Home Tests and Certifications Flight Computer CRP-1 and CRP-5 For UK EASA PPL and LAPL

Flight Computer CRP-1 and CRP-5 For UK EASA PPL and LAPL


How to use the CRP1 or CRP5 Flight Computer in the Navigation and Planning Ground Exams in the UK EASA PPL and LAPL.

  • Best Seller by Udemy.com
  • Created by Robert McPhee
  • 305 + students enrolled
  • 52 Review available
  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Access on Mobile and TV
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  • Certificate of Completion
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What You will Learn?

  • By the end of the course you will be able to perform conversions between many different units such as feet to meters, knots to miles per hour or kilometres per hour, gallons (both imperial and US) to litres and kilograms to pounds.
  • By the end of the course you will be able to work out a drift corrected heading from required track, true airspeed and wind velocity and work out wind velocity from a known track, heading, ground speed and true airspeed.
  • By the end of the course you will be able to quickly calculate speed time and distance calculations, more specifically how many minutes it will take to fly a known distance at a given speed.
  • By the end of the course you will be able to calculate the mass of a given quantity of fuel from its volume and specific gravity.
  • By the end of the course you will be able to calculate a fuel burn quantity in a given number of minutes having established a burn rate.

Online Course Description:

Training for the UK EASA Private Pilot Licence exams on how to use the CRP1 or CRP5 flight computer (sometimes described as the Whizzy Wheel).

The course includes use of the Wind side of the computer, and several function on the calculator side. The calculations taught are:

1. Indicated Airspeed to True Airspeed calculations

2. Speed time distance calculations

3. Fuel specific gravity calculations

4. Fuel burn calculations

The course includes a trench of each type of calculation, showing the recommended method, then worked examples and some multiple choice practice questions.

This course is recommended prior to attending a ground school session for either the Navigation exam or the Flight Performance and Planning exam.

Who is the target audience?
  • Trainee pilots studying for the Navigation or Flight Performance and Planning exams for the UK EASA PPL or UK EASA LAPL.

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