Home Blended and Online Learning Design Review

    Blended and Online Learning Design Review

    Course Highlights

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    In this course, you will get a chance to develop the best pedagogy for your students and understand how to do that using blended and online learning methods. Here you will understand the nature of learning design in the context of blended and online learning. Starting the course, the instructor will talk about the Conversational Framework as a tool for thinking about learning design and assessment. You will then understand all about the digital tools and resources and learn to optimize your learning management system for your students.

    You will then understand what the Learning Designer tool is and how it is used for borrowing, planning, creating, and sharing design ideas with other teachers across and within subject areas. Going further, the instructor will talk about the learning designs and the types of formative assessment for blended and online learning and achieve different types of learning outcomes. After that, you will be taught how to implement online learning across your institution.

    TTC Course Analysis:

    Following are the results of comprehensive analysis of “Blended and Online Learning Design” online course by our team of experts.

    TTC Rating
    181 Reviews

    TakeThisCourse Sentiment Analysis Results:

    In order to facilitate our learners with real user experience, we performed sentiment analysis and text mining techniques that generates following results:

    • TTC analyzed a total of 181 reviews for this online course.
    • The analysis indicates that around 95% reviews were positive while around 05% of reviews had negative sentiment.
    • Blended and Online Learning Design’s online course received a total score of 4.8 out of 5, based on user opinions related to 4 effectiveness factors including content, engagement, quality practice and career benefit.

    Blended and Online Learning Design

    TTC Course Effectiveness:

    Online Course Effectiveness Score
    Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit
    5.0 / 5.0
    25 Reviews
    5.0 / 5.0
    76 Reviews
    5.0 / 5.0
    9 Reviews
    5.0 / 5.0
    3 Reviews

    Based on learner reviews we believe;

    • The content of this course has been delivered logically and clearly
    • This course leads learners to reflect on pedagogy and explains how to design their course flow
    • The course contains engaging assignments to solve
    • Overall the course helps learners gain knowledge and skills in online teaching

    Blended and Online Learning Design

    Pros & Cons:


    • Highest rating of 4.8
    • Engaging assignments
    • Helpful tips


    • Some content is very difficult to follow
    • Inconsistent assignments

    What Learners Are Saying About this Course:

    This section contains feedback that has been given by online learners about this course. Note that we have divided these reviews based on our main points mentioned below;

    Key benefits:

    This course offers great content and teaches the best way to put theory into practice

    I found this course to be perfect for me. I have taken many online courses but found this course to be the best one in terms of putting theory into practice. This course helped me understand how I can structure my approach to moving online and then using that time most efficiently. Now that I have learned how to use the Learner Designer Tool, I believe I can continue using this tool and that is a huge bonus for me. (Mairead O)

    Offers very useful content and helps learners update their current teaching

    This is a type of course that offers the best content I can ever get access to. I can say the level of course was right for me. It allowed me to update my current teaching and even refreshed my knowledge about learning styles. I can say this course has empowered me as a designer of learning and supported my reflection on my own practice as part of my profession. (Tetiana B)

    This course offers a perfect and balanced mix of theory and practice

    After completing this course I realized how engaging it is and what it taught me. I can say this course is a perfect mix of theory and practice. It encouraged me to experiment with all the essential digital tools and then create the best learning designs. (Veronica I)

    It is very informative and offers assignments that are useful

    This course was great and turned out to be very informative. It definitely met my expectations and I can say the assignments were also great. The best part of the course for me was when we got the review the assignments of other teachers and share best practices. Not many courses are that enjoyable but this course was the one I can learn from again and again. (Jodie A)

    Great for all the teachers out there at any level of experience

    This course was well-designed and structured and helped me learn things I did not know before. No matter how many years of experience you have, this course can turn out to be suitable for every single teacher out there. All those teachers using online methods for course delivery should definitely enroll in this course. I also learned a lot from it and it made me think deeply about my own approach. With that, it also helped me realize and understand how I can develop further from where I am right now. (John I)

    Offers excellent ideas, tools, and techniques that promote the use of online learning

    This course equipped me with the most excellent ideas, tools, and techniques that allowed me to enjoy teaching students. This course was not only helpful for the pandemic situation where all of us were forced to teach online. But it is also suitable for an ongoing shift in mindset to use blended learning for engaging learners. The course even explained how we can better address the needs of learners using a variety of learning styles and needs. I am truly thankful for this course as it has changed the way I used to teach. (Diane J)

    Turned out to be the most challenging yet practical course I have ever come across

    After completing this course I realized this course was the most challenging yet practical course I have ever come across. The level of the content was perfect. The entire course was balanced and offered the best content to learn from. (April M)

    Key challenges

    The course isn’t entirely practical as it seems

    Yes, I found the Learning Designer tool extremely helpful and it is quite useful for focusing my attention on getting a better mix of TLAs. However, I am still not entirely convinced that this course is entirely practical for me because I work in a multi-grade primary education setting. The tools shared by the instructor seem to be better suited for Higher education environments. That is why I feel this course did not meet my expectations the way I was hoping. (Helen O)

    Learner’s Suggestions/Recommendations:

    The information in the course was truly valuable however the way it was presented did not meet my needs as a learner. The direction of the assignments was not consistent with the content and I really hope the instructor could take a look at this problem. (Chris G)

    Is this Course worth taking?

    This is a very engaging course that helps learners understand how to develop our teaching as active learning designs for blended and online teaching. The content is presented in a reasonable way and is understandable. The assignments are great and overall the course is a great mixture of theory and practical work.

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