Home ASP.NET Review: ASP.NET MVC 5 Project – CMS and Shopping Cart with Paypal

Review: ASP.NET MVC 5 Project – CMS and Shopping Cart with Paypal

Course Highlights
  • Fast & Easy Programming via Udemy
  • 2,834+ already enrolled!
  • ★★★★☆(595 Ratings)

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In this practical yet engaging course, you will learn all about ASP.NET MVC with ef from scratch. The instructor will help you understand how ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework work in practice. Taking this course will help you become capable enough to develop custom applications using ASP.NET MVC and Entity Framework. Similarly, this course covers a variety of techniques that can help you create your own websites. We believe this course is a great base to create any kind of website and become a professional at it.

TTC Course Analysis:

Following are the results of comprehensive analysis of “ASP.NET MVC 5 Project – CMS and Shopping Cart with Paypal” online course by our team of experts.

TTC Rating
144 Reviews

TakeThisCourse Sentiment Analysis Results:

In order to facilitate our learners with real user experience, we performed sentiment analysis and text mining techniques that generates following results:

  • TTC analyzed a total of 144 reviews for this online course.
  • The analysis indicates that around 84.7% reviews were positive while around 15.3% of reviews had negative sentiment.
  • Maximilian Schwarzmüller’s online course received a total score of 4.2 out of 5, based on user opinions related to 4 effectiveness factors including content, engagement, quality practice and career benefit.

Review: ASP.NET MVC 5 Project – CMS and Shopping Cart with Paypal

TTC Course Effectiveness:

Online Course Effectiveness Score (Learn More)
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit
63 Reviews
89 Reviews
18 Reviews
20 Reviews

Based on learner reviews we believe;

  • The content of this course is well-structured and informative and is a great source to learn MVC.
  • The course is very engaging and the lecturer’s way of teaching shows how much experienced he is.
  • The instructor provides great examples to help you learn all about MVC.
  • Suitable for programmers to upgrade their MVC skills.

ASP.NET MVC 5 Project – CMS and Shopping Cart with Paypal

Pros & Cons:


  • Covers all the required concepts.
  • Offers bonus materials.
  • Great for beginners.


  • Does not cover the CSS side at all.

What Learners Are Saying About this Course:

This section contains feedback from different users who have taken this course. Note that the feedback is based on our four main factors.


  • The content of this course is very good. Even though the accent of the instructor became a little difficult to follow at times but that didn’t stop me from learning. All the topics were explained in detail and this course is great to learn all about MVC.NET.
  • This is a great course that is suitable for beginners especially as it covers almost all the important concepts required for a beginner to develop a strong understanding from the start.
  • I have found the content of this course to be extraordinary. The content is not only informative but very useful in making websites. The best thing about this course was the shortcuts the instructor showed which made the development process easier than typing all the code.
  • I can say this course has been a great learning experience for me. The content is very engaging and all the topics are well-explained. It feels very nice to have a course that is not only easy to understand but actually teaches you something concrete.
  • I really liked the way the tutorials have been organized. The content is explained in detail along with useful comments on how the coding should be done. I am thankful for this course.
  • I have found the content of this course to be very engaging. It is well-documented and practical right from the beginning.


  • This was a very engaging and informative course that has been explained by the lecturer in a great manner. The way this instructor has explained every concept shows how experienced he is. I can say this course is suitable for anyone whether you are a beginner or an expert.
  • I was able to learn a lot from this course, even though I haven’t gotten the chance to practice but that doesn’t mean I didn’t learn anything from the course. The best part is what when I need to I shall look up to this course for guidance. I even did a small project using Visual Studio 2019, and this course helped me a lot with that.
  • This course is very easy to understand and gives learners the ability to develop their own applications at their own ease and pace.
  • The course clearly shows the instructor is extremely skilled and I found the pause and move back option to be the best one as whenever I feel like I need to go back I can always do that. This is an extremely great course and can give learners a great chance to learn to develop their own applications using ASP.NET MVC.

Quality Practice:

  • Overall this is a very engaging and great course and I really liked the straightforward approach of the instructor. I am passionate to become a web developer and can say this course has definitely helped me get one step closer to my goal.
  • This course offers great examples along with ample explanations which I think is what everyone looks for in any course.
  • I took this course in order to learn ASP.NET MVC but can say I got much more than expected. Not only the instructor is knowledgeable but teaches you so much more than just ASP.NET. The examples taught are great and help you understand the concepts more easily.
  • The instructor is really good as he explained each concept step by step helping me develop skills I didn’t have before. Check out our top free courses on ASP.NET MVC Core for a comprehensive guide to mastering this powerful framework.

Learner’s Career Benefit:

  • This is a great course for new programmers to build confidence in making a project of their own.

Learner’s Suggestions/Recommendations:

  • The course is good but very fast-paced which made it difficult for me to learn something concrete. The instructor moves really fast and my only suggestion here is if he could just go with a slow pace then it would be easier for students like me to learn.
  • The accent of the instructor can be improved if he wants to.
  • Even though the instructor has shown many good things but at times I believe he could have explained many things better. For instance, some of his LINQ expressions are longer than they should and some situations don’t even cover all contingencies. So I think the instructor should focus on that.

Is this Course worth taking?

We believe the content of this course has allowed many learners to develop a good understanding of ASP.NET MVC. The instructor has explained all the topics with great professionalism and this course is a perfect way to learn to develop applications. So overall, the course is a great source to learn all about ASP.NET MVC.

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