Home Collections 11 Best + Free Economics Courses with Certificates

11 Best + Free Economics Courses with Certificates


Economics as we speak is the study of production, distribution, and consumption of different kinds of goods and services. It is the kind of study that focuses on the behavior and interactions of the economic agents and how the economy is supposed to work. In order to better understand Economics, we’ve curated best online economics courses. It is natural to have a lot of questions in our minds relevant to the economy like:

  • How can some countries be rich while others poor?
  • How are women able to earn less than men?
  • Similarly, why do we tend to ignore information that can actually help us make better decisions?
  • Moreover, what are the main reasons of recession?

Thus these and many other questions are answered by economics.

So to help you understand what economics is and how it works, our team at takethiscourse.net has compiled a list of 11 Best + Free Economics Courses with Certificates. With the help of courses available in this list, you can easily find the right course for yourself and that too from behind a screen. For those curious about the diverse academic disciplines available online, explore acclaimed courses from LSE online to find your perfect match.

Did you know?

  • The Global GDP growth for the year 2021 is 6.03%.
  • The global unemployment rate is 6.47%.
  • The global purchasing manager index of the industrial sector is 54.1%.

In order to help our readers in taking a knowledgeable learning decision, TakeThisCourse.net has introduced a metric to measure the effectiveness of an online course. Learn more about how we measure an online course effectiveness.

Best + Free Economics Learning Courses with Certificates

Below you can find names and short description of the 11 Best + Free Economics Courses with Certificates.


Financial Markets

      • Yale via Coursera
      • 1,114,542+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (20,097 Ratings)

Financial Markets

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This course is going to give learners a quick overview of the different ideas, methods, and institutions that will allow human society to manage risks. With that, you will learn the right strategy to foster enterprise.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on financially-savvy leadership skills and a detailed introduction to risk management and understanding behavioral finance principles. If interested in free leadership courses for business economics, follow here.
  • This course is suitable for those people out there who want to understand everything that economics has to offer for making better decisions.
I believe this course has not only taught me technical terms relevant to finance but gave me a much deeper meaning of the financial markets that I was always unable to understand. I feel very satisfied to have found this course as it helped achieved my goal. (Aayushi A, ★★★★★)


Introduction to Economic Theories

      • Erasmus University Rotterdam via Coursera
      • 49,847+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (237 Ratings)

Introduction to Economic Theories

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This engaging online course aims to help learners understand all about economics from a pluralist perspective. Here you shall understand not only the theoretical but methodological viewpoints that are valuable for the economy in detail.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining social and institutional economics in detail. With that, details on Post Keynesian economics and neoclassical economics were also very informative. If you’re looking to deepen your understanding of economic theories and applications, check out our selection of the best NPTEL online Economics courses.
  • This course happens to be suitable for those who want to develop a good understanding of economic theories.
I believe this course has resulted to be very helpful in understanding how different theories have policy implications. Similarly, the instructor has explained well the need for triangulation to solve different societal problems. This course can be of great help for people like me who wish to understand the economic theories and how to take forward these theories. (Shantanu A, ★★★★★)


Economics Course: Consumer Demand

      • Babson College via edX
      • 4-6 hours/week (4 weeks) of effort required!
      • Course Type: Self-paced

Economics- Consumer Demand

If you want to learn the fundamental economic principles of consumer demand and also understand the relationship between price, quality, and demand and how they affect the market then this course is what you need.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on how policies can change the way individuals and businesses interact with one another in the market. Similarly, you will get to identify all the tools and models of consumer choice and demand.
  • This course happens to be suitable for those who are in need to understand the relationship between price elasticity of demand. Those who wish to understand the changing market conditions are also welcome to join this course.


Economics of Money and Banking

      • Columbia University via Coursera
      • 123,081+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (1,282 Ratings)

Economics of Money and Banking

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This course is an interesting attempt to understand the process of new economics where you will first get to understand what banking as a clearing system is. Then you will understand banking as market making in detail.

  • The reason why we chose this course is its focus on explaining all about international money and banking. Also banking as advance clearing is another reason why we chose this course.
  • This course is for those who wish to gain a good understanding of all the concepts behind money and banking.
This course turned out to be extremely helpful in understanding the money and banking concepts. I can say this is one of the best courses I got to take so far. The only suggestion I want to pass here is to add more examples from the emerging markets. (Prathamesh P, ★★★★★)


Behavioural Economics in Action

      • University of Toronto via edX
      • 4-5 hours/week (6 weeks) of effort required!
      • Course Type: Self-paced

Behavioural Economics in Action

An engaging course that aims to help you understand how to use principles and methods relevant to behavioral economics for changing behaviors and improving welfare for making better products and policy.

  • The reason why we chose this course is its focus on allowing learners to develop a hands-on approach with the help of understanding all its methods.
  • This course tends to be suitable for those who are interested in understanding the key elements of an experiment. Those who wish to understand the difference between three basic types of experimental designs are also welcome to join this course.


Microeconomics Principles

      • Iillinois via Coursera
      • 128,021+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (2,277 Ratings)

Microeconomics Principles

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

In this course, the instructor is going to answer all the questions that are relevant to microeconomics principles. You will understand all about the labor markets and politics and sports and how they are relevant to microeconomics.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on helping you understand how an economist thinks and how they use analytical system to answer the different human issues.
  • The course is suitable for those who wish to learn to identify the hidden costs of anything and understand the microeconomics principles in detail.

Uncover a range of microeconomics certification options to advance your career and expand your economic acumen.

The course is quite interesting and the lecturer seemed very interesting. Even though he was not a native English speaker yet he managed to demonstrate all the concepts with engaging examples. The lecture videos were very interesting and long enough to get a good grip of the taught concepts. (Julianne B, ★★★★★)

Coursera Plus CoursesMore Economics Courses with Certificates


Introduction to Managerial Economics

      • IIMB via edX
      • 3-5 hours/week (6 weeks) of effort required!
      • Course Type: Self-paced

Introduction to Managerial Economics

This course will give learners a detailed introduction to Microeconomics and help you understand its impact on managerial decision making in today’s world. You will understand how markets tend to work and what are demand, supply, and market equilibrium.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining the elasticity of supply and demand and taxes and subsidies.
  • The course is suitable for all those who wish to understand the production of goods and services and measures of productivity.


Microeconomics: The Power of Markets

      • Penn via Coursera
      • 48,034+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (1,162 Ratings)

Microeconomics- The Power of Markets

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This course is going to give you a detailed introduction to what microeconomics is and the theory or markets. You will understand the concept of scarcity and power of markets in detail.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining the tools of supply and demand; you’ll also be able to understand what working markets can accomplish and their limits.
  • This course is suitable for all those who wish to explore the impact of government intervention on perfect markets.
This course was without any doubt very engaging and had useful information to offer. I went to Arizona State University and during my undergrad, I took this course and can say even though I know so much about microeconomics, yet I was able to learn something new and more informative from this course. Now I am ready to apply what I have learned into practice. (Faris B, ★★★★☆)


Principles of Economics with Calculus

      • Caltech via edX
      • 8-12 hours/week (10 weeks) of effort required!
      • Course Type: Self-paced

Principles of Economics with Calculus

This course aims to help you understand all about the quantitative and give a model-based introduction to basic ideas in economics. The instructor will explain all the applications of economics to a wide range of real world problems.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on translating all the economic principles and elaborating on an in-depth understanding of the basics of economics and all its applications.
  • This course is suitable for those people who wish to develop a good understanding of how to apply economic principles in investigating a wide range of real world problems.


What is Economics in Global Logistics?

      • Coventry University via FutureLearn
      • 1,036+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (5 Ratings)

What is Economics in Global Logistics

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Do you want to gain an opportunity to understand not only the key economic concepts but also investigate how economic markets are being structured? In this course, you will get to understand all this and the importance of opportunity cost economics.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining the importance of profit maximization and markets. With that, you also get to understand the different economic markets in detail.
  • This course is suitable for all those who wish to understand the operation of a simple economy and so much more about economics in global logistics.
This course is by far the best one I got to take. It was very interesting but sometimes overwhelming too. But I can say overall the course was quite manageable and has interesting concepts to teach about economics. (Anya P, ★★★★★)


International Economics and Trade

      • Peking University via edX
      • 10 weeks of effort required!
      • Course Type: Self-paced

International Economics and Trade

If you wish to learn the theories and policies and different practices of international trade and that too from an economics perspective then this course is what you need. Here the instructor will focus on what international trade is.

  • The best thing about this course is its focus on explaining the main economic methods that also include general equilibrium and partial equilibrium.
  • The course is suitable for those who wish to understand the classic trade theory thoughts in detail.

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Final Thoughts

We believe the above list of 11 Best + Free Economics Courses with Certificates have everything a learner needs to understand the technicalities of economics and how it impacts our businesses. So, if you wish to understand the basics of economics or any other topic relevant to it then this list of 11 Best + Free Economics Courses with Certificates is what you need. Therefore enroll today and never stop learning.