Home Mechanical Engineering Applications in Engineering Mechanics Course Review

Applications in Engineering Mechanics Course Review

Course Highlights
  • Georgia Tech via Coursera
  • 63,002+ already enrolled!
  • ★★★★★ (1,098 Ratings)

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This course is for those people who have deep knowledge regarding engineering mechanics. The course has a detailed lectures regarding the modeling and analysis of static equilibrium problems. There will be a number of topics covered in the course like applications of equations of static equilibrium to interacting bodies, plane trusses, space trusses, shear force and bending moment diagrams, cable support systems, coulomb friction and belt friction and much more. The course has complete explanation regarding all the mentioned topics and thus we can say that this is a complete course that provides all the applications in engineering mechanics.

TTC Course Analysis:

Following are the results of comprehensive analysis of “Applications in Engineering Mechanics” online course by our team of experts.

TTC Rating
187 Reviews

TakeThisCourse Sentiment Analysis Results:

In order to facilitate our learners with real user experience, we performed sentiment analysis and text mining techniques that generates following results:

  • TTC analyzed a total of 187 reviews for this online course.
  • The analysis indicates that around 93.6% reviews were positive while around 6.4% of reviews had negative sentiment.
  • Georgia Tech’s online course received a total score of 4.7 out of 5, based on user opinions related to 4 effectiveness factors including content, engagement, quality practice and career benefit.
Applications in Engineering Mechanics Course Review
TTC Sentiment Analysis based on Learner Reviews

TTC Course Effectiveness:

Online Course Effectiveness Score (Learn More)
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit
85 Reviews
140 Reviews
43 Reviews
34 Reviews

Based on learner reviews we believe;

  • The content of this course is exceptionally unique and offers great topics to learn from.
  • The instructor delivers all the concepts in a very easy and understandable manner.
  • The practical problems and examples help you understand the fundamentals conveniently and sharpen your skills.
  • Teaches you important skills that can be applied in the workplace.

Applications in Engineering Mechanics Course Effectiveness Review

Pros & Cons:


  • High rating of 4.8.
  • Teaches basic concepts of mechanical engineering.
  • Effective discussion forum.
  • Offers great examples.
  • Teaches a lot about practical engineering applications.


  • Problem whole solving quizzes.

Who should take this course?

This is the type of course that can be taken by all the below mentioned people.

  • Those who have all the basic knowledge regarding engineering mechanics and want to take their study to an upgraded level.
  • All those beginners who want to develop an understanding of engineering mechanics.
  • Those who wish to improve their skills in this field.

Social Proof – Reviews of Learners about this course:

Let us now take a look at both positive and negative feedback that our users and professionals have given about this course. By looking at the comments given by such people, it can get easy for other users to decide whether to take this course or not.

Positive feedback:

  • I have managed to learn a lot from this course. The instructor has done a phenomenal job. His way of teaching is beyond amazing and I have sincerely enjoyed learning from the course. (DK/5 stars).
  • I am a mechanical engineer and like any other mechanical engineer, I also had a lot of weak concepts related to this field. But then I found this amazing course of Dr Wayne and it changed my perspective. I would say that I managed to learn more from this short course than from my 4 years of college. (Umair A.S/5 stars).
  • The whole course is amazing and especially the videos and the reading material was very helpful and easy to understand. I have managed to learn a lot from the course. (Abolghassem/5 stars).
  • I would say that this course is suitable for all kinds of people. Whether you are a beginner or a graduate like me, anyone willing to learn from this course can fully benefit from this course like I did. (Zied Y/5 stars).
  • I graduated 6 years ago and started to realize that my understanding regarding mechanical engineering is getting weak so I decided to take this course and would say that this was an amazing experience for me to bring back the entire concepts to my mind. (Vijay N/5 stars).
  • The course is excellent. I was able to learn a lot from it and the best thing about this course was whenever I had a query it was answered within no time by some expert from Coursera. (Rishabh S/5 stars).
  • The course was superb and I am so happy that there were optional levels of problem solving. The quizzes and the numerical were also very helpful. (Joshua K/4 stars).
  • I would really like to thanks our professor Dr Wayne Whiteman for putting in such great effort in making this course so clear, precise and easy to understand. The course was also very engaging and I have enjoyed every second of it. After completing this course, I am now confident to take my understanding to the next level. (Kareem A/4 stars).
  • The course is excellent and easy to understand and I would highly recommend this course to all those people out there who are interested in mechanical engineering. (Dung/5 stars).

Negative feedback:

  • After completing the course I would say that this was a useless course for me. (Tan W L/2 stars).
  • I am not really happy with the quality of this course. (Vladimir/3 stars).
  • The course was good but I developed a number of doubts which made me lose interest in the course. (Pranu/3 stars).


Introduction to engineering mechanics:

This is an amazing course that has all the details regarding the modeling and analysis of static equilibrium problems. It has all the concepts regarding real world engineering applications and problem solving. Those students who take this course will be able to clarify all the concepts of engineering mechanics. The teaching methodology of this course is very unique and enables students to clear all their concepts regarding physics. All the materials and content available in the course are up-to-date and very easy to understand. The course can be taken by all those people who have basic knowledge of Mathematics and Physics. So if you think that this course is wat you need then click on the below link to get this course now.

Engineering Systems in Motion: Dynamics of particles and bodies in 2D motion:

This course aims to provide a perfect guideline regarding the dynamics of particle motion and bodies in rigid planar motion. There will be a number of things that will be taught throughout the course like what is work-energy principle for particles, what is planar 2D rigid body kinematics 1, kinematics 2 and kinematics 3. The course contains a detailed introduction of Newton’s law, Euler’s law, particle kinematics and much more. The course contains a number of real world examples so that it can become easy for learners to understand these concepts a little easily. The rating of this course is very appealing and thousands of students have benefited from this course so don’t waste your time and just click on the below link to take this course now.

Is This Course Worth Taking?

We believe this course talks about the modeling and analysis of static equilibrium problems with an emphasis on real-world engineering systems and problem-solving. With that, the course offers content that clears one’s doubts related to engineering mechanics and in the way teaches you some new techniques to solve real-world problems of mechanics. Therefore, the course can be taken by all those interested in mechanical engineering. If you’re on the hunt for resources to bolster your engineering knowledge, find leading mechanical engineering courses here.

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