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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Academic Writing Services


The writing industry is snowballing; many writers and tutors now offer their services on various online platforms. Students either download free papers online to get a glimpse of how to complete the assignment or hire a writing service for comprehensive assistance. Despite the many gains students enjoy when using writing services, it is essential to note the shortcomings involved. So, let’s review some advantages and downsides of using academic writing services.

Benefits of Academic Writing Services

There are various positives of using essay writing services. Some of the outstanding ones you should know about include the following.

Meeting Deadlines

Meeting DeadlinesAssignment deadlines can be dreadful, especially if you still have much research work to do. Rushing to beat deadlines often means the paper will not be done thoroughly. Lecturers can separate an assignment done meticulously from one done in a hurry. Thus, turning in well-written papers is crucial.

Some students may not be able to conduct extensive research within a limited period; they may conduct surface research, which won’t give them high marks for excelling academically. The best way to beat submission deadlines is to start the homework early or opt for a writing service. Professional writers have vast experience writing papers from scratch within the required timelines. The experience makes it easy for them to meet tight and flexible deadlines. Thus, many students rely on professional essay writers to meet any deadline due to their proficiency in time management.


Academic writing companies often hire writers with the best track record and who have excelled academically. With such qualifications, they bring the professionalism required to deliver quality papers. These writers have vast experience in handling various subjects and research paper topics. They have also mastered different writing styles required in academic papers. Therefore, students are usually guaranteed quality papers with proper language use.

Heightening the Chances of Getting Better Grades

Professional academic writers approach essay topics independently without the anxiety of the lecturer’s attitude. By closing the work alone, they can conduct better research without limitations. Additionally, professional writers have mastered the art of writing, which includes proper citation and referencing, formatting, essay structure, and good language use. All these combined make up a quality research paper that can earn you high grades. Lecturers are always keen on citation and paragraph formatting; thus, using an essay service guarantees that the paper will be written up to standard.

Rising Above the Language Barrier

Overcoming language barriers is among the common reasons students hire essay writing services, especially for students who speak English as a second language. ESL students may not have the fluency needed to create the best essay flow, and thus, they can opt for essay writing services. Language barrier can sometimes lower their confidence, especially if one cannot construct neat sentences. However, with the help of academic writing services, it is easy to rise above such barriers and turn in meticulous papers. But it’s not all about paying writers. Some choose to acquire free essay samples from writing services to guide them how to write their papers.

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Creating Time for Other Activities

Finding time for non-academic activities might be difficult due to the whirlwind of school activities that students have to focus on. From bulky assignments to long class hours, you can hardly enjoy your hobbies or free time without thinking about school schedules. Therefore, delegating your assignments to a professional writer helps free up time on your schedule to take on personal activities such as family obligations, part-time work, hanging out with friends, or even catching up with your favorite TV show.

Getting More Complex Assignments Done

Lecturers often give challenging assignments to get students thinking on their feet. However, the complexity of these assignments can sometimes cause academic stress and anxiety. While some students may easily handle the projects, it might be overwhelming to others. Therefore, if the assignments are a bit challenging, it is okay to seek extra assistance. It helps get the assignment done while you also learn how to approach similar topics in the future.

Disadvantages of Using Essay Writing Services

The advantages of hiring writing services may supersede their cons. However, looking at these services’ downsides is best before settling for one.

Inhibits the Development of Writing Skills

Writing SkillsHiring academic writing services breeds dependency. Research papers are among the primary assignments students handle in college, hence the need to sharpen their writing skills. Frequently delegating assignments hinders such developments since it becomes a habit, and one cannot work independently.

Can Be Costly

The price of getting a writing service can sometimes be hefty, making it a strenuous financial move for those on a tight budget. College comes with many expenses, from buying books to high tuition fees. Therefore, students need to find avenues they can use to save some bucks. Hiring essay writing services might add to the already existing expenses.

Cost variations are also another confusing factor. Different companies have specific charges. While some charge high prices, others may be relatively cheap. One should be more careful when hiring these services since sometimes cheap is costly while expensive services may not meet your expectations. The best way to filter out is by looking at every writer’s credentials before settling for their services.

Risk of Getting Plagiarized Work

When looking for assignment help, finding a reliable and authentic writing service company is essential. If you fall into the hands of inexperienced writers, you risk getting plagiarized work or an incomplete paper. Submitting plagiarized work may lower your grades significantly or put you in trouble with your school. Therefore, you should conduct a background check on any essay writing company to ensure it guarantees non-plagiarized papers before hiring them.


The rapid development witnessed in the academic writing industry is fueled by professional writers’ determination to deliver quality papers and students’ constant need for help with complex assignments or beating tight deadlines. Before hiring any service, weighing the gains and shortcomings involved is crucial. The benefits often outweigh the disadvantages, but it is best to consider all factors. Hiring these services relieves the pressure from your back, and you can divert the focus on other school issues.