Home Collections 12 Best + Free NumPy Courses & Training Classes

12 Best + Free NumPy Courses & Training Classes


NumPy is considered to be a Python library providing a multidimensional array object, an assortment of routines for fast operations on arrays, and various derived objects like masked arrays and matrices. It is the fundamental package for scientific computing in Python. It is mostly used for working with arrays and has functions for working in different domains like linear algebra, matrices, and Fourier transform. NumPy was created in the year 2005 by Travis Oliphant and can be used for free.

To learn more about NumPy and its uses, our team at takethiscourse.net has compiled a list of Best + Free NumPy Courses & Training Classes. This list contains courses from Coursera Project Network, Microsoft, IBM, etc. So, let us take a look at this well-research list presented to us by takethiscourse.net.

# Course Name University/Organization Ratings Duration
1. Introduction to NumPy datacamp 04 Hours
2. Python for Data Analysis: Pandas & NumPy Class Coursera Project Network ★★★★ 4.4 (150 Reviews) 02 Hours
3. NumPy Essential Training: 1 Foundations of NumPy LinkedIn Learning ★★★★★4.6 (90 Reviews) 85 Min
4. Logistic Regression with NumPy and Python Coursera Project Network ★★★★★4.5 (385 Reviews) 1.5 Hours
5. Python Numpy Tutorial github.io
6. Linear Regression with NumPy and Python Coursera Project Network ★★★★★4.5 (905 Reviews) 1.5 Hours
7. Top NumPy Courses Udemy ★★★★★5.0 (01 Reviews) 90 Min
8. NumPy Essential Training: 2 MatPlotlib and Linear Algebra Capabilities LinkedIn Learning ★★★★★4.9 (10 Reviews) 72 Min
9. Best NumPy Courses & Training Classes Coursera
10. Using Python for Research Harvard University 192 Hours
11. Free NumPy Courses edX
12. Python Packages: NumPy and Pandas Dataframe FutureLearn 16 Hours
In order to help our readers in taking a knowledgeable learning decision, TakeThisCourse.net has introduced a metric to measure the effectiveness of an online course. Learn more about how we measure an online course effectiveness.

Best NumPy Courses & Training Classes


Introduction to NumPy

      • Izzy Weber via datacamp
      • 8,865+ already enrolled!
      • 04 hours of effort required!

Introduction to NumPy

This course as the name depicts gives a detailed introduction to NumPy. The aim here is to help you master NumPy’s core object that is; arrays.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining why NumPy is effective and how it uses broadcasting and vectorization for making the NumPy code even faster.
  • This course is for those who wish to understand how to use 3D arrays for altering a Claude Monet painting and so much more about NumPy.

Coursera Plus Courses


Python for Data Analysis: Pandas & NumPy Class

      • Coursera Project Network via Coursera
      • 6,030+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (150 Ratings)

Python for Data Analysis - Pandas & NumPy

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This hands-on project is all about explaining the fundamentals of data analysis in Python. Here you will understand how to leverage the power of two important python libraries known as NumPy and Pandas.

  • The reason why we chose this course is its focus on explaining how to perform mathematical operations in NumPy.
  • This course is for those who wish to understand how to perform array slicing and indexing and do elements selection and so much more.
This was a very engaging and useful project which helped me gain skills to use Pandas and NumPy. The instructor succeeded in explaining everything in a clear and concise manner. I believe even if you have a basic understanding of Python, you can enroll in this course and learn so much from it. (George J, ★★★★★)


NumPy Essential Training: 1 Foundations of NumPy

      • Terezija Semenski via LinkedIn
      • 3,777+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (90 Ratings)

NumPy Essential Training - 1 Foundations of NumPy

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This intermediate-level course is all about introducing learners to NumPy and explaining the audience to the NumPy data structure for n-dimensional arrays.

  • The reason why we chose this course is its focus on explaining the functions required for creating and manipulating arrays which include indexing and slicing for extracting elements from arrays.
  • This course is for those who wish to learn how to find unique elements and how to reverse an array and so much more about NumPy.
The delivery style of the instructor was good. This course has great content to offer and the accent of the instructor was quite understandable. The way she has explained all the concepts precisely was great. The quizzes were also pretty interesting. (Anusheel Sharma, ★★★★★)


Logistic Regression with NumPy and Python

      • Coursera Project Network via Coursera
      • 11,672+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (385 Ratings)

Logistic Regression with NumPy and Python

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

If you want to understand how to implement the gradient descent algorithm from scratch then this class is for you.

  • The reason why we chose this class is its focus on explaining how to perform logistic regression with NumPy and Python.
  • This class is for those who wish to learn to compute the cost function and gradient and understand the logistic sigmoid function in detail.
A very helpful, engaging, clear, and valuable class it was. The explanation of logistic regression without using any libraries was my favorite topic. And I believe the course should be taken by those who even have a little clue of what logistic regression is. (Arnab S, ★★★★★)


Python Numpy Tutorial

      • via github.io

In this “Python NumPy” tutorial, you will understand how with the help of a few popular libraries like NumPy, Scipy, and Matplotlib, you can make the most out of Python.

  • The best thing about this tutorial is its focus on explaining the use of Python programming language and how it is used for scientific computing.
  • This tutorial is for those who wish to understand everything about Python and NumPy.


Linear Regression with NumPy and Python

      • Coursera Project Network via Coursera
      • 20,427+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (905 Ratings)

Linear Regression with NumPy and Python

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This course will give you a detailed introduction to what linear regression is. Then you will understand how to load the data and libraries.

  • The reason why we chose this course is its focus on explaining how to visualize the cost function and what gradient descent is.
  • This course is for those who wish to understand how to compute the cost function and visualize data and so much more about linear regression.
This course has refreshed my foundations of machine learning skills through simple libraries. I think the way all the topics are presented, even beginners can get a clear idea of what is happening with models and should be taken by all those interested. (AV, ★★★★★)

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Top NumPy Courses

      • Aditi Agarwal via Udemy
      • 12,929+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (532 Ratings)

Numpy for Datascience and ML

If you are interested in understanding what NumPy is, how it works, and other terms related to it then Udemy has got you covered with its top-rated NumPy courses and classes which allow you to learn from the comfort of your home. Whether you want to understand NumPy for data science and machine learning or learn the basic data science and python libraries or whatsoever, Udemy has a course for everyone.


NumPy Essential Training: 2 MatPlotlib and Linear Algebra Capabilities

      • Terezija Semenski via LinkedIn
      • 72 minutes of effort required!
      • ★★★★★ (10 Ratings)

NumPy Essential Training - 2 MatPlotlib and Linear Algebra Capabilities

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This is an intermediate-level course in which the instructor will give you a closer look at the advanced features of NumPy and Matplotlib which happens to be the most popular library for plotting with NumPy.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining the universal functions of NumPy and all about structure arrays, dates, and time.
  • This course is for those who wish to cover the basics of linear algebra capabilities which can be applied in NumPy.
I have found this course to be extremely helpful. I really love the content as it was easy to understand and gave me a good understanding of NumPy and Matplotlib. (Rusben E, ★★★★★)


Best NumPy Courses & Training Classes

Want to understand all the NumPy functions and work with it effectively? With the help of the best NumPy courses offered by Coursera, you can achieve this goal. Whether you want to understand what logistic regression with NumPy and Python is or just want to know linear regression with NumPy. Similarly, want to learn to analyze videos with OpenCV and NumPy or any other thing relevant to NumPy, you can find the right course for yourself at Coursera.


Using Python for Research

      • Harvard via edX
      • 320,470+ already enrolled!
      • 12 weeks (2-4 hr/week) of effort required!

Using Python for Research

The “Using Python for Research” course is all about explaining the basics of Python 3 in detail. Here you will learn about the tools which are commonly used in research settings.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining a new module on statistical learning and understanding the different Python features.
  • This course is for those who wish to improve their Python skills through different case studies.


Free NumPy Courses

NumPy is a very essential Python library and when it comes to NumPy there is a lot to learn. With the help of courses and classes offered by edX, you can learn almost everything there is about NumPY and apply its functionality in the real world. So if you want to advance your career in NumPy and looking for a reliable source to learn then courses by edX on NumPy should not be missed.


Python Packages: NumPy and Pandas Dataframe

      • Coventry University via FutureLearn
      • 04 weeks (04 hr/week) of effort required!

Python Packages - NumPy and Pandas Dataframe

Are you interested in expanding your advanced analytics skills using Python? In this class, you will be exploring data ingestion with the CRISP-DM methodology.

  • The reason why we chose this class is its focus on explaining all about data ingestion with Python and how to get started with NumPy and Pandas.
  • This class is for those who wish to understand the modules, packages, and libraries in Python and so much more about Python.

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Final Thoughts

If you are that person who is interested in learning all about NumPy, Matplotlib, Python, and whatnot then the above list of best and free NumPy courses and classes is for you. Therefore, choose the right course/class for yourself from the above list and start learning from the comfort of your home today. And never stop learning.