Home Course Review Course Review: The Age of Sustainable Development

Course Review: The Age of Sustainable Development

Course Highlights
  • Columbia University via Coursera
  • 116,338+ already enrolled!
  • ★★★★★ (2,680 Ratings)

“The Age of Sustainable Development” is a very engaging course that aims to give learners an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development. Here you will understand in detail what sustainable development is. Then the instructor will talk about the reasons for inequality between different countries. Similarly, you will get a short history of economic development. After that, you will get to analyze the intersecting roles of various factors contributing toward some countries getting advanced while others don’t. Furthermore, you will understand the pathways to ending extreme poverty. Thus taking this course will help you understand so much about sustainable development in detail.

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This section contains feedback from different users who have taken this course. By reading actual comments from actual users, you can get a clear picture of what this course can actually teach us.

Positive Feedback:

  • I believe this course turned out to be very helpful in understanding what sustainable development is and the challenges this world is facing. The lectures were recorded in a systematic manner and the statistical representations were also very helpful. (Taimoor H, ★★★★★).
  • This is a perfectly informative course for someone who doesn’t know what sustainable development is. I already know so much about sustainable development and yet found this course to be extremely informative and helpful. (Victoria L, ★★★★★).
  • This was an amazing course about a modern development in the world and its perils and ways to avoid it. I can say I have definitely enriched my knowledge about the contemporary world and the challenges we are facing. Sincerely grateful and happy to have enrolled in this course. (Cairo H, ★★★★★).
  • A big round of applause to the instructor Jeffrey for this amazing course. I have sincerely enjoyed learning from this course. Would love to recommend this course to all those who have even a slight interest in sustainable development. (Maggie P, ★★★★★).
  • This course is exactly what I needed to learn what sustainable development is and understand why there is inequality between countries. Great job indeed. (Gisele L, ★★★★★).
  • This course seems to be very interesting and is a great value for money. Without this course, I would have never been able to understand the factors contributing to the advancement of different countries. (Hunter S, ★★★★☆).
  • This is a great course which I can recommend to everyone interested. The majority of the concepts taught in the course were relevant and to the point. I can say this course gave me a new perspective on everything around us. (Leigh S, ★★★★★).
  • In the form of this course, Jeffrey has provided us all with the best course that anyone can take to understand what sustainable development is. (Michael Jr, ★★★★★).
  • I have found this course to be extremely informative. Learning from this instructor has been great for me. Not only was I able to learn so much from him but I really enjoyed taking this course and understanding so much about how the economy works. (Dr. Pravin, ★★★★★).
  • This course is the one I have been searching for a while now. I got to discover sustainable development a year ago and got really intrigued by it. Now that I have completed this course, I feel like I am ready enough to take an advanced course and dive deeper into it. (Chelsea N, ★★★★★).
  • The instructor has done a great job in making this course. I am so happy to have enrolled in this course as I was able to collect a lot of valuable information about sustainable development through it. (James Riot, ★★★★★).
  • A very detailed course that kept me engaged the entire time. The best thing about this course is that it lets you study at ease and pace. I really enjoyed the switch between reading and videos with the pop quizzes in the videos. The quizzes were very interesting to solve and acted as a recap of the entire week. (Stacey S, ★★★★★).
  • This course was so engaging and taught me so much that I am now ready to get a degree in it. All thanks to the instructor for the amazing content explained in a simple manner. (Shayda M, ★★★★★).
  • The course offers insightful information which proves that sustainability is a complex issue and one should put in extra time to understand culture, geography, and social justice. Thanks to Columbia University and the professor for this course. (Rahadityo P, ★★★★★).
  • The course offers very detailed and engaging information about sustainable development and how different countries are working towards development and advancement. (Anonymous Learner, ★★★★★).
  • The course is quite comprehensive and informative. The instructor presented the historical and current trends in sustainable development in a cohesive manner. He has really gone to great lengths to simplify complex concepts. (Vierah H, ★★★★★).
  • If you are interested in knowing sustainable development and economic development then this course is what you need. It has everything you need to understand relevant to human rights, poverty, gender equality, and whatnot. (Michelle T, ★★★★★).
  • The course is without any doubt exceptional and the instructor is great but I can’t ignore the fact that the course is outdated for the current year and needs to be updated. (Shivani B, ★★★★☆).

Negative Feedback:

  • The lectures are without any doubt great and the subject is extremely relevant but sadly the tests were nonsense. They only required the ability to read graphs, also the majority of the hyperlinks were outdated which is a serious concern. (Erik T, ★★☆☆☆).
  • The instructor was great but the content was not. Was not able to develop enough interest in this course to complete it. (Anonymous Learner, ★★☆☆☆).
  • The course is no doubt good but the quizzes were so bad I almost ended up not want to complete them. (Matthew J, ★☆☆☆☆).

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