Home CCNA 15 Best Computer Networking Courses & Certification 2023

15 Best Computer Networking Courses & Certification 2023 [Updated]


A team of experts at takethiscourse.net have put in efforts to compile down a list of 15 best computer networking courses free. Our team has tried as much as they can to provide you all with the best computer network learning sources. So do take a look at this list and find yourself a course to learn from it.

# Course Name University/Organization Ratings Duration
1. Cisco Networking Basics Specialization Coursera
2. Computer Networking Class via Google Google ★★★★★4.7 27 Hours
3. Introduction to Computer Networks for Non-Techies Udemy ★★★★★4.7 18 Hours
4. Network Protocols and Architecture Coursera
5. Computer Networking Courses via Georgia Tech Georgia Tech 03 Months
6. Introductory Computer Networking Courses for Teachers Raspberri Pi ★★★★★4.8 06 Hours
7. Introduction to Computer Networking New York University 35 Hours
8. Computer Network and Security Foundations Western Governors University 80 Hours
9. Computer Network Cabling: Ethernet Wiring Infrastructure Udemy ★★★★★4.6 01 Hour
10. Software Defined Networking University of Chicago ★★★★★4.6 32 Hours
11. Managing Cisco Networks via Infrastructure as Code PluralSight ★★★★★4.9 02 Hours
12. Aruba Cloud-Managed Networking: Modern Campus Network Design PluralSight 01 Hour
13. Computer Fundamentals: Networking PluralSight ★★★★★4.5 02 Hour
14. Computer Network: Networking fundamentals + Wireshark Basics Udemy ★★★★4.3 04 Hours
15. Computer Networks Security from Scratch to Advanced Udemy ★★★★4.2 08 Hours
Computer Networking FAQs
In order to help our readers in taking a knowledgeable learning decision, TakeThisCourse.net has introduced a metric to measure the effectiveness of an online course. Learn more about how we measure an online course effectiveness.

List of 10 Best Computer Networking Courses & Classes:

ADIntel® Network Academy – Network Transformation 101

      • Intel via Coursera
      • 11 hours of effort required
      • 9,030+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (209 Ratings)

saveCisco Networking Basics Specialization

      • CISCO via Coursera
      • 80 hours of effort required
      • 23,487+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (5,514 Ratings)

Cisco Networking Basics SpecializationIn this cisco networking specialization, there are 5 Networking courses in total included. These courses are best for all the beginners in computing who are in need to understand the basics. With this specialization, you can learn to send and receive data in a network. With that, you will also learn how small computer networks can be created. Furthermore, you’ll also learn different concepts, practice activities, and simulations that can help you build skills and a full understanding of computer networking. Similarly, you will learn to set up a basic home network, configure different devices for connectivity, and much more. For network professionals seeking to enhance their skills, our Master Network Automation with Python for Network Engineers Course Review offers an in-depth look at this pivotal training.

Whether you want to learn about applied arts and sciences or get a complete overview of the fundamentals of computer science, this specialization is what you need to enroll in. Similarly, if you want to understand all the principles of computer and information technology, then again this specialization is the solution. The skills that you’ll develop from this specialization are relevant to cloud computing, data management, security, and support and operations. So enroll today and start learning from the comfort of your home.

saveComputer Networking Class by Google

      • Google via Coursera
      • 24 hours of effort required
      • 287,446+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (13,084 Ratings)

The Bits and bytes of computer networking

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

A course that has been designed in a way to provide you with the best way to learn networking. From Networking Courses training, in this course, You’ll cover all the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and all the protocols in a thorough manner. With that, you get an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting. Furthermore, you will also be able to describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer model. Similarly, making you understand all the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications is also a part of the course. Not just that, you will learn the network services like DNS and DHCP as well.

Start your journey with Network+ training to gain valuable IT expertise and certification.

In addition, you will get a chance to understand cloud computing in detail. After that, the instructor is going to talk about the fundamentals of modern networking technologies. Upon completing this course, you would have developed a variety of skills related to Domain Name System (DNS), IPv4, networking, and troubleshooting. Thus taking this course will be of great help. Check out the 9 Best Network+ Certification Training Courses.

This was a really fun course. I actually enjoyed the pace of the knowledge given. Plenty of technical information was given, while the course made it easy to absorb all of that knowledge (Tyler S, ★★★★★).

Apply yourself to those terms and ideas, and you may gain knowledge that’s presented in a remarkably very understandable way. Watch and rewatch the course videos, and that I promise it’ll all start making sense (Andrew M, ★★★★★).

Coursera Plus Networking Courses

saveIntroduction to Computer Networks for Non-Techies

      • Alton Hardin via Udemy
      • 30,822+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (6,568 Ratings)

Intro to computer networks for non techies

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Learn the fundamentals of computer networks like never before with this amazing and challenging course. Perfect networking courses for beginners to understand how a computer network work. By the end of the course, you will have known how the inner working of a computer network takes place. With that, you are also going to understand the benefits of computer networks. Furthermore, other things like effectively planning and designing a computer network, understanding the OSI Model, planning a network, what is a network cable, and much more will be learned in the way.

To be able to understand in the best possible manner from this course, all you need is a good understanding of the basics of computers. With that, a stable internet connection and a working computer are required. Other topics that are included in this course are network topologies, networking devices, networking cable, and more.

This was one of the most effective Networking courses I have ever taken. It had been very comprehensive, thorough, a good number of resources, updated in 2019, and highly relevant. The simplest part is that this course is being refreshed with relevant content regularly. So, everyone can have access to updated knowledge for their entire life. I highly recommend it for beginners and anyone inquisitive about Computer Networks and Networking (John Kingsley, ★★★★★).

saveNetwork Protocols and Architecture

        • CISCO via Coursera
        • 16 hours of effort required
        • 21,373+ already enrolled!
        • ★★★★★ (1,189 Ratings)

Learn networking OnlineFrom the Best Free networking courses certification, In this course, you are going to witness a whole new level of concepts and technicalities which you haven’t understood before. When you start the course, the instructor will explain to you all the protocols and standards that benefit a global internetwork. Similarly going further will help you understand how the Ethernet protocol transmits data within a LAN. The course has different modules and each module has something different to teach. In one module, you can learn to use Cisco Packet Tracer to connect hosts to a wireless router in a LAN. While on the other module, you will be taught how to use a protocol analyzer or packet sniffer to open and examine packet data. You can, therefore, learn this and much more from this course.

saveComputer Networking Courses via Georgia Tech

      • Georgia Tech via Udacity
      • 3 Months of effort required
      • Skill Level: Intermediate

Computer Networking CourseAmong Best Online Computer Networking Courses with Certificates, This course aims to uncover advanced topics in Computer Networking. The course is divided into different parts and each part is going to cover different topics. Topics like Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Data Center Networking, Content Distribution, and much more are covered. As you go further, you will learn about the implementation, design principles, and goals that a computer network has. Similarly, you will also learn resource control and content distribution in networking applications.

Similarly, you will also get to understand everything there is about congestion control and traffic shaping. After that, there will be a detailed discussion on the operations and management of computer networks which encompass SDN (Software Defined Networks), traffic engineering, and network security. So join the path to greatness and learn everything about computer networking at your ease and pace through this course.

Learning computer network online isn’t a simple task. So, continue with more Computer Networking Classes to learn computer network at your own pace and convenience.

saveIntroductory Computer Networking Courses for Teachers [No more Available]

      • Raspberri Pi & Teach Computing via FutureLearn
      • 6 hours of effort required
      • Skill Level: Introductory
      • ★★★★★

Best Computer Networking Class

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Are you curious to learn to build your knowledge and understanding of a computer network at your ease and pace? This is one of the best computer networking courses targeting teachers. You can learn all about computer networking through this online course. The learning content of this course will improve your understanding of key concepts. You will gain enough confidence to be able to teach this subject independently. Furthermore, you can learn to describe different types of computer networks and understand how data is transmitted securely.

The Networking Courses instructor will make you understand how computers are connected to one another. Then you will also learn about the different types of networks you might use every day but are unaware of. Similarly, there will also be a detailed discussion on packets and protocols. You will learn why we need IP addresses and how data is encapsulated in them. Moreover, you will learn about internet works and much more here. Thus with this course, you can cover real-world usage of networking technology to improve your understanding.

This course was on the proper level for my understanding. I am a returning teacher who has always taught FE and HE and got off from networking. This course helped me to figure out the secondary sector. This course showed me networking wasn’t the evil that I believed it was. This course made it interesting, showed the way to teach it well. This course definitely is Fantastic. As expected of learners within the subject. This course also showed the use of devices using real life scenarios. I am looking forward to completing more courses (Sharon W, ★★★★★).

saveIntroduction to Computer Networking [No more Available]

      • NYU – New York University via edX
      • 35 hours of effort required
      • 23,043+ already enrolled!
      • Skill Level: Introductory
      • This course is part of the Computer Science Fundamentals MicroBachelors Program

Online Networking classesAn introductory level course to help you gain the networking understanding adequately through best computer networking lectures via NYU. The course is divided into different segments and each segment covering different topics like an overview of computer networking, link layer, network layer, transport layer, etc. By the end of the course, your mind will be filled with a variety of concepts. These concepts include describing and identifying the key components of computer networks. Similarly, you’ll learn what IP protocol is, understanding routing algorithms and routing protocols.

With that, you will develop a good understanding of what IP protocol is, routing algorithms and routing protocols. Going further, the instructor will explain to you all about the peer to peer networks. After that, there will be a detailed explanation of the principles behind transport layers, multiplexing, and demultiplexing. In addition, you will also get to learn how routers actually work. You will learn about its path selection, broadcast, and multicast in detail. Moreover, the instructor will explain common network security technologies. Which include firewalls and intrusion detective systems. Thus this and many other topics will be discussed in detail.

saveComputer Network and Security Foundations

      • Western Governors University via edX
      • 80 hours of effort required
      • Skill Level: Introductory
      • This course is part of the Information Technology Career Framework MicroBachelors Program

Networking security CourseA complete introduction to the components of a computer network that will help you understand all the concepts and roles in a computer network. The course is designed so as to uncover widely used categorical classifications of networks. With that, you will also learn about network topologies, physical devices, layered abstractions, etc. Similarly, moving further with the course, you will get an introduction to various concepts of security, covering different vulnerabilities of networks. Furthermore, what are mitigation techniques, understanding the security of physical media, and security policies?

The course also contains a detailed discussion of the essentials for implementing modern computer networks. Furthermore, you will be taken through various networking technologies. In addition, the course will also introduce you to different concepts and practices related to network security vulnerabilities and threats. So, understand all about the policies and procedures that are related to security management and much more through this course.

saveComputer Network Cabling: Ethernet Wiring Infrastructure

      • Matt Thomas via Udemy
      • 738+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (229 Ratings)

Learning Computer Network

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Struggling with understanding all the technicalities and concepts of a computer network? In this case, you need this course to help you achieve your goal. You will learn to master the fundamentals of RJ-45 ports and be able to intuitively run cable. With that, you are going to learn to physically increase your network capabilities. Similarly, other things like finding and detecting network cables within walls and clusters, and how to properly test all the cables will also be learned.

The requirement of this course is slightly different as you need to be able to utilize different sharp tools safely. With that, you must also know to utilize some of the tools (that are mentioned in the course) too. Thus upon completing this course successfully, you would have gained a complete understanding of network cable wiring inside out.

I’m a daily electrician. My boss is wanting us to be able to understand low voltage ethernet terminations because this company we work for wants us to be certified in rj45 terminations. I’m hoping they’re going to accept this as a certification (Thomas Horton, ★★★★★).

Computer Network Cabling: Ethernet Wiring Infrastructure was an honest resource for cabling basics. The professor gave a course in an awesome and comprehensive way. The visual is more practical than plenty of talking. This course showcases at the start and ends teaching about the tools used. It gave us an overall outline of what’s required before attempting networking cabling and a pair of more specific examples if a cable fails to work. Matt, thanks for your focus and perspicacity on networking cabling (Jeffrey Sack, ★★★★☆).

saveSoftware-Defined Networking

      • The University of Chicago via Coursera
      • 30 hours of effort required
      • 49,771+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (148 Ratings)

Software defined networking courses

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

A very well defined, engaging, and challenging course to help you learn everything there is about software-defined networking. With this course, you will learn how communication networks are managed, maintained, and secured. With that, you are also going to learn about the history and evolution of the SDNs. Furthermore, you will be gaining experience with the OpenFlow/SDN control and learning about the tradeoffs of using different SDN controllers too.

There will be a detailed discussion on the motivation and history behind the separation of the control and data plane. In addition, you will understand the challenges and opportunities that the architectural paradigm has to offer. Similarly, you will gain experience with using SDN to customize control-plane behavior. You will develop a good understanding of network visualization. How it works, what it is used for, and how it is related to software-defined networking will also be understood. So, with this course, you get to gain experience of using SDN to customize your control-plane behavior and much more.

It is a really interesting course. I really liked it. Thanks, Professor Nick Feamster. I’ll continue my further work and study works on software-defined networking. Fortunately, at the beginning of this course, I’ve been studying articles on deployment opportunities and the difficulties of SDN. I gripped valuable know-how of the technology, and my attention felt on SDN for my thesis work as of October (Adugna G B, ★★★★★).

saveManaging Cisco Networks via Infrastructure as Code

      • Nick Russo via Pluralsight
      • Study Level: Beginner
      • ★★★★★ (54 Ratings)

Managing Cisco Networks via Infrastructure as Code

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This is a type of course that will help you understand the fundamentals of networking that include details on IP routing, Ethernet switching, and critical network services. The aim here is to help you discover the capabilities of common infrastructure.

  • The reason why we chose this course is its focus on explaining everything there is about network-oriented models that drive programmability.
  • This course is suitable for all those who wish to develop the right amount of skills and knowledge about managing Cisco networks.

saveAruba Cloud-Managed Networking: Modern Campus Network Design [No more Available]

      • Aruba Education Services via Pluralsight
      • 01 hours of effort required!
      • Study Level: Intermediate

Aruba Cloud-Managed Networking- Modern Campus Network Design

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This 1-hour course will give you a high level overview of what network design is. Here you will get access to all the topics that are trending in the edge era.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining all about the Aruba’s modern approach to network design.
  • This course is suitable for all those people who are either IT professionals or network engineers or architects. One thing to be mentioned here is if you really want to make the most out of this course then a basic understanding wireless computer networking would help.

saveComputer Fundamentals: Networking

      • Vlad Catrinescu via Pluralsight
      • 02 hours of effort required!
      • Study Level: Beginner

Computer Fundamentals- Networking

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This computer fundamentals course is going to help you learn the foundational knowledge of networking services and concepts in detail. The main objective of this course is to help you explore the different networking concepts..

  • The reason why we chose this course is its focus on explaining the different types of networks and internet connection.
  • This course has been found out to be useful for all those individuals who wish to develop skills and knowledge relevant to networking.

saveComputer Network: Networking fundamentals + Wireshark Basics

      • Engineering Mentor via Udemy
      • 5,212+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (590 Ratings)

Computer Network- Networking fundamentals + Wireshark Basics

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This is a type of course that will help you understand how we can design the computer networks and then implement and apply them at each layer.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining all about networks and networking through visualization. The course encloses in it clear and crisp lectures covering important concepts.
  • This course is suitable for all those who wish to understand the networking fundamentals in detail. Enhance your network troubleshooting skills with our Best + Free Wireshark Courses with Certificates.
I really liked this course as it covers the different layers of protocol which are relevant to the OSI stack. I can say this course is a great combination of visuals, theories, and examples of networking. Also the wireshark section is kind of a bonus for all of us. (Michael S, ★★★★★).

saveComputer Networks Security from Scratch to Advanced

      • Mohammad Adly via Udemy
      • 92,211+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (2,182 Ratings)

Computer Networks Security from Scratch to Advanced

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This “Computer Networks Security from Scratch to Advanced” course aims to help you understand all about computer networks at your own ease and pace. Here you will understand the ISO/OSI model in a step-by-step guide.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining all about the wireless networks and computer networks security. With that, you will also get a chance to understand what firewalls and honeypots are.
  • This course is suitable for all those who wish to understand all about the wireless networks security and intrusion detection and prevention systems.
I have found the lectures of this course to be very clear and understandable. The learning content of this course has given me a broader understanding of networking and security as a system. I believe this is a kind of course that can be recommended to all those interested. (Megersa M, ★★★★★).

ADIntroduction to TCP/IP

      • Yonsei University via Coursera
      • 5 hours of effort required
      • 24,758+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (649 Ratings)

Computer Networking FAQs

Is Networking easy to learn?

Just like developing a basic understanding of anything is straightforward; same is the case with understanding the basics of networking. But if you want to gain a deeper understanding of networking and understand all its fundamentals and technicalities in detail then yes it will take a lot of time and dedication.

Which course is best for Computer Network?

We can’t just say there is this one course that is the best as the market for online courses is very big and there are many competitive platforms that offer courses for computer network. So here are the names of some of the best courses for computer network. • Cisco Networking Basics • Introduction to Computer Networks for Non-Techies • Introduction to Computer Networking

What jobs are in Computer Networking?

There are many Computer Networking jobs and some are mentioned below. • Network and Computer Systems Administrator. • Computer Systems Analyst. • Computer Network Architect. • Computer and Information Systems Manager. • Computer Network Support Specialist.

What is the salary of Computer Networking jobs?

Below you can find the annual salaries of different computer networking jobs. • The average annual salary of a computer network engineer is $75,216. • A computer and information system manager can make $175,585 annually. • Similarly, a network and computer systems administrator can make around $71,370 annually. • Lastly, a computer network support specialist can make around $65,450 annually.

What is the starting salary for computer networking professional?

According to Payscale, the average salary of a computer network engineer is $75,246.

Network vs Internet

  • Network as we know is defined as a group of two or more computer systems. Internet on the other hand in known to be the interrelationship of a few networks.
  • With network, you can connect thousands of PC at one time whereas through a network, you can easily connect millions of computers and that too at one time.
  • In a network, only one entity has administrative rights for managing the network. But in the case of internet, no entity controls the system.


  • LAN stands for Local Area Network. It is a network that tends to cover a small geographical area. This includes homes, offices, and other groups of buildings. WAN stands for Wide Area Network. It is a network area covering relatively larger geographical areas that can span the globe.
  • LAN can use Layer 1 and Layer 2 devices whereas WAN operates using Layer 3 devices.
  • The speed of LAN is high whereas the speed of WAN is comparatively slower than LAN.

Router vs Switch

  • Switch is considered as a networking device that gives out the facility to share information and various resources by connecting multiple network devices. These devices can be computers, printers, servers, etc. all connected within a small business network.
  • Router on the other hand is a networking device that we use for connecting multiple switches and their corresponding networks for building a larger network. These switches can be in a single location or even different locations as well.
  • By using a switch, all the connected devices can easily share data and other information with one another and can also communicate easily.
  • With the help of a router, the data packets are routed from source destination over a network without any disruptions.

Final Thoughts

Hence these details regarding each course are enough for you to understand what these best courses in networking has to offer and then which one is for you. So pick a course now from these Free Best Computer Networking Courses list, stay safe, and never stop learning.