parents track their child’s progress and get to know what they are good at and which subject needs more attention. To get started click here.

Different Specialization Programs:

These specializations are a series of courses that are designed according to a particular topic. It enables learners to master a specific skill or even gain in-depth knowledge.

EDRAAK offers two types of specializations to the learners. The first type discuses one topic through a series of courses that have to be completed sequentially. On the other hand, the second type compiles courses that have various topics being discussed which together offer the learner an added value or a related skill set. The courses topic are not arranged in a specific order but are rather varied. These specializations are available online for anyone to take. Also several are accredited by an institute.

The following are the specializations available:

  • Success Skills and Self-Improvement Specialization
  • Creativity at Work specialization
  • Leadership and Teamwork Skills Specialization
  • International Computer Driving License-ICDL Base
  • Education Technology: Principles, Strategies, Applications
  • Cybersecurity
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And a few more. So we at takethiscourse.net are quite impressed by the online programs, specializations and other features offered by the EDRAAK. So visit the website today. Find yourself a related online course or specialization. Create an account on EDRAAK and never stop learning like we always say at takethicourse.net.