Home Universities Astrophysics



Learn contemporary astrophysics from the leaders in the field.

Australian National University Online Course Highlights
  •  9-10 weeks per course
  • 3 hours per week, per course
  • Learn for FREE, Ugpradable
  • Self-Paced
  • Taught by: Brian Schmidt, Paul Francis
  • View Course Syllabus

Online Course Details:

The Astrophysics XSeries Program consists of four foundational courses in astrophysics taught by prestigious leaders in the field, including Nobel Prize winners. You will be taught by Brian Schmidt, who led the team that discovered dark energy – work which won him the 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics, and by prize-winning educator, science communicator and astrophysics researcher Paul Francis, who will take you through an incredible journey where you learn about the unsolved mysteries of the universe, exoplanets, black holes and supernovae, and general cosmology. Astronomy and astrophysics is the study of everything beyond Earth. Astronomers work in universities, at observatories, for various space agencies like NASA, and more. The study of astronomy provides you with a wide range of skills in math, engineering, and computation which are sought after skills across many occupations. This XSeries Program is great for anyone to start their studies in astronomy and astrophysics or individuals simply interested in what lies beyond Earth. You can also checkout Astrophysics courses at takethiscourse platform.

The courses within this XSeries Program can be taken individually and in any order, but it is best to take the “Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe” course first.


Greatest Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe
  • Exploring the biggest mysteries of modern astrophysics.
Astrophysics: Exploring Exoplanets
  • Explore the mysteries of exoplanets – planets around other stars – in this introductory astrophysics course.
Astrophysics: The Violent Universe
  • Explore the deadliest places in the universe, from black holes to supernovae.
Astrophysics: Cosmology
  • Exploring the origin, fate and nature of our universe.

Our guide highlights top-rated physics educational programs that can accelerate your learning journey.

What You’ll Learn:

  • An understanding of the biggest unsolved mysteries in astrophysics and how researchers are attempting to answer them
  • Methods used to find and study exoplanets
  • How scientists tackle challenging problems
  • About white dwarfs, novae, supernovae, neutro stars and black holes and how quantum mechanics and relativity help explain these objects
  • How astrophysicists investigate the origin, nature and fate of our universe

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