Home Course Review Course Review: Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence

Course Review: Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence

Course Highlights
  • Case Western Reserve University via Coursera
  • 106,329+ already enrolled!
  • ★★★★★ (1,391 Ratings)

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It has been found that emotional intelligence, hope, compassion, and mindfulness can help a person beat the damage of chronic stress and build great leadership relationships. This course is all about explaining how effective leadership relations can be built through emotional intelligence.

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TTC Course Analysis:

Following are the results of comprehensive analysis of “Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence” online course by our team of experts.

TTC Rating
519 Reviews

TakeThisCourse Sentiment Analysis Results:

In order to facilitate our learners with real user experience, we performed sentiment analysis and text mining techniques that generates following results:

  • TTC analyzed a total of 519 reviews for this online course.
  • The analysis indicates that around 93.5% reviews were positive while around 6.5% of reviews had negative sentiment.
  • Case Western Reserve University online course received a total score of 4.7 out of 5, based on user opinions related to 4 effectiveness factors including content, engagement, quality practice and career benefit.
Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence Course Review
TTC Sentiment Analysis based on Learner Reviews

TTC Course Effectiveness:

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit
4.5 / 5.0
141 Reviews
4.8 / 5.0
396 Reviews
4.4 / 5.0
124 Reviews
4.7 / 5.0
90 Review

Course Review Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence

What Will You Learn in This Course?

Taking this course will help you learn the following;

  • You will examine the effects of emotional contagion. These will be both negative and positive.
  • Then you will examine the psychological and physiological process that allows our bodies and minds to experience stress.
  • Similarly, you will understand how stress hinders openness to new ideas, people, and emotions.
  • After that, the instructor will talk about how chronic annoying stress can cause cognitive, emotional, and perceptual impairment.
  • Then you will get to examine the Parasympathetic nervous system in detail.
  • The instructor will explain how hope, compassion, mindfulness, and playfulness can help build resonant relationships.

Thus this and so much more will be learned in this course.


In this section, you will find feedback that users have given about this course. By reading comments from actual users, you can easily get a clear picture of what this course has to offer and whether you should be enrolling in it or not.

Positive Feedback:

  • This was a complete and deep course on emotional intelligence and teaches you so much about stress and how it affects our mind and body. I would say sometimes it became difficult for me to follow along as the content is a lot but it was all worth the effort. (Bernard D, ★★★★★).
  • This was an amazing course which was conducted by the amazing Professor Richard B. His way of explaining things is admirable. I can say the course is a mix of humor and a ton of research-backed evidence. It was indeed an inspirational program. (Ravi R, ★★★★★).
  • A very inspiring and engaging course that has all the instructions explained in a clear manner. The activities were the best part for me and I can say the content, theory, material and everything else has made my learning experience an exciting one. (Celeste C, ★★★★★).
  • I really love this course as it kept me engaged the entire time. The course has allowed me to go through very interesting theories like coaching with compassion, intentional change theory, emotional intelligence, and more. The assignments were very engaging and helpful in getting a grip on the course. (Niki F, ★★★★★).
  • Taking this course has done so well to me that I believe this course can be recommended to all those interested. The instructor is great, the content is great, and the assignments are good. What more would you want from an online course right? (Mirha Farhan, ★★★★★).
  • I haven’t completed this course but I would say whatever I got to learn so far is great and this instructor deserves a standing ovation. (Shumaila F, ★★★★☆).
  • A well-structured course that allowed me to go into depth about emotional intelligence and leadership. One thing I would mention is that if you really want to make the most out of this course then try to invest more time in it. I invested around 40 hours in this course to reach to a level where things started to make sense. (Kay P, ★★★★★).
  • This course taught me that inspiring leadership through emotional intelligence is a very convenient way to manage people compare to what we usually do. The techniques taught in the course are quite unique and helpful. Thus this course has given me a good fundamental awareness of emotional intelligence. (Aruna T, ★★★★★).
  • I really enjoyed learning from this course. The course has a lot of practical applications for both myself and the team I lead. Looking forward to applying whatever I have learned from this course at my workplace. (Susan D, ★★★★★).
  • Even though the course has a lot of work and reading and content but believes me you wouldn’t want it the other way round. The entire content is worth reading and taking notes from. (Marc A, ★★★★★).
  • An extremely beneficial course that is suitable for leaders who are trying t inspire others and make a difference. The course teaches many approaches that should be applied in real life. (Nader A, ★★★★★).
  • This was a great course and had varied content to offer. The additional notes and lecture videos were extremely useful and helpful. The exercises and assignments were also great and allowed me to gain in-depth reflection and pertinent thinking. (Dean F, ★★★★★).
  • I believe this was an excellent and well-explained course that helped me to spread positivity among the people I work with. I would like to thank the entire team and the Professor for this course. (Sheeba M, ★★★★★).
  • A great and quite inspirational course that can make you feel like a real resonant leader in your organization. I think this course is very important and should be taken by all the leading professionals. (Imran R, ★★★★★).
  • This was without any doubt an excellent course that has been taught in an amazing manner. I would have given 5 stars if the materials were updated. But yes I can say even the available content is good enough to learn a lot. (Karin D, ★★★★☆).

Negative Feedback:

  • The course was fine but nobody told me the workload would increase five times more as you go further. I was definitely not expecting this much workload so I had no fun learning from this course. (Paul K, ★★☆☆☆).
  • The assignments were too cumbersome. Given the good quality of the course content, the assignment was a complete disaster. I mean who would give his learners an assignment to interview 10 to 12 people and then write a summary about it? (Anatoly G, ★★☆☆☆).

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