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Top 5 Disturbing Myths about the PMP Certification


The project management professional certification is an internationally recognized professional designation that is being offered by the Institute of Project Management. PMP certification is becoming popular and majority of the organizations tend to hire those employees who are PMP certified. So now-a-days many people who have connection to this field are looking for ways that can help them get this certification.

PMP is though highly in demand and is becoming much popular, but still there are many myths about the PMP certification that must be cleared because there are a number of people out there who believe in any kind of myth they hear about the PMP certification and when it doesn’t go the way they planned, they consider PMP a waste of time. So let us discuss some disturbing myths that we have about the PMP certification.

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Myth #1:

You have to score 61% in order to pass the exam.

This is the very first myth that is being spread all over the world that you have to score 61% to pass the exam. This was not a myth up until November 2005 and the passing score was indeed 61% but after 2005, the PMI has stopped publishing the passing score and now they had a different criteria, that is, they used a psychometric analysis to calculate the passing score. This means that you’ll get more points on solving correct a difficult question and will get a lower score upon solving an easy question.

Myth #2:

PMI selects certain kinds of profile for auditing. But let us be very clear to you that it’s totally false. PMI claims that their audit procedure is entirely random and you may or may not be selected regardless of your profile. So all you have to do is fill out the form entirely honestly and show all the original documents if you get selected for the audit.

Myth #3:

You will for sure get a higher salary upon getting PMP certified:

Among all the myths that we have about PMP, this myth is most disturbing because people upon hearing this myth start to believe in it and decide to take the exam only because they think they’ll instantly get a higher salary so they appear in the test and work really hard to pass it. But what happens is that you sure get a good job or given a higher rank but that doesn’t mean that your salary will instantly get high. This is not the case. PMP is very much in demand and organizations do prefer those who are PMP certified and after some time, you will get a raise in your salary but that doesn’t mean that there is a 100% guarantee of a higher salary just because you have passed the exam. You will be given a raise on the basis of your excellent performance and not just because you are PMP certified.

Myth #4:

It is mandatory to memorize the input, tool and technique and output:

PMP never asks their applicants to memorize the ITTO, instead they only demand the learners to understand them. Also you’ll only waste your time trying to memorize them because it is impossible to memorize them. So all you have to do is understand them and not memorize them.

Myth #5:

You need a total of 35 PDUs to apply for the exam:

Many people often confuse themselves between the contact hours and the PDUs. PMP demands that you only need 35 contact hours to apply for the exam and not 35 PDUs. You don’t have to worry about the PDU’s until you have become a PMP certified. But you only need 35 contact hours for the exam.PMP

So the above mentioned were some of the myths that we had about PMP certification and I think after reading this explanation, many people will now have a clear head about these myths and I would suggest people to stop believing in such myths and just focus on the fact that PMP certification can indeed take your career to an advanced level. So instead on focusing on myths like it will give you a highest salary or you only need 61% to pass the exam and many other, just focus on how to pass this exam and then make a plan on how to proceed next.