Home Adobe Audition 10 Best & Free Adobe Audition Courses & Training 2023

10 Best & Free Adobe Audition Courses & Training 2023 [Updated]


Join us as we dive into the world of audio editing using Adobe Audition Courses. Develop skills from sound mixing to comprehensive audio production.

Key Takeaways

  • A chance to learn professional audio editing, mixing, and restoration.
  • Learn to multitrack editing and audio effects.
  • Understand how to improve production quality for media formats.

What skills can you develop through Adobe Audition courses?

These courses aim to equip you with skills in audio editing, audio restoration, and sound mixing. Learn to create polished audio content for broadcasts and other digital media along with podcasts.

# Course Name University/Organization Ratings Duration
1. Adobe Audition CC: The Beginner’s Guide to Audition Course by Adobe Udemy ★★★★★ 4.5 03 Hour
2. Adobe Audition CC Tutorial – Audition Made Easy Udemy ★★★★★ 4.4 14 Hours
3. Post-Production of Voice Recordings – Audition Course via Adobe Udemy ★★★★★ 4.3 02 Hours
4. Audition CC 2019 Essential Training LinkedIn Learning ★★★★☆ 4.8 04 Hour
5. Adobe Audition CC Audio Production Course Basics to Expert Udemy ★★★★★ 4.6 02 Hours
6. Adobe Audition: Sound post-production for Film, Documentary, Interview and Clips SkillShare
7. Learning Adobe Audition CS6 The Easy Way Udemy ★★★★★ 4.4 12 Hours
8. Adobe Audition: Mixing Music and Dialog LinkedIn Learning ★★★★★ 4.7 03 Hours
9. Adobe Audition CC Course – Audio Production For Voice-Overs Udemy ★★★★★ 4.7 05 Hours
10. Building an Immersive Soundscape with Adobe Audition CC SkillShare
In order to help our readers in taking a knowledgeable learning decision, TakeThisCourse.net has introduced a metric to measure the effectiveness of an online course. Learn more about how we measure an online course effectiveness.List of 10 Best Audition Courses by Adobe & Classes:

ADComplete Media Training Master Class – Confidence on Camera

      • TJ Walker via Udemy
      • 19,213+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (439 Ratings)

Adobe Audition Courses Evaluation & Selection Criteria

We selected each course based on the content depth, instructor expertise, and positive learner feedback.

List of Best Adobe Audition Courses & Training 2023

saveAdobe Audition CC: The Beginner’s Guide to Adobe Audition

      • Video School Online Inc, Nader Nadernejad via Udemy
      • 111,543+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (1,604Ratings)

Adobe Audition CC: The Beginner's Guide to Adobe Audition

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

If you’re new to this software and want to start learning it from the beginning then this is your go-to course. With this course, you will learn to make your audio quality much better and this is just the beginning, continuing to this course, you will learn to reduce background noiseimprove vocals and create DJ drops. Not only will you gain skills, but side by side you will be creating an Audition project from beginning to the end. Elevate your design skills with our curated list of the Best + Free UI UX Design Courses & Certification 2024, tailored for aspiring designers.

By the end of this course, you will learn the art of mixing and mastering audios/music, and you will know the proper workflow for podcastingmusic production, and general audio editing. Different new concepts will be taught in this course like how to save and export high quality audio files. What are the main skills you need to know to become a music master, how to adjust volume, fade an audio, and more will be learned. Similarly, you will also learn all about how to split and edit together an audio in detail. Furthermore, you will learn about noise reduction and vocal improvements in detail. How to reduce background noise, what is spectral editing, and more will be learned.

It was an amazing course that had detailed explanations in it. The exercises in this course were also quite helpful but they were challenging. But a big thanks to the instructor for this wonderful course (Dan Gurland, ★★★★★).

saveAdobe Audition CC Tutorial – Audition Made Easy

      • Infinite Skills via Udemy
      • 5,546+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (819 Ratings)

Adobe Audition CC Tutorial - Audition Made Easy

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This course is an easy, quick and fun way of learning this Adobe tool. You’ll learn tons of shortcuts and techniques which will help your audio and music mixing-editing skills to shine through. With this course, quickly grasp the core principles of working with audio, learn how to importrecord, and edit audio clips. Develop the understanding of workflowworkspacesaudio effectsmixing musicchanging pitchstretching time and a lot more. Furthermore, this course comes up with bonus classes allowing you to learn some special features such as: tapping into free music, loops, sound effects, generating noise, generating tones etc.

The course will start with quite an interesting introduction where you will get a complete information about what the whole course has in it for you. Then you will be given an overview of adobe audition CC. After that, the instructor will explain all about audio fundamentals where you will learn about hearing and viewing simple sound waves and then complex sound waves. After that, the instructor will teach you how to use different analytical and diagnostic tools in a step-by-step guide. Thus this and many other topics will help you become an expert in using Adobe.

This was a very detailed course that helped me a lot in understanding the fundamentals of sound itself. The tutor was quite an expert in his field and because of him; I was able to gain a good understanding of audition (Scott Rose, ★★★★★).

savePost-Production of Voice Recordings -Audition Course by Adobe

      • Film Pro via Udemy
      • 360+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (74 Ratings)

Post-Production of Voice Recordings -Audition Course by Adobe

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This course is a proven approach from the film industry to take your sound recording to a whole new level. This course focuses on the Postproduction of voice recording using this tool. You’ll start with learning the fundamentals and basic about the tool, and then you’ll proceed to a more advanced level, which includes detailed classes on simple compressionmultiband compressionlimiter and deEsser. With this course, you’ll learn the magic of the parametric equalizer. By the end of this course, you’ll know, when to normalize or not to normalize the audio and you’ll be proud of seeing your progress. The course is suitable for all those people out there who wish to record tutorials and remove background/fan noise.

With that, those people who want to learn to remove noise from recorded human voice either for a film or TV show or song are also welcome to join the course. The course has complete set of instructions about the spectral frequency display. With that, you will also learn about frequencies, clean inconsistent noise, clean consistent noise, and more. Going further, you will learn about simple compression, then multi band compression, limiter, and much more.

If you’re eager to get started with Adobe XD, our detailed guide provides all the information you need to begin your journey.

Honestly this course is one of my favorite courses that I have taken from Udemy. The details were short and to the point. I can say this course is a must for all those who want to learn to record VO with audition (Patricio Munoz, ★★★★★).

saveAudition CC 2019 Essential Training

      • Paul Murphy via LinkedIn Learning
      • 41,211 + viewers
      • Skill Level: Introductory
      • ★★★★★

Audition CC 2019 Essential TrainingThis is a chance of getting to learn from the best instructor, Paul Murphy, a film editor and motion graphic designer. Paul will help you in understanding the fundamentals of Adobe Auditions CC, continuing to learn with him, you will get familiar with audio terminology, using the essential sound panelimporting audio and video filescleaning and repairing audio, applying effects and much more interesting stuff. Now comes the fun part, along with working with the tool, you’ll be working with Premiere Pro too, another highly valued and useful software. Isn’t it a 2-in-1 offer? Proceeding on with the course, you’ll know how to professionally edit/mix audio and exporting the final mix.

Starting the course, you will get a thorough introduction to Audition courses by Adobe 2020-21. After that, the instructor will explain to you how you can use exercise files. Similarly, you will get a tour to the audition interface. Then you will be taking a closer look at the editor panel. After that, you will learn about customizing your workspace in detail. Lastly, you will gain a complete understanding of how to import audio and video files thoroughly.

saveAudition Course by Adobe CC Audio Production Course Basics to Expert

      • Mike Russll via Udemy
      • 12,213+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (1,224 Ratings)

Audition Course by Adobe CC Audio Production Course Basics to Expert

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Psst…tips, tricks and audio production secrets are available here. In this course, like most of the other courses, you will start with the basics of Adobe Audition CC, later, assisting to the trade of audio production secrets with Mike Russell. Additionally, you will learn audio production tricks that the pros apply to jingles and voices. You might also be interested in Online Storyboarding Classes at takethiscourse.net.

With this course, you will have all of the knowledge about setting up audio input and outputediting in waveform viewfadescrossfadesDJ dropsvocal sound effect presets and tons of more stuff. The course has adobe audition introductory overview that will help you understand the basics of adobe. After that, you will learn about setting your audio input and output. Similarly, how to import audio files and record audio will also be learned. Then the instructor will explain to you what fades and crossfades are in audition courses by adobe. After that, the instructor will help you understand how you can convert and reduce the audio size, and much more. So, Join this audition course by adobe now and learn how to make audios way better using multitrackspecial sound effects etc. Aspiring voice actors should not miss our Enhance Your Voice Acting Career section for advanced training opportunities.

The instructor of this course was amazing and is truly gifted with his talents in sound engineering. I was able to learn a lot about Sound and how to use the adobe audition interface. Although my field is voice over, yet this course has taught me more than that (Abdul Rehman Siddique, ★★★★★).

saveAdobe Audition: Sound post-production for Film, Documentary, Interview and clips

      • Film VFX via SkillShare
      • 1 Project included

Adobe Audition: Sound post-production for Film, Documentary, Interview and clips

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This course is suitable for everyone, even if you are a one-man-band filmmaker. Through this course, you’ll learn professional Sound Post-production. You will master the skills of editing, film production, sound design, mixing, post-production, audio effects, and audio for video. This course will teach you all of the Adobe Audition CC advanced techniques but in a simplified way. Furthermore, this course covers multiple topics such as spectral frequency displaymethods for consistent noisesingle-band compressionmulti-band compression, limiter and a lot more.

Many other topics are also included like how to organize your tracks and then highlight the differences between male and female voice. Then you will learn about frequencies in detail. After that, you will learn about automating noise removal for several files. Similarly, you will also learn what a limiter is, what is the magic of EQ, what is deEsser, normalization and many other topics in detail. The course is suitable for all those who have interest in using Adobe as a professional. So, join this course and make sound one of your strengths. You can also checkout VFX courses at takethiscourse.net.

This is a great course for all those who are looking for different ways to understand the concepts regarding audio post production (Rafael Umana).

saveLearning Adition Course Via Adobe CS6 The Easy Way

      • Infinite Skills via Udemy
      • 2,709+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★☆ (125 Ratings)

Learning Adition Course Via Adobe CS6 The Easy Way

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Learn the art of audio editing and improvement in this course. You will be made to understand how Adobe Audition CS6 works. Master all of the tools and effects such as reverb and echo in the most uncomplicated way. Advancing into the classes, you will learn all of the general settings of Audition Course by Adobe, workflow, import, Audition workspace, analytical and diagnostic tools. Further, you will be taught on the previewing the Audition effects and applying those effects to individual files as well as in a multi-track session. By the end of this training, you will be familiar with all of the tools of this software and you will be able to identify and remove noise from audio clips.

The course has a variety of topics covered in the form of lecture videos. And completing each lecture video will teach you something new about Adobe. The course has been well structured and first you will understand what adobe audition CS6 is. After that, you will learn about setting up general preferences, exercise files, and more. Then, you will be taught to adjust the audio preferences. Similarly, the instructor will also make you understand what audition workflow and workspace is. After that, you will learn to edit different audio clips, and much more. You can also checkout adobe after effect courses at takethiscourse.net.

I am very much impressed by the content of this course and the way all the content has been explained (Benjamin Leffler, ★★★★★).

saveAudition Course via Adobe: Mixing Music and Dialog

      • Paul Murphy via LinkedIn Learning
      • 6,879+ viewers
      • Skill Level: Intermediate
      • 4.7 ★★★★★

Audition Course via Adobe: Mixing Music and DialogPresenting you now is a full guide on this Adobe tool and Video post-production. This course is for video professionals who want to take their audio mixes to the next level. You will be taught how to fix recording issues such as clipped audio and background noise along with the techniques of enhancing dialogue with compression and EQ. Progressing into the classes, you will have all of the skills to automate music and apply every Adobe Audition effects. By the end, you will know how to set the right levels for the venue and export your mix back to your editing project. The skills you will be gaining from this course are relevant to Audition Course by Adobe, video post-production, editing audio and video, and more.

The course starts with a kickoff introduction to audition course by adobe. Then the instructor will help you understand how to use exercise files. After that, you will learn to edit audio in premiere where you will be learning to configure your clip audio channels. Similarly, you will learn to match loudness between clips and understand how to editing with audio time units. Thus these and many other topics are covered thoroughly in the course.

saveAudition Course by Adobe CC Course – Audio Production For Voice-Overs

      • Peter Baker via Udemy
      • 2,754+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (575 Ratings)

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

This course is not like ordinary courses, but in fact, it is designed in a way to help you become a freelance voice artist. Follow our Freelancing Career Guide to learn more about Freelancing. For this course, all you need is a computer, screen and speakers, and then you’ll be on your journey to learn Adobe Audition CC. With this course, you’ll learn to set up your professional home studio, which will assist you in learning the importance of audio levels. As you progress into your classes, you’ll learn how to enhance your voice and solve audio problems. Further, you’ll know what waveform editing is.

By taking this course, you can get more clients and boost your income as a voice artist. The course starts with an overview for absolute beginners. Then you will understand the importance of audio levels. After that, the instructor will teach you how you can test your studio system properly. Furthermore, you will get a complete know how of how to set adobe audition exactly the way you like it to be. Other topics like what are essential keyboard shortcuts, how to set your own shortcuts, where are the edit points, and much more.

This is a great course for those who are new to this craft. The instructor Peter has given succinct hands-on training examples that were very helpful (Jeff Y, ★★★★★).

saveBuilding an Immersive Soundscape with Adobe Audition CC

      • L. Ashwyn Corris via SkillShare
      • 5 Project included

Building an Immersive Soundscape with Adobe Audition CC

Online Course Effectiveness Score 
Content Engagement Practice Career Benefit

Want to build an immersive Soundscape? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. Learn the tricks to create stronger, more impactful audio postproduction works. This course is specially designed for filmmakers and video makers by Ashwyn Corris, who herself is an artist and a filmmaker. She will help you in learning how to build complex and engaging soundscapes that will enhance the visuals of your film and video projects. By joining this course, you’ll be polishing your film making skills, along with that you’ll learn about audio post engineering, video editing, sound, Adobe Premiere and Audition Courses by Adobe. The whole course is divided into 13 lessons and covering these 13 lessons will help you become an expert in making an immersive soundscape with adobe audition CC. First, you will get an introduction to the whole course, then the instructor will teach you the basics of audition course by adobe . After that, you will learn different noise reduction techniques.

Then you will learn to optimize vocals, which include equalizer and compressor. Similarly, other topics like what is multi-track editing, setting a tone with background sounds, what is audio FX will be understood in detail. After that, you will learn to export to or from premier pro in detail. Next, you will learn what soundscape demo is and much more will be learned. So grab your headphones and enroll to start seeing sound differently!

This class has definitely exceeded my expectations. The pace was great and the introduction to soundscaping was very informative (Logan Holmes).

ADAdobe Audition 101 for Podcasters: How to Apply Effects and Make Your Podcast Shine

      • Alejandra Tello via SkillShare
      • 1 Project included
      • 719+ already enrolled!
      • ★★★★★ (30 Ratings)

So, these are the 10 best Adobe Audition courses available online. We hope this helped in answering all of your questions. Keep learning and keep growing.