Home JavaScript AJAX in Action: Build AJAX-Based Applications

AJAX in Action: Build AJAX-Based Applications


AJAX for Beginners!Use AJAX with JavaScript& jQuery. Handle Response Data(JSON& XML) Build Real-Time AJAX Applications!

We have given a detailed review of this course below for our readers but just wanted to highlight some points:

  • 90+ students enrolled
  • 7 Review available
  • 4 Hours on-demand videos
  • 23 Articles
  • Access on Mobile and TV
  • Assignments
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Lifetime Access
  • 30 days Money back guarantee

Most attractive feature is 30 days Money Back Guarantee means there is no risk. If you didn’t like this AJAX online course, you can refund your money back within next 30 days.

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What You will Learn?

  • Update webpages without page reload
  • Develop AJAX-based applications
  • Develop rich, user-friendly web applications
  • Understand difference between GET and POST methods
  • Get data from the server
  • Parse data in XML or JSON format
  • Use AJAX with JavaScript and jQuery

Online Course Description:

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a set of technologies for creating highly interactive web sites and web applicationsAJAX allows to dynamically update a page without reloading the page. Using AJAX, data can be requested and received from a server in the background without interfering with the display and behaviour of the existing page. Learn AJAX if you want to develop highly dynamic, interactive and user-friendly websites and web applications. 

In this course “AJAX in Action: Build 5 AJAX Web Applications”, you will learn

  1. What is AJAX?
  2. Different Technologies Behind AJAX
  3. How to Use XMLHttpRequest Object?
  4. How to Make Asynchronous and Synchronous Call to the Server?
  5. Difference between GET and POST Requests
  6. How to Handle JSON and XML Data Returned from the Server?
  7. How to Implement AJAX using jQuery?
  8. How to Develop Dynamic Webpages and Applications using AJAX?

By joining this course, you will get

  • 4+ hours of content
  • Source code for each lecture
  • Quizzes

What are you waiting for? Join this unique AJAX course and start developing interactive and dynamic websites and web applications.

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