
Introduction to MongoDB

Syllabus: Week 1: 14 videos (Total 78 min), 2 readings, 10 quizzes Week 2: 16 videos (Total 99 min), 1…

5 years ago

MongoDB Basics

This course will provide an introduction to MongoDB, Compass (the MongoDB GUI), the MongoDB query language, and Atlas, MongoDB's hosted…

6 years ago

Web Application Development with JavaScript and MongoDB

University of London Online Course Highlights 1-2 hours a week 4 weeks long Learn for FREE, Upgradable Self-Paced Taught by: Dr.…

7 years ago

Learn Big Data Testing with Spark, Scala and MongoDB

Learn Big Data Testing with Spark, Scala and MongoDB. Learning Big Data Testing with Spark , Scala and MongoDB -…

8 years ago

Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB

Syllabus  WEEK 1 : Introduction to Server-side Development In this module you will be introduced to Node, Node modules and…

8 years ago