Home 5 Best + Free Trigonometry Courses & Classes Online

    5 Best + Free Trigonometry Courses & Classes Online


    While selecting the Best + Free Trigonometry Courses & Classes Online, our team considered many factors. These were instructor expertise in the field of trigonometry, course content comprehensiveness, the inclusion of certificates, and positive learner feedback.

    Key Takeaways

    • Access to Best Trigonometry Courses.
    • Gain access to updated Trigonometry fundamentals.

    Suited best for those interested in Trigonometry, especially high school students.

    # Course Name University/Organization Ratings Duration
    1. Trigonometry – The Unit Circle, Angles, & Right Triangles Udemy ★★★★ 4.3 6 Hours
    2. Precalculus: Periodic Functions Johns Hopkins University ★★★★★ 4.7
    3. Become a Trigonometry & Precalculus Master Udemy ★★★★★ 4.5 04 Hours
    4. Trigonometría y geometría analítica National Autonomous University of Mexico 06 Months
    5. College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, & Trigonometry Explained Udemy ★★★★ 3.6
    In order to help our readers in taking a knowledgeable learning decision, TakeThisCourse.net has introduced a metric to measure the effectiveness of an online course. Learn more about how we measure an online course effectiveness.

    Best + Free Trigonometry Courses & Classes Online


    Trigonometry – The Unit Circle, Angles, & Right Triangles

        • Organic Chemistry Tutor via Udemy
        • 2,949+ already enrolled!
        • ★★★★★ (770 Ratings)

    Trigonometry - The Unit Circle, Angles, & Right Triangles

    Online Course Effectiveness Score 
    Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

    In this course, you will understand all about analytical trigonometry. The instructor will talk about double-angle formulas and inverse trigonometric functions in detail.

    • The reason why we chose this course is its focus on explaining how to convert angles from degrees to radians and radians to degrees. You will understand all about circular arc length and linear speed. Then you will learn how to find the exact values of trigonometric functions.
    • This course is for all those students out there who are studying trigonometry and might need help with their homework.

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    I am in college and took a trigonometry class this year. I have been facing problems understanding this subject and that is why I took this course. I can say this course offers far more explanations and different problems than I could find in my physical class. This course has helped me deepen my understanding of trigonometry. (DC)

    Coursera Plus Courses


    Precalculus: Periodic Functions

        • Johns Hopkins University via Coursera
        • 4,267+ already enrolled!
        • ★★★★★ (92 Ratings)

    Precalculus: Periodic Functions

    Online Course Effectiveness Score 
    Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

    In this beginner-level course, you will learn what model data is with both single and multivariable functions.

    • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining how to visualize and analyze data using different technologies. You will also learn to perform vector operations like addition, dot product, scalar multiplication, and cross product.
    • This course is for those who wish to understand the properties of different types of functions and then apply them accordingly to model different situations

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    Taking this course was a good decision I made and I really enjoyed learning from the course. Joseph is without any doubt a great instructor and he knows what he’s doing. The videos were great and I didn’t even face the slightest of problems playing videos. The lectures were easy to comprehend. I asked any question I had in mind right away and it was shortly answered in the discussion forum. (Mustafa Y)


    Become a Trigonometry & Precalculus Master

        • Krista King via Udemy
        • 40,644+ already enrolled!
        • ★★★★★ (4,028 Ratings)

    Become a Trigonometry & Precalculus Master

    Online Course Effectiveness Score 
    Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

    Are you interested in learning all about angles and their measures including degrees and radians? If yes then this course is for you.

    • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining the six circular functions. This includes sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, and contangent.
    • This course is for those who wish to understand all about inverse trig functions including graphs. You will also learn unit circles and how to complete a triangle.

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    It has been a long time since I studied trigonometry and that is why I took this course to refresh my understanding. I can say this course is good and so far everything seems to line up with how I remember it. Completing this course has made me realize how much I have forgotten and how much new concepts I need to learn. Either way, this is the best course and can be recommended to all those interested in trigonometry. (Stefan C)

    Continue with more Free Trigonometry Courses & Classes Online…


    Trigonometría y geometría analítica

        • National Autonomous University of Mexico via Coursera
        • 9,673+ already enrolled!
        • ★★★★★ (51 Ratings)

    Trigonometría y geometría analítica

    Online Course Effectiveness Score 
    Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

    This course sheds light on the study of trigonometry and its applications in practical cases.

    • The reason why we chose this course is its focus on shedding light on the study of analytical geometry. You will learn all about the conic sections which include the straight line, the parabola, the circle, and the ellipse.
    • This course is for those who wish to understand the applications of trigonometry in everyday life situations.

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    Honestly, I loved the structure of this course. Everything was explained in sequence. Even though the hyperbola was missing, that was not that big an issue. The rest of the topics were amazingly explained and helped me understand the many gaps I had in the subject. It even helped me solve many exercises that were pending. (MB)


    College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, & Trigonometry Explained

        • John Greene via Udemy
        • 4,552+ already enrolled!
        • ★★★★★ (671 Ratings)

    College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, & Trigonometry Explained

    Online Course Effectiveness Score 
    Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

    This course offers a great review of basic concepts of real numbers, order of operations, absolute value, and number lines.

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    I am really impressed with this course. I have been trying the fill in the big holes in my math learning for many years. I did succeed but a little until I found this course. Taking this course helped me a lot in understanding the fundamentals of trigonometry. (Victoria A)