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Programming Languages

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Get access to paid and free Programming Languages online courses with certificate from top universities & providers like Harvard, udemy, skillshare, pluralsight, coursera, edX, futurelearn and more. Each online course effectiveness score and reviews will help you decide the right course.
Python for Genomic Data Science

Python for Genomic Data Science

Johns Hopkins University Online Course Highlights 4 weeks long 13 hours to complete Learn for FREE, Upgradable Self-Paced Taught by: Steven Salzberg, Mihaela Pertea View Course...
Reviews of Using Python to Access Web Data

Reviews of Using Python to Access Web Data

This 4 weeks long course has been designed to teach all the necessary skills that are helpful in retrieving data from different websites and...

A 18 Hour SQL/SQL Server 2014/Visual Studio 2017 Course Review

Course Highlights T O via Udemy 11,776+ already enrolled! ★★★★★ (1,405 Ratings) Enroll Now In order to develop websites that are really reliable and fast, a programmer must have all the...
Objected Oriented Programming With C# and Visual Studio 2017

Objected Oriented Programming With C# and Visual Studio 2017

Explore the processes and benefits of objected oriented programming.  What You will Learn? Recognize classes of objects and model them in code Store object level...
Design Patterns in C# and .NET

What’s New in C# 7, 7.1 and 7.2

Learn about latest C# features coming out in Visual Studio 2017.  What You will Learn? Understand and appreciate C# 7/7.1/7.2 language features. Learn how to...
R programming

R Programming

Johns Hopkins University Online Course Highlights 4 weeks long 20 hours to complete Learn for FREE, Upgradable Self-Paced Taught by: Roger D. Peng, Jeff Leek,...
Complete ASP.NET MVC course in C#

Complete ASP.NET MVC course in C#

Learn basics of MVC and how to build fast and secure web applications with ASP.NET MVC 5. What You will Learn? Learn the benefits of...
Design Patterns in C# and .NET

Design Patterns in C# and .NET

Discover the modern implementation of design patterns with C# and .NET. What You will Learn? Recognize and apply design patterns Refactor existing designs to use...

C# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding

For those who are looking for a way to learn C programming language, this course is the perfect answer for such people. The course...
Java 9 Concurrency Online Course - High-Level Elements

Java 9 Concurrency – High-Level Elements

Learn the Java Concurrency API with Thread Executors and the Fork/Join Framework. Learning Java 9 Concurrency - High Levels Elements - A Complete Guide We have...

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