Home AngularJS Reviews of Angular- The Complete Guide

Reviews of Angular- The Complete Guide

Course Highlights
  • Maximilian Schwarzmüller via Udemy
  • 631,601+ already enrolled!
  • ★★★★★ (173,967 Ratings)

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Developing modern, responsive and complex web applications is definitely a challenge. New technologies made it somehow possible but without proper knowledge of key technologies, it’s not possible to develop scalable web applications. Maximilian Schwarzmüller (a 5 star author) has prepared a comprehensive online course i.e. Angular 5 (formerly Angular 2) – The Complete Guide that takes the students from start and build complex web applications.

TTC Course Analysis:

Following are the results of comprehensive analysis of “Angular 5 (formerly Angular 2) – The Complete Guide” online course by our team of experts.

TTC Rating
9,996 Reviews

TakeThisCourse Sentiment Analysis Results:

In order to facilitate our learners with real user experience, we performed sentiment analysis and text mining techniques that generates following results:

  • TTC analyzed a total of 9,996 reviews for this online course.
  • The analysis indicates that around 93.2% reviews were positive while around 6.8% of reviews had negative sentiment.
  • Maximilian Schwarzmüller’s online course received a total score of 4.7 out of 5, based on user opinions related to 4 effectiveness factors including content, engagement, quality practice and career benefit.
Reviews of Angular 5 (formerly Angular 2) – The Complete Guide
TTC Sentiment Analysis based on Learner Reviews

TTC Course Effectiveness:

TTC Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit
4.7 / 5.0
3,140 Reviews
4.8 / 5.0
6,664 Reviews
4.6 / 5.0
1,041 Reviews
4.7 / 5.0
929 Reviews

Reviews of Angular – The Complete Guide

Update: The author has updated the course as per the recent version of Angular.

You can master AngularJS and the Javascript concepts behind it, design custom directives, and build a single page application.

What You Will Learn?

  • Learn fundamental Javascript concepts that power AngularJS.
  • Write quicker, better AngularJS code by discovering how AngularJS itself is built.
  • Become fluent in AngularJS terminology, such as dependency injection, services, directives, transclusion, and more.
  • Realize the power of dependency injection, and how AngularJS accomplishes it.
  • Design custom directives and save time and energy with easily reusable components.
  • Understand what a Single Page Application (SPA) is, and how they work.
  • Build a Single Page Application (SPA) in AngularJS.
  • Be the coder that explains AngularJS to everyone else, because you understand it better than anyone else.
  • Get new free lectures during 2015, keep up with the development of AngularJS 2.0, and get a MASSIVE discount on a future AngularJS 2.0 course in 2016!

Dive into Exploring AngularJS with Johns Hopkins University on Coursera for an insightful introduction to one of the most popular web development frameworks.

It’s an extensive course with 417 lectures of 28+ hours.

Online Course Description:

Knowing AngularJS can get you a job or improve the one you have. It’s a skill that will put you more in demand in the modern web development industry, and make your web software life easier, that’s why it’s so popular and backed by Google.
This course will get you up and running quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build AngularJS applications – and we’ll build a single page application along the way.

We’ll design custom services, build custom directives, understand two-way binding, design a weather forecast app as a single page application, and lots more. Both starter and finished source code is provided as we go.


“Best course I have ever seen” “Best intro to AngularJS on Udemy” A fresh way of teaching AngularJS” “One of the best courses on Udemy that i took if not the best” “Best teacher I have had on the internet by far” “I…have taken lots of angular courses and I think this is the best one so far” “The best teaching style I’ve seen so far”

If you are new to AngularJS, or if you’ve been working to learn it but sometimes feel like you still don’t quite ‘get it’, this is the AngularJS course for you! To learn AngularJS you have to understand it.

I’ve built the course that I would have wanted to take when I was learning AngularJS. A course that explains the concepts and how they’re implemented in the best order for you to learn and deeply understand them.

In this course you will:

  • Learn how AngularJS works, covering subjects like directives, dependency injection, two way data binding, the digest loop, watchers, and more.
  • Learn fundamental Javascript and HTML principles that are used by AngularJS, such as custom attributes, loosely typed arrays, the hash, and the event loop.
  • Code custom services.
  • Design custom directives, understanding concepts like compile, link, and scope.
  • Build a single page application using AngularJS.
  • Keep up with the latest on the next version of AngularJS 2.0!

AngularJS doesn’t have to be hard to learn. The biggest mistake most coding tutorials make is expecting someone to learn simply by imitating others’ code. Real world situations are never exactly like the tutorial.

I believe the best way to learn is to understand how a tool works and what it does for you, look at examples, and then try it yourself. That’s how this course is built, with the goal to help you both learn and understand AngularJS.

Note: In this course you’ll also get downloadable source code. You will often be provided with ‘starter’ code, giving you the base for you to start writing your code, and ‘finished’ code to compare your code to.


With more than 182,000 students for this specific online course, Maximilian Schwarzmüller has maintained a overall star rating of 4.6 that clearly indicates a brilliant course that has earned students trust. 94% of total students has given it above 4 rating out of which 67% gave full marks i.e. 5 out of 5. You can easily find out a lot about the course insight and author by looking into feedback given. We have added few for your reference but we recommend to go through more reviews/feedback points before taking this angular 6 online course.Angular 6 (formely angular 2) The complete guide Reviews

As someone who learns from scratch,I learned lots of knowledge about Angular 5 and I can make an Angular application easily on my own.Thank you,Max.
Samet Parlak

The best way of learning is through learning from examples, and this course has lots of examples to demonstrate how a method works and it doesn’t work. Would want to recommend to people who are interested in Angular to try it out. I have benefited so much from Max and have started with his another course, Angular Styling & Animations. BIG thanks to Max.
Simon Low

Alternatives to Angular 5 (formerly Angular 2) – The Complete Guide Course:

There are also other good Angular courses available on udemy and other MOOCs platforms but very few have maintained this standard of professional studies. But for your reference we have list few best online courses on angular that can be compared with this course here:

The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced

It’s also a comprehensive course of around 30 hours that takes you from beginner level and build a real-world e-Commerce application using Angular, firebase and bootstrap 4. This course enhances your skills and make you a full-stack developer. This online angular course have more than 50,000 students and overall rating of 4.5.

Learn And Understand AngularJS

The course from Anthony Alicea is well designed to clearly explain the core concepts behind AngularJS. This course was actually designed for earlier version but it has lectures on Angular 2 (added later). More than 70,000 students enrolled in this AngularJS online course with overall rating of 4.4.

Learn Angular 5 from Scratch (FREE Course)

If you are looking to just get a good overview of Angular 5, this FREE Online Course is a good option. It’s just an hour course covering most of the important concepts, terminologies, installation and deployment etc. It’s a beginner level course having 33,161 students enrolled and overall rating of 4.4.

Closing Remarks:

Undoubtedly, Angular 6 online course is an outstanding resource to learn from scratch with excellent instructor. You can still compared it with other alternatives given above to judge well that suits requirements for your professional career.

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